Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What are some positive forms of peer pressure?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25143points) August 14th, 2017

That improves life and success.

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11 Answers

josie's avatar

The opposite of the ones that got you smoking and drinking and hanging around with the wrong girls when you were a kid.

zenvelo's avatar

Encouraging one to go on to college. Encouraging one to join positive social groups. Encouraging one to get fresh air and exercise. Encouraging one to get a satisfying job that builds self esteem.

Jeruba's avatar

Table manners.

flameboi's avatar

Finesse in the way one treats other people.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Eating vegetables and fruit as snacks and drinking water instead of soda.

johnpowell's avatar

When I was in high school I scored a GF that was way above my god given ability.

She did poorly in school and liked to smoke weed.

I was living with my sister at the time and while she couldn’t really enforce it she made me do homework right after school before fun stuff. Which was fine since homework was easy and I liked getting it out of the way so I could drink and eat pills and skateboard without anything hanging over my head.

But the GF was shit at homework. Our friends would head out to get coffee and I would be like “lets go to your place and bang out our history homework”. She wasn’t stupid. She just thought homework was boring.. And it was. It was mostly find a fact in a book and fill in a bubble. No real thought needed.

She was effing so bad at math. The first time I met her parents I was sitting on the couch in their living room with multiplication flashcards. “Hi Mike, trying to teach your daughter 4X4”..

A month later I had a slot on the chalkboard to request food. And they were totally cool with me spending the night in her room. I might be the first dude that got some action from being good at math..

And if you are curious her grades went from a low C to a high B with the occasional A.

So I guess my positive peer pressure was do homework for a hour and then some boob-play… And then smoke weed.

Pachy's avatar

Family and friend interventions.

PullMyFinger's avatar

I hope you are all writing this down…..

“Do homework for an hour…..then some…...”

AshlynM's avatar

Losing weight.

PullMyFinger's avatar

It’s only fair. Even if there are a dozen people at the bar, if it’s your turn to buy a round…....

(what ?)

Oh crap, I’m sorry….....I thought it said “beer pressure”......

josie's avatar

That explains a lot

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