General Question

occ's avatar

Is there a way to watch the full NBC primetime olympic broadcast online?

Asked by occ (4182points) August 11th, 2008

Our cable got turned off right before the olympics (arrgh!). They can’t come fix it for a few more days. So I’ve been trying to watch the coverage on the NBC website. But all I can find are either really short “highlight” clips for each sport, or the unedited live coverage. I want to watch the same edited broadcast that NBC shows in primetime, but I can’t find any way to do this on the website – or am I missing something?

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3 Answers

trumi's avatar

Hulu has some videos. Good luck.

sndfreQ's avatar

Note: if you’re on a Mac, you’ll be prompted to install Microsoft’s Silverlight plug-in to view the video.

As for live full coverage, not sure about that online though…you’ll be able to see highlights and recent video from events, that’s all I’m aware of in the U.S.

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