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JLeslie's avatar

What do you think about this video of Trump?

Asked by JLeslie (65902points) August 19th, 2017 from iPhone

Here is the link.

Try to ignore what they try to do to Bernie Sanders, because I think it’s ridiculous. Just look at Trump, and I’m curious to know if it changes your opinion at all.

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29 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Yes, Trump says he disavows the KKK, hate groups, etc., but then he puts their members in his cabinet.
And don’t forget he was sued for not renting his properties to minorities, and his father was a clan supporter.

chyna's avatar

What do you think @JLeslie ?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

David Duke (former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan) loves Trump’s butt.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The film makes a good case. But then you have to ask why the need to ask him over and over ad nauseum.? Is that no one believes him?

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’ve had two convicted murderers love my butt, but that doesn’t mean I wanted them to, or that I advocate murder.

I am tired of people thinking they know what is in a man’s heart, no matter what he says.

Sneki2's avatar

It’s not about what he says, it’s about what he does. He can say whatever he wants.

In his public speeches about Charlottesville, all he did was saying how Americans should be united and how the KKK was bad. However, he never offered, nor even implied, he intends to do anything about them and their actions.

Him condemning Nazis and being open about not being on their side is great, but he needs to do as well, not just talk.

Otherwise, he just sounds like a hypocrite farting clichés outta his mouth.

canidmajor's avatar

What opinion, exactly, do you feel is open for change by the posting of this compilation of clips that are…what?...over a year old?
Does it change your opinion at all, @JLeslie?
If it does, to what? And why?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Do? He is POTUS, not police.

Jaxk's avatar

I’ve seen this before but it doesn’t matter. The issue is purely emotional at this point and facts and reason don’t carry much weight in an emotional argument. The left is way too invested in this narrative to back off or even acknowledge any discrepancies. The truth is that this whole issue is designed to stop the Trump agenda and give cover to Democrats that don’t want to participate in governing. Democrats are calling for Trump’s assassination. Think about the uproar if anyone had done that to Obama. Hell, Democrats are calling for tearing down the Washington monument. The Russia story didn’t work. this is merely the next iteration.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Jaxk Bad assumptions on your part:
The other shoe has not dropped on Russia, so minus one point for your argument,
Minus another point blaming Obama.
Minus another point the Democrats DON“T control the House and Senate (Democrats that don’t want to participate in governing).
The “left” didn’t drive the Dodge Challenger into the crowd with the intent to kill and maim another minus.

Source please on “Democrats are calling for tearing down the Washington monument” minus ten for no source.

Minus fourteen on your debating score.

Which group of the Alt-right do you belong to?

canidmajor's avatar

Oh, @Jaxk, do tell, which dems are calling for assassination? Which are calling for the tearing down of the Washington Monument? I’m pretty deeply embedded in the blue world and I haven’t heard (reliably) of a single one of those instances. I have, however, heard some very far right media making those claims. I gave you a little more credit than being someone who subscribed to those ideas.
Talk about media slant! This is just about the silliest you’ve been.

Aster's avatar

I think the video showed that DT doesn’t support hate groups , David Duke or the KKK. Anyone who watches it and decides, “there; you see? DT is a racist and approves of hate groups” is in strong denial and nothing whatsoever that person reads or hears will change his or her mind . They have a strong need to hate Trump and don’t wish to be confused by the facts.

JLeslie's avatar

To those who asked my opinion. My opinion didn’t change much with the video.

The thing that I didn’t know before the video was Trump actually denounced David Duke 17 years ago. Then, fast forward to when he was running for president, and he said he didn’t know David Duke. At the time he said that I thought he might not know the name David Duke, he’s in NYC, and Duke hadn’t had much press in recent years that I have seen. But, no, Trump was very aware if him years ago. So, either Trump has a bad memory (possible) or he was playing politician and didn’t want to alienate any votes coming his way. I always was under the impression he was doing the latter, even before the video.

I’ve said all along I don’t believe Trump is antisemitic. I still feel the same. He has never shown one inkling of being bothered by his daughter marrying a Jew or converting. He has Jewish people working for him, he makes “inside jokes” about Jews, which some find offensive, but it just shows me he’s around Jewish people a lot.

I also don’t think he’s racist, but I do think a lot of the policies he wants to put through will hurt minorities.

On Meet The Press today they interviewed someone representing Antifa, and he talked about what happened in Nazi Germany and argued resisting, and even using violence, and even shutting down free speech, is the way to go. On the other side was someone (last name Cohen) saying the way to go is peaceful demonstration, conversation, and not to take away the right to free speech or the right to assemble. I agree with the latter. I’ll add in I think semi-ignoring these supremacists while keeping a watchful eye isn’t a bad plan either. That’s how it’s been the last 40+ years that I can remember. I’m 49.

I don’t compare us to Germany yet, because in Germany it was the government that was racist and murders, led by Hitler. The military and police were Nazis, rounding up and killing people systemically. That is not the case in America. Not now. In America the Supremicists are led by various home grown leaders, and our government still arrests them and prosecutes them when they do something illegal.

Back to this video, it’s obviously biased, because as I said at the top, what they say about Bernie Sanders is ridiculous. Of all politicians I find him to be one of the most honest, caring, high integrity politicians out there. I didn’t vote for him, but I respect him.

The left wing media wants Trump out so bad, they don’t seize the opportunity to show Trump over and over again denouncing David Duke and White Supremists. If they really cared about quieting those horrible horrible groups, then they could aid the cause by promoting our president is against them. Even if you think the president does support them secretly, there is plenty of opportunity just in these clips to flood the air waves with Trump saying he doesn’t. Wouldn’t that be better? Don’t we want the president to denounce those groups? If we do…well he did…I think show it again and again.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Trump denounced David Duke back in the days when Trump was a Democrat and very fond of the Clintons. I suspect that the truth is that Trump doesn’t give a hoot about racism one way or another. And @Jaxk just because the Russia story has been “trumped” by the latest daily Don fkup, you shouldn’t deceive yourself with the hope that it’s over.

Jaxk's avatar

@Tropical_WillieHere is the Facebook post by Democratic state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal. “I hope Trump is assassinated”. Sounds pretty straight forward to me. Of course we have Al Sharpton wanting to at least defund the Washington Monument which realistically means tear it down.

Plenty of crazies out there and unfortunately some of them are in Congress.

P.S. I like the way you keep score based on your uninformed opinion.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It’s the Jefferson but oy all the same to you !
So Senator Maria Chappele-Nadal is single not DEMOCRATS!

Missed whether you’re member of the Sons of the Confederacy or . . . ?

“The “left” didn’t drive the Dodge Challenger into the crowd with the intent to kill and maim.” No comment @Jakx.

” . . . the Democrats DON“T control the House and Senate (Democrats that don’t want to participate in governing).”
No Comment@Jakx.

Jaxk's avatar

@Tropical_Willie – I didn’t comment because those are stupid points. The left did try to assassinate Republicans at the ball field. We know the left massacred 5 cops in Dallas. The left is hardly non-violent.

If the Democrats don’t want to participate in governing why are they in Congress. It’s called Government whether minority or majority.

JLeslie's avatar

This is so interesting to me. I wonder if Democrats see the ball field incident as the left being violent. I’m a Democrat, and I just think if that shooter as looney tunes and criminal. But, I do understand why republicans see him as part of the left, and take it one step further that the left is violent.

I think we (as a country) need to stop lumping in the fringes of each party with the mainstream.

Jaxk's avatar

@JLeslie – That would be nice but I don’t see the left letting go of their irrational hatred of Trump. With all the screaming about the KKK everyone seems to forget that the KKK was founded by and populated with Democrats. Remember George Wallace? A democrat. Where exactly do they get their moral superiority.

JLeslie's avatar

@Jaxk See, I was with you until you bring up the history that the KKK was originally founded by Democrats. That doesn’t mean anything. The people who were Democrats then, would be, or are, Republicans today. That argument/point is total bullshit. I’m surprised you try to use it.

Jaxk's avatar

It’s historical fact however uncomfortable it may be. Little wonder Democrats want to erase history. Stop the name calling and we won’t throw facts in your face.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Jaxk Sure it’s historical fact. But we all know where all of the traditional racists have migrated. Wallace-a true yellow dog democrat couldn’t bear the thought of throwing in with a Republican party then containing both liberals and moderates. So he ditched his democratic affiliation and declared himself an independent. But the historical fact is that the entire contingent of die hard racist Dixiecrats moved en masse to the party more prepared to CONSERVE traditions, and there they remain entrenched and pleasingly accommodated to the present day.

You can point fingers at Democratic intransigence for governmental failure, but nobody’s buying it. The loud and preposterous clown show defining the executive branch overpowers any chance for a cohesive agenda. The loudmouthed and inept dummies who had just enough substance to block and obstruct anything productive under Obama, can’t even manage the repeal of his signature “crime”. The difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that the Republicans had to work like slaves obstructing and hamstringing a dynamic and capable President. The Democrats, on the other hand, need not bother exerting themselves as the current President renders governing a sideshow to his own unprecedented round the clock carnival of embarrassment.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The truth is that conservatives would be better off had Clinton won the election. They were prepared with a well thought out strategy to cope with what was regarded as a certainty. Now they are confronted with a situation where planning and preparation are pointless. They are now reduced to joining their Democratic colleagues in glaring gape mouthed at the antics of an ignorant fool over whom they have no influence. The Congress, like the country itself, stands transfixed to watch the runaway locomotive hurtle down the tracks. The sheer spectacle of the drama is almost overpowering as all appeals for reason and probity succumb to vanity and ignorance. Eventually the Congress will snap out of the trance to face the fact that derailment is the only option.

JLeslie's avatar

@Jaxk I’m not arguing whether it’s a fact or not. Sure, it’s a fact the Democrats were the racist party back in the days before the civil rights movement. I have no problem saying it, but that’s half the story, and gives a false message. I lived in the South, the majority of my Republican friends in the South, their parents and grandparents, and great grandparents were Democrats. Martin Luther King was a republican, and so were most blacks back in the day before the Republicans went after the White Christian vote, and there was a big move to the other parties.

Jaxk's avatar

@JLeslie – I don’t want a fight with you, you are one of the more rational people on this site. I do however take umbrage with some of your points. The Democrats actually had segregation as part of the platform. Read the some of the comments from Wallace and Patterson during their gubernatorial race. You will see what the face of racism looks like as well as support for the KKK. Republicans have never done that. This whole issue is about Trump and the left trying to portray him as racist. As your video shows, Trump has disavowed any support from these groups for decades. The argument seems to be that he didn’t say it fast enough or often enough to satisfy the left. He condemned the violence just as Bernie Sanders did after the shooting at the ball park. Seems quite similar but but with the left, it’s never enough.

There is no racist wing of the Republican Party. What we have is a small splinter group trying to attache itself to anyone that would give them credibility. The left is hellbent on giving them the attention they so desperately want.

JLeslie's avatar

@Jaxk I appreciate you don’t want to fight with me, and that you recognize I try to be balanced. Let me say that I think the vast majority of America is NOT racist. All parties all citizens.

I’m just saying, I don’t really care what Party said what 50+ years ago. I care about today. I feel there are parts of each party, Republicans and Democrats, that aren’t so great.

Jaxk's avatar

I don’t disagree but most of this issue is based on events 150–250 years ago. C’est la vie.

stanleybmanly's avatar

So the issues of last week are irrelevant? I agree that Trump is NOT a racist. But there IS a reason why racists look to him for the advancement of THEIR agenda, and it is because they can rejoice in his indifference to the issue bolstered by his clear reluctance to alienate ANY constituency foolish enough to latch onto him. Nazis will gladly settle for indifference when it is the single greatest advance for their movement regarding a sitting President. Trump held out long enough for his racist and fascist fans to get the message that their Messiah was FORCED to denounce them.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It IS essential that the conservative movement be considered minus the racist baggage. But the baggage IS there, and exhibits no inclination in permitting such consideration. And while conservative denunciation of that baggage may be required, the voting proclivities of the miscreants cannot be ignored.

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