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elbanditoroso's avatar

What has been happening with the Trump-Russia-Mueller investigation?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33709points) August 18th, 2017

It seems to have fallen off the radar with all the Charlottesville events of the last week.

Is there anything new on the investigation?

Have you noticed how quiet Kellyanne Conway has been? It’s like she disappeared.

And Jared Kushner hasn’t been in any new scandals recently.

Is this midsummer doldrums? Anything happening in the Russian investigation?

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11 Answers

filmfann's avatar

There haven’t been any leaks from the investigation, but we know there is currently a grand jury.

rojo's avatar

The investigation continues.
Kellyanne has probably been sidelined by Kelly.
Kushner left for a trip to Israel. Oddly enough right after Beny Steinmetz, one of his major bankroll financiers, was detained in that country. It was a visit that appears to have been “planned and executed” on short notice.
Bannon has been vocal in the last week. In spite of his white supremacist background he feels safe in his position. He knows too much to be fired regardless of who finds him distasteful; any attempt to get rid of him or set him up will result in a media storm that will bring Trump and family crashing to their knees. With the amount of knowledge he has blackmail will keep him safe. Kushner himself could not get him shitcanned so I don’t expect Gen. Kelly will have any success in that endeavor.

rojo's avatar

There is also rumor that Pence will be dragged into it for his involvement in the hiring of Flynn and lying about his knowledge of Flynns activities..

janbb's avatar

Apparently , Steve Bannon is on his way out if Trump doesn’t change his mind tomorrow.

As far as the investigation, I’m sure Mueller is still digging away and they are preparing for the Grand Jury subpoenas.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Update: I see @janbb scooped me. Well anyway, for anyone not clicking the link.

@rojo Your Bannon theory sounded plausible to me, however…

NY Times – Aug 18, 2017 – President Trump has told senior aides that he has decided to remove Stephen K. Bannon, the embattled White House chief strategist who helped Mr. Trump win the 2016 election, according to two administration officials briefed on the discussion.

Too bad. Bannon reportedly is the one persuading Trump to double down in his support of the Nazis and Klan.

I don’t want Trump hiding his true self. We finally have Republicans and business leaders disavowing him. There is no excuse anymore for siding with him. Not that there was a good excuse before, but I’ll take what I can get.

rojo's avatar

I guess if it is Bannon himself that wants out then he may leave without bringing down the House of Clowns. And, he still has his get out of jail free card to play in the future should the need arise.
I am wondering why this is happening though. I don’t feel like it has anything to do with the events of the last weekend.
Maybe rats deserting a sinking ship? Dunno.

funkdaddy's avatar

The Manafort raid is going to have a lot of challenges. So I’m sure they’re untangling that as much as possible, so as to not poison everything while still moving forward.

Executing a search warrant is a big escalation. Basically you’re declaring to the world, in a public way, that there is more likely than not evidence of a crime being committed.

After that you need to sort everything you find, which you had to expect to find in advance, because you have to be specific on a search warrant, and get ready for court. It’s not as exciting or “newsworthy” as the slow drip of information that’s been coming out up until then.

And there’s been some other stuff going on.

Yellowdog's avatar

Julian Assange has proof that the “hack” of John Podesta’s computer was a leak, not a hack, and that it all happened in the Eastern (U.S.) timezone. Not Russia.

funkdaddy's avatar

@Yellowdog – proof that he’s withholding despite a long history of releasing unedited documents.

Why? Is he lacking a forum to release them on? No, he has WikiLeaks. Does he think they wouldn’t get proper coverage? That doesn’t seem it would be the case.

Oh, here you go.

“Julian passionately argued the case that WikiLeaks was vital to informing the public about controversial though necessary issues. He hoped that WikiLeaks — an award-winning journalistic operation — might be granted a seat in the White House press corps. As a former newsman myself I can’t see a reason why they shouldn’t be granted news status for official press conferences,” he said.

As for other information to be given to the president, Rohrabacher said: “We left with the understanding that we would be going into further details in the near future. The rest of the message is for the president directly, and I hope to convey it to him as more details come in.”

Right. Negotiating.

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Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Julian Assange has proof that the “hack” of John Podesta’s computer was a leak, not a hack, and that it all happened in the Eastern (U.S.) timezone.

No, he doesn’t. That’s based on a ridiculous article that claims the creation time on files “proves” they were copied onto a USB stick instead of over the Internet.

The creation time on files might refelect the 1st or 10th or 100th time the files were copied, depending on what kind of computer you use and what the system settings are. The creation time can be changed deliberately.

You could show that article to a roomful of ten year olds and more than one would point out the glaring flaw.

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