Social Question

Kardamom's avatar

Do you have any Facebook friends who neither post anything, nor comment or "like" or react in any way to anything you post?

Asked by Kardamom (33612points) August 23rd, 2017 from iPhone

Or on the other hand, are you someone who has a Facebook account, but never post anything, nor react to anyone else’s posts? If so, why not?

And further, do you know, or are you one of those people who only forward other people’s posts, and never post any original thoughts or photos or ideas of your own?

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14 Answers

Sneki2's avatar

I am one of those people, or at least I was when I had Facebook.

The main reason is that I just had nothing to post. Where I go, what I think, what did I wear, who I am with…..who the hell cares?
For the same reason, I quickly got tired of Facebook. I just don’t care about your statuses and inspirational quotes.

And forwarding adds is just annoying.

zenvelo's avatar

Most of my friends do not post much. And I have quite a few friends that I never “like” or comment on what they do post.

YARNLADY's avatar

I have 50 on my friends list, but only about 10 are active in any way.

flameboi's avatar

I am that friend.

jca's avatar

I’ll post, if not every day, then maybe every second or third day. I try not to post more than once a day, unless it’s multiple photos of the same subject. Most of what I post are my own photos or thoughts, and once in a while I’ll share a photo or meme from another group.

I have friends who never comment or like my stuff. I know there are people out there who have FB accounts but barely use it. I don’t usually spend a lot of time trying to figure out why some people never like my posts or comment on them.

I try to like or comment on people’s posts a lot of the time. Recently I find myself annoyed by people that seem like they’re constantly bragging. I have one friend, a mom from my daughter’s school, who is always posting how her life is so incredible. Vacation is fabulous, when not on vacation it’s a restaurant every night, etc. I haven’t liked too many of her posts lately and I’m hoping she’ll fall off my feed. She’s one of several people who just annoy me with the “look how wonderful our life is” crap.

anniereborn's avatar

I have many friends like that. Sometimes FB is just a Rolodex. But I’m okay with that. I like knowing how to contact people. Also a lot of my friends are active, so it balances out okay.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I have to break this question down:
Not post anything: this is a bit extreme. I’m not crazy about Facebook but not posting anything is a bit of an overstatement. I do post pictures of me on occasion worth announcing like a ceremony or a life event, but only because people want me to and I don’t want to look like a jerk.
Not liking or commenting: this has more to do with who I’m really friends with. I have many Facebook friends who I don’t care about and who don’t care about me. I don’t see them doing anything on my page and I don’t want to involve with them either. I don’t post, but I like and comment, and only with people I’m friends with in real life.

People around me share and forward all the time and it’s ok by me. Most of them are average people who just want fun after all. Who am I to judge what they do on Facebook? What’s the point? I just find it annoying when people turn into drama kings/queens or try to be smarter than they really are.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m like that on twitter. I have an account, and I log in probably once a year.

On Facebook I have friends who don’t post much of anything. Once in a while they pop in. Most of them just aren’t addicted to it like most of us. ~

Some of them are the type of people who like to gather information. They lurk, and it’s not necessarily totally good intentions in my opinion. It’s like they’re watching to see what they can dislike about other people.

jca's avatar

I think some people are just nosy and don’t want to remind anybody that they lurk.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I can go months without checking FB. I rarely post but when I do it is something I created.
I do like being able to contact people. Some of them have moved away from this site and that is the best way to do it..

Stinley's avatar

I read what people say a lot and realised that I was in danger of being a lurker. So I am making an effort to like everything I read. I unfollow people if they post too much or I’m not interested in what they say. I like to keep them as friends though.

I rarely post although I did today as my daughter got her exam results so I wanted to let people know. (she did really well!)

cheebdragon's avatar

I’m the same way about Facebook, I very rarely comment or post anything and I’m not sure I’ve ever used the like button on anything. It all seems like a pain in the ass, if I want to talk to someone I’ll just text them.

AshlynM's avatar

Both. I rarely post on Facebook, I just use it for entertainment.

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