Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Did you see that clip of the white supremacist saying "we killed no people unjustly"?

Asked by JLeslie (65978points) August 16th, 2017 from iPhone

Makes me sick. He was referring to the girl killed in Charlottesville.

Something has got to be done. What should we do to stop this movement? I’ve worried about this since I was in my early 20’s and the Klan marched in Boca Raton, FL! A very Jewish city at the time. Every year the Klan matches in various cities, and my impression is they have been actively recruiting people for years.

People argue that Trump being president has brought these people out of the woodwork. I agree, Trump has added to the visible activity of the Klan. I worry Trump says lots of things that puts us in danger from people outside of our borders and inside. But, the white supremacists were always there. Trump didn’t suddenly create the white supremacists movement.

Do you think the media giving the neoNazis air time helps or hurts trying to shut these people down?

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16 Answers

Sneki2's avatar

It only helps them to get attention. Worse yet, people are getting afraid and enraged, which will not bring any good.

Catch every one of them and lock them in jail. No clickbaity news titles. No sensationalism. No speeches. Just quietly remove them. They don’t deserve attention.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

The media is as at least as much to blame and I would argue more. These people are like trills if you feed them they get stronger and make more trolls. I agree deal with them swiftly and discretely.

JLeslie's avatar

Deal with them how? Just put all of them in jail? For what? I don’t get what either of you are saying. Or, do you mean when they actually do something criminal arrest them and don’t give it much attention?

Mariah's avatar

Yes. It is towards the end of this video. The whole thing is worth watching:

If we lock them all up we validate their point. They are allowed to have these opinions, as ugly as they are. We can’t just jail them for being shitheads or their case gets stronger, people on their side get angrier, and their movement gets bigger.

Good people must resist them at every turn. Every time they show their ugly viewpoint in public we must turn up in larger numbers and say, this belief is not welcome here.

LostInParadise's avatar

There are lessons to learn from the 60’s. I am not suggesting a revival of flower children, but the only way to protest such blind hatred is by speaking of love and acceptance. Reacting with anger and violence only provides them with justification. Whatever you may think of the hippy generation, they ultimately succeeded in passing civil rights laws and forcing an exit from Vietnam.

flutherother's avatar

I don’t think we should blame the media. The media only report what is happening and what people are thinking and these are things I think we should know. Similarly locking up people with extreme views or otherwise “dealing” with them isn’t a good idea. Let’s find a solution that isn’t more neo-Nazi than the problem.

JLeslie's avatar

@Mariah That clip was very interesting. All along I have not liked the term or idea of “resistance” and the clip reinforces my feelings about it.

I lean towards ignoring these racist horrible people, to the extent that I don’t want confrontations that lead to violence. I do think we need to report what is happening in our country, so I don’t mean ignore them like they are not there, but I don’t want to give them a lot of air time either.

I think talking about things like understanding, peace, equality, and fixing the economy for a more just country for everyone is where I want to put the attention.

I saw Tom Costello on MSNBC reporting today, and there were people in the crowd against the neoNazis with bats and swinging. That just gives the white supremacist groups justification to retaliate.

Also, standing and chanting nanni nanni poo poo we are gay and you can’t do anything about it, isn’t necessary. It’s instigating things. The good people in the country work within the law to create progress in the country. That’s the way to do it, and we have. I know sometimes it’s unavoidable that people get hurt, and I value the courage and commitment people show when they protest something that is unjust, but I’m not ok with violence. The “left” should be denouncing the antifa, or whoever it was causing violence, on that “side” just like some Republicans have come forward denouncing the white supremacists.

That’s my opinion anyway.

But, truly, I’m unsure when it comes to these Nazi groups how to stop them and reduce their numbers, I have opinions, but I’m not so sure my opinions are right, or are the most effective. So, I am very interested in everything Jellies have to say about it. I want to look at underlying causes, not for this Q, but in general. Why these people are attracted to hate groups.

I wonder what will happen to the guy who drive the car? Will he be able to argue in court he feared for his life? I hope not, but I’m concerned about it.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Of course you don’t just “lock them up” you just do not give them an audience. You don’t deny their legal protests or marches you beat them by essentially ignoring them, media blackout no counter protests or facebook posts or tweets. You let the authorities handle the violent ones and the ones who are part of the criminal underground. I’m pretty sure some of these groups are tracked just like any other terrorist group. Deny them their podium and you shut off their only real power, which is making you mad enough to react. They’re small fryes they know it and the more the media brings them out and makes them appear large the larger they get.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Also, standing and chanting nanni nanni poo poo we are gay and you can’t do anything about it, isn’t necessary. It’s instigating things. The good people in the country work within the law

They need to stop being gay and chanting and start obeying the law.

Both sides sure are equally bad!

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Suspect in Charlottesville Attack Held Without Bond, Former Teacher Claims He Had Nazi Leanings

So terrible how the leftists pushed this guy to the limit!

Both sides are bad!

JLeslie's avatar

^^Why the fuck do you keep saying that I think both sides are equally bad? I absolutely don’t think that. I think the people who were swinging bats and spraying mace are just as violent as any violent person. If we expect republicans to come out and denounce white supremicists, which I do, why not also expect democrats to denounce these violent groups too who come out swinging unprovoked. I hate these terms alt-right, and now Trump used alt-left, because it sounds too much like lumping them in with the mainstream political left and right. It’s not really two sides anyway. These extremists are not part of the mainstream political sides.

What was the intention of those gay people going to a white supremists rally about a confederate statute coming down and taunting the supremicists. Being there to show support against the supremicists is one thing, I fully support that, but acting like children is another. Remember, the white supremacists basically are children. They are mental midgets.

You want to give permission to anyone who hates the white supremists to commit violent acts, go ahead. I’m not going to.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Why the fuck do you keep saying that I think both sides are equally bad?

Because you do. Duh. You can’t mention Trump or violent Nazis without finding some liberal to balance the scales.

And you just did it again three or four times after claiming you don’t.

These extremists are not part of the mainstream political sides.

Fucking nonsense. The right wingers have the support of the President. He said the problem in Charlottesville was “the alt-left that came charging at us.” He called the Nazi marchers “us”.

His close advisor Steve Bannon called his web site “the platform for the alt-right”.

They are mainstream. Trump would not be president without his appeal to bigots.

Pandora's avatar

Jake Tapper had an excellent point. He asked . The the driver was a Muslim would Trump being saying, plenty of people in the wrong on both sides?
I agree. Even if the American Muslims had a peaceful protest and only one was the Muslim driver, Trump would’ve said they were all responsible for that one person. And said that the other side had the right to protest. He would’ve called all the Muslims terrorist and the anti protester good Americans.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pandora That is a great point.

kritiper's avatar

Murder is in the eyes of the murderer.

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