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LuckyGuy's avatar

How would you retrieve a small drone stuck high up in a tree?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43889points) August 14th, 2017

Notice how this guy does it. Smarter every day (Skip ahead to 1:45 if you can’t wait.)
The creator of this video runs the channel “Smarter Every Day” and is clearly a science guy. His young son lost a drone in the woods and they locate it using directional hearing.
For those of you in more urban settings you might find the culture interesting. Note the age of the kids and how the father tells them to get the particular “tools.” The “device” they use is a very common item for kids in this area as well.
Listen to his instructions and how he makes sure they think clearly and handle it correctly. It took the young girl 2 tries in about 10 seconds to retrieve it. A useful tool.
That is the method I would have used as well. It would not be a problem at all.

How would you do it?

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28 Answers

kritiper's avatar

Wait for the next big wind to knock it down.

kritiper's avatar

Get a bigger drone that can lift it , then play “Sky Hook.”

DominicY's avatar

Across the street from me is a family with two young kids. One of them was flying his drone in the street and it got caught in an oak tree on my property. I got out a ladder and a rake and hooked the drone around the rake’s handle and gently brought it down. I couldn’t hear it but I could see its blinking lights in the tree.

Pachy's avatar

Cut the tree down and then pulverize the drone with a mallet.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Gotta love a dad who packs play dough in his kid’s ear!
That was wonderful, thank you for sharing.

My only thought would be that shooting it would destroy it. But he did say it was a cheap one.

My 10 year old grandson threw a frisbee into a tree at their house. My son was quite like the father in the the video, “Well, how are you going to get it down? Let’s think…Think about it!”
Zoey, who is almost 4 and Jayden stood there for second, deep in thought. Suddenly Zoey turned and scampered into the garage and came back with a plastic ladder meant for a baby pool.
Jayden stood up on that but still couldn’t reach it.
Then he looked around. They have a little sand box shaped like a turtle, and it has a dome lid on it. He took the lid and put it on the top of the slide, then climbed up again and stood on the lid. We just waited for the crash…that never came!
Then Zoey spied a large ball, and tried throwing it. It was too big and too light and she’s only 3,
hmmmm. What to do.
Finally my son said, “You need something long. Like a stick. Or a broom.”
Zoey scampered in the house and fetched the broom.
Jayden got it down with that.. BTW, it was Jayden’s own idea to attach the dust pan on to the broom end of the handle.

CWOTUS's avatar

You can’t get down from a tree. Any English major could tell you that.

LuckyGuy's avatar

He had the daughter shoot the branch, not the drone. She hit it on the second shot. I would have used #6 shot in a 20 ga. at full choke.
The “device” is a Ruger 10/22, one of the most common in the US. Kids get them for their 12th or 13th birthday if they do well in school and can be trusted.
When my kids were young teens I used to take them and their friends shooting on our land in the Southern Tier. We had rules and if anyone violated those rules the kid was not welcome again. Ever. Half of the kids had Ruger 10/22s.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I have that same stainless 10–22, 25 round mag, scope, black stock and all. It’s still one of my favorite range toys.
Last time I got my drone stuck I used a rock tied up in a small leather sack tied to a length of string. I used it like a sling to get a larger rope around the branch and shook it till it came down.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, I see @LuckyGuy.

Yeah, my husband grew up with a 22 also. My Dad was a pacifist. Never had any use for a gun. The few times I shot a gun, though, I found out I am a really good shot! I enjoyed it.

LuckyGuy's avatar

That drone was pretty high up. A ladder won’t do it.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@flameboi Funny! Thanks for sharing!

Dutchess_III's avatar

That was the first thing we told him to do, but he just isn’t very coordinated or strong. He would have a made a terrible ancestor of ours.

ragingloli's avatar

It is what your ancestry demands.

LuckyGuy's avatar

This is a good example of rural folk using a firearm as a tool. When tent caterpillars were taking over the orchard.I didn’t want to spray pesticide everywhere. Instead I loaded a couple of boxes of shotgun shells with a mix of #10 shot and some powdered pesticide. About dozen shots and I got all the nests. Easy.
I also use the .22 to open up compressed hay bales that I leave out for the critters in the winter. I am too lazy to trudge through the snow so I pop them from the house. It is like remote control.

@raginloli I’d better start working on that prehensile tail. Safety first.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I misread “powdered testicles….”

I have no doubt guns can come in really handy.

flutherother's avatar

I wouldn’t fly a drone in the first place and certainly not in woodland. Nor will I ever own a rifle or a gun.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

What have you got against drones? I use mine to inspect my gutters mainly. I have also used it to chase squirrels away from my wifes plants. They’re pretty handy when you want to take a look at something high up safely from the ground.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I wish they made a drone that could clean the gutters.

My son used a drone at his work to look over several acres of wood land surrounding the retirement home he works at, in maintenance. He was plotting the best route to make a walking trail for the residents. (His excuse for getting on a lawn mower and driving around in the woods,probably playing Indians!)

ragingloli's avatar

The term “indians” is offensive.
You should use the term “redskin barbarians”

PullMyFinger's avatar

Of the almost one million people who have viewed this thing, the vast majority are not “rural folk”. Many of them, however, will still be inspired to believe that the answer to a problem is “Go get the rifle”.

Drones are of course becoming more ubiquitous by the day. So are guns, and the statistical public desire to “shoot at stuff”.

You “rural folk” are certainly welcome to visit our neighborhood.

But please leave your goddamn “shootin’-irons” at home…..

Dutchess_III's avatar

If we lived in the country we’d for sure have a gun for dangerous critters.
We have a guard dog for dangerous people.

PullMyFinger's avatar

You should fear the countless number of stupid people all around you every day far more than the rarely (if ever) encountered ‘dangerous person.’

Rootin’-tootin’-shootin’ nitwits are becoming more common every day, just like these hollow-headed, Fast & Furious, texting, “distracted drivers”.

These very common morons are statistically WAY more of a daily threat to you and those you love than the occasional criminal might be….

kritiper's avatar

Erect a matching statue of that Confederate person’s Federal counterpart next to it.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

shoot it with a flare

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