It might be: being chased around a preschool playground by some boys who thought it was funny (my friend and I did not, and we had made that very clear), while the teachers and parent aides chatted in a circle and ignored our attempts to get their attention… I don’t remember what the boys promised to do when they caught us, but I remember it was something I didn’t want. My friend and I were both quicker than the boys, though, and had better endurance. This happened every day. I was only at that preschool for part of one year.
I didn’t remember how it ended until my mom told me: my friend left for another preschool, and the next morning I lay in bed and told my mom I didn’t want to go to school anymore. She finally pried out of me what was happening, was a bit upset I hadn’t mentioned it earlier, and found a different preschool for me.
Or it might be: riding my bike around and around a block as my dad tried to get me to stop leaning outward on the turns… I kept tipping my head in, but let the rest of my body get pulled with the curve, and if not for the training wheels I would have fallen much more than I did. I remember I was tired, and frustrated, and sick of falling—even with my helmet and the pads on my joints. It felt like we’d gone around dozens of times, and we weren’t going to stop until I stopped leaning out, and I couldn’t figure out how to stop doing that.
Or it might be: in the backyard, blowing bubbles for the family dog (she would chase them and bite at them, and I thought it was a lot of fun). I watched in slow motion as the one she was tracking switched directions in the air, and floated towards my right knee. She bit at it, but it was so close to my knee at that point that her teeth scraped me, and I started to bleed. She jumped back, startled. I ran inside to get my mom to put a bandaid on it. I remember feeling surprised, and upset, a little angry at the dog, but also feeling like I needed to explain that it was an accident, that she didn’t mean it.
I think I was between 3 and 4 years old in all of these memories.
I have a lot of reconstructed memories from my second year, based on my parents stories, but I always see myself in the third person in those.