Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Why do those KKK and American Nazis think Jews would replace them?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) August 16th, 2017 from iPhone

Saw a video of these white males yelling Jews will not replace them. What does that mean exactly and why do they think they will be replaced?

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8 Answers

Sneki2's avatar

Because they’re morons.

Mariah's avatar

These people are terrified of living in a world where white men aren’t the “default.” They know they are in power and they don’t want to give up their power.

It’s not about white men’s rights to be equal to everyone else, it’s about their “right” to maintain their superiority.

I can’t say it better than this guy did:

janbb's avatar

It’s the old, old lie that there is a cabal of Jewish bankers who are taking over the world. Fueling hatred of the other – anti-semitism and racism go hand in hand.

JLeslie's avatar

It’s been going on forever. Stereotypes of Jews owning and controlling everything. They blame Jews for any difficulties they have in life whether it be economic or whatever else they are frustrated with.

Pachy's avatar

You’ll find your answer here.

Smashley's avatar

I’m sure Jews aren’t the only others these khaki bros had issue with, but Jews are a perennial boogeyman of hater whites because they blend in so well and there’s a long history of storytelling about the insidious, scheming Hebrew that worms and conspires their way into power and wealth,

With writers like Hitler and Henry Ford already contributing tons of material to the cause, little extra thinking is now required, which suits the screws just fine.

marinelife's avatar

They are nuts.

NomoreY_A's avatar

It goes back to a BS document that came to light in Czarist Russia prior to WW I, “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”, which has long since been debunked, it was in fact invented by the Czarist Secret Police. Not that these psychotic bastards are capable of reading, they just parrot what their leaders tell them. They’ll end up being tossed in to the dust bin of history, just like the Nazi American Bund of pre WW II years.

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