Seidhe Llygad shone in its azure glow, sand marking time’s lackadaisical flow.
They ventured beyond walls by vines entwined, into the unknown, the poor barber to find.
Bidding them farewell, the gravestones moss-covered, they strode briskly on, by doubts unencumbered.
The witcher’s blade flashed, juices spouted and poured, covering all about in an archespore’s gore.
No piece of the stylist fell from its bowels, the friseur had been nabbed by ought else most foul.
Oh no! Foul bandits have bound our stylist in chains! Little do they know they’ll be punished, in pain.
They froze in their fear, the knight’s henchmen and squires, while his bowels set loose, heavenward spiraled.
The witcher cleft him, in two lacerated, his next swing the swine adroitly castrated.
With one more caress from the witcher’s blade, the knight’s gut plopped out, his breakfast betrayed.
Then he hobbled apace, on his stump arms like crutches, all for the glory of Her Grace, the Duchess!