The association of the nude body primarily with sexuality or lewdness couldn’t be more wrong, in my experience. Sure, if you look at porn of any kind, that’s what you get. However, the naked body can be so much more. Sexuality is only a tiny part of it.
Human bodies, in my opinion, are beautiful, no matter what shape or size. Yet, in our culture, we are ashamed of anything less than perfection, and we cover it up. In the disturbingly vast majority of cases, only perfect bodies are allowed to be seen, and then only in highly sexualized situations such as strip clubs, and porn of all types.
The other thing that few people know, because few people have any experience with it, is that when you interact with someone nude, it can lead to a much greater ease and relaxation with that person, particularly if that person is a stranger. If you’re nude, you have nothing to hide. To experience the beauty of many kinds of bodies, and to experience that kind of openness, you have to try it; and due to social taboos, that is extremely difficult for most people.
One very special place to experience these kinds of things is at Esalen Institute in Big Sur. Esalen is in a bit of trouble now, not because it has “clothing optional” hot tubs, swimming pools, and rock beaches, but because of the recent fires. I had all kinds of prejudices about bodies before I went there, and they were all wrong. I had no idea that without clothes, people don’t hide nearly as much, and you get much more of the real person. However, I don’t think anyone can believe me, unless they try it, and I doubt many will.
Funny thing about bodies. The idea of nudity makes people so uncomfortable, and many respond by joking about it. Such people will no doubt find me unbearably earnest and humorless. To them, I say this: take off your clothes in mixed company, and then try making the same humorous comments. Yeah. I thought so. ;-)