Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Have you ever disliked something that the general public just went crazy over?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23599points) August 16th, 2017

I have, I dislike smart phones, texting, and Facebook and it seems most of the population can’t get enough of those.

Let’s turn it around, have you ever liked something that the general public disliked?

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44 Answers

Sneki2's avatar

I dislike pizza and find mice very cute.

zenvelo's avatar

I dislike:

The Kardashians
Beyonce and her ilk
The Macarena and Y.M.C.A.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Good to know, I liked the movie Hudson hawk, and it got horrible reviews.
And @zenvelo I agree with all yours but the Macarena I all ways liked that one.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I dislike violent movies.
I hate football.
I love the Macerena and YMCA! Such fun times.

flameboi's avatar

Titanic (and the soundtrack).
@Sneki2 here you go

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ohhh! I love Titanic! I just love Rose’s wardrobe.

Manicures and pedicures. Such an utter waste of money.

Pachy's avatar

I’m with @SQUEEKY2. I liked Hudson Hawk, too. The last people I trust anymore are movie critics. I love lots of movies others pan including My Dinner with Andre and Clouds of Sils Maria.

Another popular thing I dislike is Twitter. I say, if more people kept their rants to themselves we’d all be happier.

Sneki2's avatar

@flameboi [cuteness overload]

rebbel's avatar

Game of Thrones.

Coloma's avatar

I dislike the walking dead, the oblivious types that don’t look before they cross the parking lot, street, stand like water buffalos, oblivious to blocking the isles in grocery stores. Just want to yell ” wake the F up!” haha
I also dislike the rude ones that don’t follow the basic rules of right away at stop signs. They know it’s your turn but they go anyway Jerks! LOL

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t get The Walking Dead, either. Never got into Breaking Bad or Seinfield either.

Kardamom's avatar

Most sports (except figure skating and gymnastics)


Baseball caps, especially when worn backwards.

Those Instagram pictures with animal noses and ears and weird giant big eyes superimposed on people’s faces. They’re creepy.

Those memes that ask you to type “amen”

People making their Facebook posts of people’s family gatherings, children, and deathbed photos “Public”

Most reality TV shows (except for the kinds of things on HGTV and the Food Network)

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I did get into breaking bad but it took a while to warm up to it.

imrainmaker's avatar

I don’t like texting too..) That’s too much of work to do!!

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I write every respose here on my phone. Texting rocks

Soubresaut's avatar

I’ve never been much for baseball or (American) football. There’s too much stopping and starting and stopping again for my taste.

I dislike most adapted-from-book movies. I suppose I grew up in a heyday of sorts for that kind of movie (I’m an HP child), but I know they’ve been around for a long time. It’s never so much that they change things, as what they decide to change, or what they decide to cut, etc., and how (I feel) those choices undermines character or plot or theme. I realize it’s a very self-absorbed way to dislike things, but it works for me, haha.

That reminds me of something I know I liked that others disliked: the original book ending of the seventh Harry Potter. (Not the epilogue, but the ending of the actual story, the final battle and whatnot). I thought it was a brilliant way to end it, tense and dramatic and satisfying. Then I found myself surrounded by complaints that there weren’t enough things exploding, or whatever. Bah!

Coloma's avatar

I too am quite un-American in the sense that I hate baseball and apple pie. Gah..can’t think of anything worse than being forced to sit through a baseball game and have to eat apple pie. LOL
Yep, not a sports fan at all, of any kind.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I hate watching sports too

Dutchess_III's avatar

I like volley ball.

But baseball..ugh. It’s the only sport where you can pack 30 seconds of action into 15 minutes.

Aster's avatar

I hate watching golf. I just leave the room. So boring!
I don’t like pedicures. I think they’re painful. But I love the results.
Hate sweet potatoes and asparagus.
I don’t like Messenger.

flameboi's avatar

@Dutchess_III Cinematographically speaking, I think is a well conceived movie (James Cameron is a great director), however, the plot, the plot is a miss.

Why do they kill Jack, the stupid door was big enough for both of them. I would have loved if both passed out, then get rescued by different crews so they think that the other is dead. Jack has some sort of shock related memory loss, wakes up, moves to NYC, and then Rose bumps into him and then I have the whole story, but now, they screw up the movie instead :|

And the song is so sweet it is a miracle I did not get diabetes, it’s as bad as that Frozen song…

Oh God, please, take me…

Dutchess_III's avatar

What do you mean the plot was a miss? It was about the Titanic sinking. The producer (or whomever) went above and beyond for authenticity. All of the events that we see through Jack and Rose’s eyes really happen, like the kid crying in the flooding hall way, the people trapped in steerage…remember the baker who was on the stern beside them when it went down? That was real.

PullMyFinger's avatar

I detest the use of ‘smartphones’ in general.

Driving down the highway, cars in front of me slowly weaving left-and-right, then suddenly snapping to the center.

At the gym parking lot, some dim-bulb woman who is talking on her phone blows through a stop sign. I lean on my horn. She makes an “oops, I’m so sorry” face.

Entering the gym, text-reading zombies stupidly walk into me.

“Oh, excuse me” they say…..

“F*ck you, I think….”

Inside, nitwits sit on the most popular machines, reading and swiping, tying-up the damn thing (on which three sets should take no longer than four minutes) for 15 minutes, sometimes longer.

All validation-seeking morons, some of whom occasionally kill someone…. just to break-up the monotony.

(Then, of course, they are always SOOOOO SOOOOORRY….)

Then everybody goes home….and the next day it starts all over again…..

Dutchess_III's avatar

I saw a kid riding a bike, no hands, looking at his phone. I watched him for at least 30 seconds and he didn’t look up once.
I hope he ran into a parked car and not a moving car.

Coloma's avatar

My old neighbors would be out riding their horses in their arena and texting on horseback. haha

rockfan's avatar

Mad Max: Fury Road

Hated that film so much. I thought the action was poorly shot, and the acting was subpar. And the characters were unlikable and thinly drawn, so I didn’t care what was happening on screen.

Brian1946's avatar

Ronny Raygun, the royal family, & the US military.

jca's avatar

My daughter’s public school is in a very exclusive area, bedroom community for New York city, “horse country.” In this area are farms and stables where the elite come to ride (there was an article in Town and Country once about daughters of famous people like Springsteen and Bloomberg learning to ride and they talked about how they come here). After I drop my daughter off at school and I’m coming back to the road, one of the fancy farms with English riding is across the street. I will see ladies on horseback looking at their phones. It’s funny. One day I’ll take a photo.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Story of my life. The list would be too long to list. I’m going to name just a few.

Things I hate
– Selfies, especially when travelling. I just don’t get it. Why it’s so crucial that you have to get selfies everywhere you go?
– Fandom culture. If you like your idols and have proof that your idols are the best, why feel the need to defend anything when some hooligans you know very well don’t like them spill their bullshit? Art is for appreciation, not creating drama. Some fandoms are just like an excuse to gather up and do stupid things.
– The need to get married at a certain age. Is it the end of the world if you don’t marry? Are you really that dependent?

Things I love
– Serious talk. When I’m friends with someone I would like to hear their view about everything, their deepest feeling, how they give me comfort when I’m in distress. It’s how I connect. Sadly few people in real life could understand this need, and those who do laugh and think I’m being dramatic.
– Film noir. Ok not many people know about this one, but I don’t think people like to watch a movie that force them to think or doesn’t have a happy ending.
– Solitude. I like socializing, but there should be some time alone so that I can recharge myself, do my things more effectively. People think of solitude as a sign of poor social life. Come on! You need time for yourself too.

jca's avatar

I looked at everything listed here and I agree that I dislike a lot of it:

Kardashians and most celebrity gossip (many celebrities, I don’t even know who they are)

Football (maybe I’d like it if I understood it, but I don’t. I just see people crashing into each other).

Selfies: Why the need to take photos of yourself daily? Why the need to put your photo in every view shot (“here I am in front of this house, here I am in front of this river, here I am in front of this restaurant”).

Food and drink photos on Facebook: Why? Have we not all eaten great meals in our lifetime? I can see once in a while, if something is exceptional, yes, but not every meal, boring and mundane. “Look, I have a drink at the bar.” “Look, I’m eating a big steak.” Wow! So excited for you!

Reality shows like The Batchelor, America’s Got Talent, etc. So many shows that I never watch and don’t even know exist. People don’t know who their local representatives (politicians) are but they know who is probaby going to win some dopey contest like AGT.

flameboi's avatar

@Dutchess_III I’m sorry but you are confusing plot and setting. The film was about Rose and Jack, a love story. The setting and how it was conceived was nothing short of superb. The recreation of the ship, the agony of the sinking, attention to detail, research on how the events developed.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@jca football. I understand it. I appreciate the athletics involved. I have fond memories of watching Monday Night Football with my Dad in the late 60s and early 70s. The Cowboys, the Steelers….George Blanda, Joe Nameth, Mean Joe Green…
What I don’t get is my husband’s absolute obsession with it. It takes over our lives for 4 months out of the year. I hate it.
And he loves America’s Got Talent. I think he likes all the cheering and clapping and ruckus. Bleh.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I do stand corrected @flameboi.

flutherother's avatar

I don’t like diets or dieting and sports.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I think most people can’t stand watching sports of any kind that they are not enthused about themselves.

I also love manual transmissions for vehicles, the general public seems to have become either to lazy or stupid to use them any more.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

The list is long.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We had to go out of our way to find one when we bought our Aerostar van in 1986, @SQUEEKY2. They had one. Otherwise we probably would have had to special order them. I prefer them as well.

jca's avatar

For the first 20 years of my driving, I had standard shifts. In my family, my parents both have standard shift.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Same here. I didn’t get my first automatic until 1998.

LOL! We bought a 1962 Volkswagen a few years ago. It was standard shift, of course. When I went to drive it the first time Rick, of course, started mansplaining to me how to drive a shift. I just glanced and him and took off, shifting expertly. He finally said, “Wow. You’re good.” He himself had killed it a few times on his maiden voyage! I didn’t kill it once. Once it started to die but I knew what to do and did it without even thinking.

Berserker's avatar

It is not so much “dislike” with me, rather it’s apathy. I’m not arrogant enough to state that something is useless or that it should not be merely because I “disapprove” of it. These are all harmless things, instead the power of discontentment that is to hate and criticize should go towards vile and truly harmful things. Fads will come and go and technology will evolve, it will never stop, at least not until it does.

I do not have a smartphone but not because I dislike them. It seems a very convenient tool, as is Facebook. But I have a tablet and that does all I need, for now. I don’t watch any of the popular shows like Dr. Who or Game of Thrones, most of my free time is spent towards video games instead. I cannot criticize popular television because I play popular video games. :/
Maybe they are good shows, but I can’t seem to muster any interest at all.

I did watch Walking Dead, but strangely enough I couldn’t get into it much. It really doesn’t have much to do with zombies or survival, not on a big scale, from what I have seen. I quickly lost interest. But I did like Vikings, Black Sails and to this day I still watch Xena.

I don’t quite get those filters for pictures as was mentioned, like adding animal ears on people…however, I love the aps that let you put in ghosts and other apparitions…so…boo! What’s the difference really.

Sports, I could not care less. I believe that so much money should be used elsewhere, for something more productive that would help people. Why is some guy paid so much money for playing while some others are hungry. I was once explained that sports bring a lot to the economy and that, like it as not are a significant pillar in our cultures. They create heroes and keep patriotism alive, baaahahaha.
Bums and single mothers waiting in line at the welfare office do not bring any of this. This thread though, makes me realize how much our Western World values entertainment. This is almost all that we have spoke of.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have to add flip flop sandals ,I can’t stand them but the public loves them.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

That’s all people here wear….everywhere. It’s summer 12 months a year and capris, tshirts, and flipflops are all one needs in the closet. I love it. I do miss the seasons though. I go back to Washington to enjoy autumn. In a few years I’ll be able to spend all of August, September and October up there (the worst part of hurricane season). I was going to Pennsylvania this year but have had to cancel already. Oh well.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I don’t have a problem with people liking flip-flops I just don’t like them,I tried them one time and very much disliked them.
I dis like smart phones because they turn normal people into zombies,and really dislike texting because I would much rather simply talk to the person than tap away on a micro key board,BUT I do see and admit texting has a place,but for most zombies it’s the only way they want to communicate with each other.
As for FB I just stay off it,and let the zombies post what they had for dinner, and what a great crap they took after ward.

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