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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Quick! You are the president of the United States. Without going on-line could you tell which city is which from North Korean and what is South Korea Pyeongchang vs. Pyongyang?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25066points) August 10th, 2017

You have a few short minutes to decide where a nuclear strike is to hit. Also for bonus do you think that President Trump could accidentally threaten the wrong city in South Korea?

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16 Answers

Sneki2's avatar

Let me look that giant-ass world map we keep in our office….there must be a map in at least one of all of those offices.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Considering that Pyongyang is the capital, gets mentioned in the news all the time, and is frequently used as a metonym, I would hope most people could recognize it as a city in North Korea.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@SavoirFaire Maybe the media could make the same mistake twice? I still don’t know how to spell either names, without going online.

SavoirFaire's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Sure, there will always be spelling errors. But I don’t need to be able to spell Pyongyang from memory in order to recognize it when I see it (and to notice the difference between it and Pyeongchang). I have to hope that the President of the United States has at least that level of competence when it comes to foreign affairs. If not, well… it’s been nice knowing all of you.

Zaku's avatar

I recognize Pyongyang as capital of NK, and don’t remember ever hearing about Pyeongchang. Since the actual name of Pyongyang is 평양시 and Pyongyang is an English transliteration, I could almost have been talked into thinking Pyeongchang was an alternative transliteration, but I would’ve thought probably not due to the “ch”.

rebbel's avatar

I know that the Winter Olympics are held in North Korea, but have no idea if they are held in Pyongyang or Pyeongchang.
I wonder if all athletes know where they’re going.

flutherother's avatar

Well not so quick. You wish to destroy a city but why?

ucme's avatar

Those are noises made when pans are thrown onto a tiled floor surely.

elbanditoroso's avatar

If I am the president, I have experts to tell me that.

ragingloli's avatar

Nuke both! Just to be sure.

rojo's avatar

@elbanditoroso Perhaps so, perhaps so. But are you wise enough to listen to them or arrogant enough to ignore them?

zenvelo's avatar

They’ll both be flambéed by Tuesday.

Trump wants to end global warming with nuclear winter.

ragingloli's avatar

Drumpf does not believe in either.

Jeruba's avatar


I think if we’re going to nuke them, we should do it while he’s there.

Jeruba's avatar

^^ I didn’t say that. That was my evil twin.

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