General Question

janbb's avatar

What has gotten harder for you as you've gotten older?

Asked by janbb (63363points) August 15th, 2017

What’s prompted this question is my struggle to understand and remember some French grammar rules now that I’m studying the language again. Things that I think would have been easy for me to learn and remember are just not going in the way they would have.

What about you? What things – either physical or mental – do you struggle with now that you are older?

(Putting this in General because I’d like to keep the discussion somewhat focused but humor is welcome too.)

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65 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Giving a dam about some stuff. Trusting that my farts will be dry. Time traveling. Being prudent. Eating veggies. NSFW pleasure. High school science. Ambition. World domination seams like too much of a hassle.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Age is just a state of mind.

imrainmaker's avatar

Focussing on a particular topic becomes harder. Agility as we grow becomes less.

stanleybmanly's avatar

tolerance and patience

Coloma's avatar

Yep, I’m with @stanleybmanly tolerance and patience and doing a lot of physical outdoor work when it’s over 80 degrees. Stamina decreases.

imrainmaker's avatar

@janbb – On humorous side.. just read the question title without’ll realize what I’m saying…))

flameboi's avatar

I used to be able to:

Work: 08 to 17
Attend college: 18 to 21
Do homework/study: 22 to 03
Get up: 06
Have fun Thursday to Sunday…

And be absolutely functional all the time. I used to live on coffee and the occasional red bull.

Now if I stay up past 21 watching old tv shows and I have to wake up early the next morning I feel like I’m about to have a heart attack.

flameboi's avatar

Also, I used to care about everything. Now I just hope that if the world goes to hell, I won’t be left behind to clean up the mess.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I have been severely damaged in multiple ways.
Every single thing is more difficult now than when I was younger, except one. I can sit in one spot more easily now.

PullMyFinger's avatar

Looking in the mirror.

(That ain’t the ‘me’ that I remember…..)

DominicY's avatar

I can’t believe that when I was 19 I was partying (including getting piss-ass-drunk) at least once a week for a while. I would no longer be capable of that.

I’m still considered a “young adult” at 25, but there are things that have gotten more difficult, if not physically, then mentally I am definitely a bit more impatient. That’s sometimes associated with being younger, but I was more patient in the old days. Now I’m more prone to not give things the time of day. I used to deal with more crap (my own and other people’s); I don’t do it anymore. I’ve become more “hardened”, that’s for sure.

janbb's avatar

@imrainmaker Yes, I thought of that and thought of making it “Potentially NSFW.”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Racing up 14 flights of stairs in a skyscraper. That was 50 years ago, some weeks I’d do it four times in a week.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’m 66. It is had for me to accept that I’m naturally and continually getting weaker and slower. That’s a kick in the but to continue to exercise regularly and vigorously and live a healthy lifestyle.

It’s also harder to look in the mirror. HA!

janbb's avatar

@gondwanalon I’m the same age as you and funnily enough, I’m happier with my looks than ever. I look in the mirror and say, “Not bad for 66.”

Mimishu1995's avatar

Remembering things by heart. I’m more inclined to remember the main ideas than every word as I get older. It’s getting harder to remember poems or things like that. I need to understand the damn thing in order to remember it.

It’s a disadvantage in some way, but it encourages me to actually understand things rather than learning like a parrot learning to speak.

marinelife's avatar

Traveling (physically).

JLeslie's avatar

Seeing tiny tiny print is harder now, and getting worse.

I miss eating anything I want and staying thin and feeling like each bite of fatty food shortens my life.

Working. I don’t want to do it anymore.

I was physically stronger when I was younger. I really probably should try to build my strength. Now, things all around me I feel like I can’t lift.

My memory isn’t as good. I think for three reasons. 1. I don’t give a shit about a lot of things, so I don’t pay attention well. 2. My brain’s memory probably really doesn’t work as well at a neurological level. 3. I understand how fallible memory is, as opposed to when I was young I was sure I remembered things as they actually were.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I have problems with my lower legs and feet, and I cannot exercise like I used to.

Strauss's avatar

Will turn 69 on October 5. Physically, retirement has put me in better shape than I had been in a long time.

prepare for rim-shots!

That being said, what I once did all night long, now takes all night long to do it once…a week, if she’s lucky!

My joints tend to ache more now, but not as much if I smoke one first!

The music that’s constantly playing in my head has a medical name: tinnitus!

My memory is pretty much the same, that hasn’t changed…I’m still absent-minded as I was when I was a younger man…I think!

Pachy's avatar

Oy, don’t get me started. Maybe the hardest thing is realizing I’ll be 74 on Oct. 7.

gondwanalon's avatar

@janbb How are you eyes? HA!

The eye doctor told me that my eyes are functioning well. So I guess that that old blald headed geezer in the mirror is accurate.

PullMyFinger's avatar

Man, @Pachy….you’re really……..... old !!

( I’m not that far behind you, but still… know…..I’m just sayin’....)

flutherother's avatar

Making friends.
Remembering names
Cycling long distances
Having faith in politicians.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I keep forgetting to do things I should. I try to multiplex but invariably I forget one item and have to go back anyway.

Coloma's avatar

Oh…and losing my car in parking lots. Have to remember a landmark or I walk around in a daze searching, searching….LOL

Aster's avatar

I have no pain but my stamina is gone. I can walk on the treadmill but if I pick things up off the floor I get tired fast. It takes me 24 hours to recover from a major grocery trip. I’m fixated on closing my eyes by 9pm which is pathetic. I can’t sleep non-stop without two bathroom trips which can be risky. I finally need glasses or the tv is slightly blurry and it’s a 42”. I gain weight very fast and feel guilty if I eat any pastries. A huge pile of laundry to be folded makes me feel overwhelmed. I look forward to sitting at home in the evenings-something I always dreaded. lol

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I can’t eat whatever I want anymore. The idealized picture of life is completely gone. Work used to be fun but now I’m just happy to get home at night without something blowing up in my face. I don’t have time for my hobbies like I used to. Any motivation to go out and make the world a better place is pretty well gone too.

Pachy's avatar

Thanks, @PullMyFinger, i teslly need the lift.

LeavesNoTrace's avatar

Coming to terms that life isn’t fair. It sounds simple but I think it’s hard for most people, especially at a certain point.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

The body starts to give up and give in.
You come to terms with your mortality and see that the days seem to end faster.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Physically, damn near everything. I hate it.

Mentally I’m fine. I think. Am I fine?

Strauss's avatar

@Dutchess_III You so fine, mama!

Gabby101's avatar

See! I hate that I can no longer see well with my contacts. I now have bi-focal contact lenses and the doctor says I see well in them, but everything seems fuzzy and it takes me a while to focus on things with small print. I now realize that when older people seem “slow” when using the remote or cell phone, it is probably not because they’re confused, but because they can’t read the name of the buttons. I can still see with my glasses, though (for now!!).

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! giggle Strauss!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Gabby101 I tried bifocals. Hated them. I now have my regular glasses that I use for distance. For computer work I take them off. To see super small print I have reading glasses all over the house. All they do it magnify stuff, but it is such a blessing to have them around. They’re cheap and really cute too.

jca's avatar

I was always very nearsighted. Verrrry nearsighted. Now I’m farsighted too.

I used to be a “type A driver.” I still drive fast but I’m less aggressive behind the wheel.

I will sometimes reflect on all the people I’ve known over the years and who’s dead now. It seems like so many people when I think about it. I know this is just the beginning but it’s already a lot, and a lot of people that were my age, my peers, are dead for various reasons.

My knees make clicking noises. Not all the time but now and then.

Once at work I was giving someone a hug because s dad just died, and when I raised my arms to hug him, something went “click click.” He said “was that your neck?” It was embarassing.

I’m more distractable but I blame the cell phone and computer for that. Maybe I’m mistaken.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Where’s that clicking noise coming from???!! Make it stop!!

jca's avatar

@Dutchess_III: Make it stop! Make it stop!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Crouching down to take photos.
Staying in bed late.
Staying awake late.
Drinking to excess.

kritiper's avatar


Kardamom's avatar

I have a difficult time tolerating heat above about 75 degrees. Unfortunately, where I live, it’s pretty much always above that (not that there’s any climate change around here ~). I have to sleep with the ceiling fan turned on. Sometimes I have to add a wet towel around my neck. I am always seeking out ice rinks and the milk cooler at Costco.

Sleeping. I’ve had trouble sleeping since I was in my mid-forties, now I’m 53. I’ve been taking Melatonin for about a year, and that does help a little bit to get to sleep in the first place, but it doesn’t keep me asleep, and it gives me very vivid dreams (not exactly nightmares, which I had for about 20 years, but not exactly pleasant either, and almost always exhausting). Luckily, even though I don’t sleep well, I don’t really have the problem of feeling tired or sleepy during the daytime, so that’s good.

Remembering certain words, or the names of certain very famous people, when I’m trying to relay an anecdote or an article I just read, or a news item I just saw on TV. It’s the syndrome of having the word or name “right on the tip of your tongue” and it’s maddening. Thank dog for Google and the iphone!

Seeing small print. I’d be adrift without my (cute, thankfully) reading glasses.

Sleeping on the ground for camping (even with an air mattress or a pad). It seems like I can feel every organ in my body, and every bone in my body. It sucks, because I love to camp, but the last time we went, I was in a lot of pain every night.

Being able to drink tea and coffee without having to use the restroom within 20 minutes. My friends and I used to drive out to Las Vegas every year, a 4 hour drive, and I would always bring a cold iced tea with me in the car. I can’t do that now, or else we’d be pulling over to the side of the road every 20 minutes. It’s no fun to go on a long car ride without iced tea.

The idea of going out to a concert that starts at 9:00 p.m. I’m usually in my pj’s by that hour.

Pachy's avatar

Yikes—bad typos in my previous message. Meetup

Should have read:

Thanks, @PullMyFinger. I really needed that lift.

jca's avatar

Oh yeah, I forgot that I used to be able to drink coffee, tea or Diet Coke at any hour of day or night and still get to sleep and stay asleep all night, no problem. Now I stop caffeine around mid-day. I can possibly have a little caffeine in the afternoon, like a can of Diet Coke or a cup of tea, but I don’t usually chance it. I found if I have coffee late in the evening, I would fall asleep ok but then sleep very lightly and wake up in the middle of the night for hours.

AshlynM's avatar

Eating a full meal. Can’t eat as much as I used to. Sometimes it only takes five bites to fill me up.

Coloma's avatar

@Kardamom Here here, the camping/sleeping on the ground, even with an air mattress. No way, gotta have my memory foam now. haha
Yeah, and waking up a lot at night to go pee. It’s always exciting if I actually make it like 4–5 hours without having to get up and pee. LOL

@jca Yep, no coffee for me after about 10 a.m. A couple years ago I got a large mocha one cold, stormy night around 5 o’ clock in the winter and couldn’t figure out why I was tossing and turning and not falling asleep until I remembered the damn Mocha. 0–0

PullMyFinger's avatar

@Pachy As I think you already know, I would only say something like that to someone who it seemed to me might enjoy it (in some perverse way…)

Sneki2's avatar

Dealing with noise and overly talkative people.
I used to be very noisy and talkative as a kid. Nowadays I’m the exact opposite. Small talk is almost painful sometimes, any large gathering is a nightmare. I’d rather listen to birds.
I think it’s the result of either not caring or the fact I simply have nothing to say.

johnpowell's avatar

I live on campus. Swimming is a sea of chodes. I was sitting on the porch the other night and witnessed these bags of shit doing this.

This is 20 feet from my front door. Before they got there it was locked dumpster and a upright blue bin for recycling. Nice and tidy.

I snapped and grabbed a hammer and chased them off. I haven’t shaved in a few months and I look kinda like the unibomber.

Twenty years ago I was a idiot and did the same shit as them thinking that me being a lazy bag of shit made jobs for lesser people that would clean up my mess. Then I got poor and was a person that had to clean up the mess by entitled bags of shit.

You aren’t making jobs. You do make the jobs harder. And a cranky 40 year old motherfucker will eventually chase you away while swinging a hammer.

mazingerz88's avatar

Knowing that my time on Earth is good for just one or two more decades if I get lucky.

PullMyFinger's avatar

@johnpowell These young nitwits were lucky that when you ‘snapped’, you didn’t “exercise your Second Amendment rights” and grab a loaded weapon instead of a hammer. Then somebody (or maybe more than one ‘somebody’) ends up paralyzed, or dead forever, just for being stupidly mischievous.

Around here recently, a guy woke up at 2:00 a.m. and noticed a car parked in front of his house with the motor running. He heard a voice say “Did you get anything ?”, so snapped, and ran for his loaded pistol.

He fired several rounds at the car, injuring one of the young guys in it.

They were out there looking for Pokeman…..

anniereborn's avatar

Seeing. I never needed any kind of glasses till I was about 45.
Eating is harder. I have some sensitive teeth which cause me to keep some things out of my diet.
Eating salt: Too much can cause mild edema and raise my heart rate.
Moving: I’m not as fast, limber or strong as I once was.
Family and friends: watching them get terribly ill and die.

tinyfaery's avatar

Life. Period.

David_Achilles's avatar

Making friends….I feel that I’m open to it but, in the end. I can’t tolerate things I would have when I was younger. I need genuine emotion, honesty, and not total loyalty but feeling understood and appreciated for the person I am. It may be that I just don’t have the time to devote to building friendships so I am partly to blame.

johnpowell's avatar

@PullMyFinger :: I do actually have a few guns but they are for hunting. Sad to say this but I am not always the most chipper person and I like beer. So gun parts are scattered around and I don’t keep ammo here since if I had a loaded gun I would think about that time I met Jim J. Bullock and fucked that relationship up and I would blast myself.

PullMyFinger's avatar

@johnpowell It’s a great thing that you are so self-aware, and take proactive steps to prevent (or at least minimize) the possibility of something really unfortunate occurring.

‘Self-actualization’, I think the psychologists call it.

LeavesNoTrace's avatar

@johnpowell That enrages me! I see dirtbags in my city littering and throwing their trash everywhere all the time. They just don’t care.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

He called it, entitled young kids. That’s all that is and they’ll be serving up your big mac or gyro withing about 3 years on average.

LornaLove's avatar

Like @Hawaii_Jake I get pain in my feet and legs when I exercise, it’s really frustrating because I like exercise.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Reading small print and looking at pictures on someone else’s smart phone.
I really should get, and use!, reading glasses.

Kardamom's avatar

@LuckyGuy Reading glasses make fellows look mighty sexy.

janbb's avatar

^^ Especially if they’re naked!

Coloma's avatar

I have reading glasses everywhere the last 15 years or so. In my purses, in the kitchen drawer, 2 good pairs by my computer.
Glasses, glasses everywhere. I was textbook, turned 40 couldn’t read magazines in the bath tub anymore at arms length. Had to buy the cheater glasses. Bah Humbug.

PullMyFinger's avatar

Hang on, hang on…..

1) reading glasses
2) no clothes

OK, sorry…...please proceed…...

LuckyGuy's avatar

It’s “Shrinkage!” I was in the pool!

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