Did you see the Vice video of our brave Nazis? And did you see what happens when one of them gets a warrant for their arrest?
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Like feral dogs, Nazis are only “strong” and “brave” in a pack.
Like most bullies, he is really a coward…
The easiest way to not feel like an insecure, insignificant and unintelligent loser is to join up with other assholes like this.
Who else is a little pissed that tiki torches are probably now going to be associated with racism.
I agree it’s lack of empathy like the male commentator on the video said. I had seen the vice video, and this neoNazi guy always seemed to me to believe in his own mind that his side was doing nothing to wrong, which is ridiculous. He seems to not understand that just belonging to a white supremicist group is putting yourself in the offense of violence, even if you never lift a weapon yourself.
I do think a lot of these Nazi people feel on the defense in life, which is a problem. I think that’s true for all bullies, and so they will resort to violence to try to gain control, and to feel powerful. This is important, because we need to figure out what draws people to these groups.
I hope this video circulates. Not to make fun of this guy, but because we should promote that our police force is still on the side of law and order and we arrest people who make threats or commit violent acts.
In the video the guy is trying to turn himself in and not get hurt. I’m not going to make fun of it, I’m glad he’s trying to cooperate. I’m pretty sure he states he has guns, because it’s the law to let law enforcement know. I would hope that he can learn some empathy through experiences like this and stop being a part of crazy bat shit hateful white supremacists groups. Not likely I know.
In the Vice video he’s maced seemingly unprovoked, except that just the prevalence of troops of neoNazis is obviously provoking. If it’s true someone just randomly came up and maced him, it’s just going to further reinforce in the minds of guys like this that the people against the neoNazis are the violent ones, and so the Nazis need to be strong and on the defense. It’s a vicious circle. Much like the terrorists problem coming from the Middle East. I don’t know what’s the best way to fix it. These white supremacists groups are terrorists.
I just found this searching for something else. It’s a former neoNazi.
“At first, when I see you cry,
yeah it makes me smile, yeah it makes me smile.
Afterwards, I feel bad for a while,
but then I just smile, I go ahead and smile…”
One comment in the first video had a good point: Adolf would laugh at these pussies.
@Sneki2 Adolf had an army of people like that, and he was one of those people himself. He just had money and power.
I don’t remember Hitler crying because he may get arrested. He had enough balls to off himself and not give his enemies the delight to catch him.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t support Nazis. But there’s a lot of difference between original Nazis and modern cunts like this one. The originals were driven by despair and rage. They, or at least Hitler, were led by ideals and stood for what they thought was right, at the cost of a war, and their own lives. When it comes to people who are that serious about what they do, it’s a conflict of ideologies, a matter of personal interest and morals. But you can’t deny they got courage to stand for whatever they believe in.
He, obviously, does it simply to look gangsta, to make himself seem tough, but the moment he faced the consequences, he shat his pants. Not to mention he lives in the safest, richest, freedom-obsessed country in the world where any pansy can be a rebel.Unlike a butthurt priviledged piece of shit like him, Hitler grew up in a poor family, in a fucked up state, and had to crawl his way to the top.
Cowardly dogs like that, that yell and bark like mad but bend their tails and squeal when hit on the nose, are fucking laughable, and do not deserve to be taken seriously.
^^He wasn’t crying because he was going to get arrested, he was trying to turn himself in! He was crying because he didn’t want to get killed turning himself in. Not that I feel very sorry for him, he has associated himself with horrible people, and is one of them. Who really gives a fuck if Hitler cried? Who knows if he did or not. It doesn’t surprise me that a sociopath like Hitler would let cry. I can’t believe you’re actually trying to say Hitler was somehow better, because he was emotionally stronger or something? That’s crazy talk.
Did you watch my link?
I hope this all works out the way you all want it to because that’s what I want to. I’m just a little skepticle that all this media attention will have that effect. When I see some of the reality television and some of the absurd things people will do for a little media attention, I’m appalled. Will all this attention swell the ranks of these clones? I hope not.
Correction: sociopath like Hitler would let cry. should be “wouldn’t cry.”
Same shit. If you gonna do something, you fucking own it.
It was his choise to join Neo-Nazi groups. He should’ve been aware of the consequences. And if you decide to fight for what you belive is right, you stand and fight till you drop dead. You don’t come crying and feeling sorry and throw a pity party because you gotta face the consequences.
And I have zero symapthy for the “atoners” and former bullies that are now suddenly sorry when they realise it will bite them in the ass. Don’t even give me that crap. What, the former Nazi is now some sort of a preacher, trying to explain how afraid and confused these people are? Am I supposed to feel sympathy for them now? Bitch please.
Yes, as horrible as it sounds, Hitler at least stood up for what he believed till the very end, not trying to gain sympathy and beg for forgiveness. That should only show how pathethic Cantwell is.
No. No one is talking about sympathy for him. I’m talking about preventing people like them from wanting to be Nazis in the first place. The country needs to look at itself. The way I see it, the more the middle class loses ground financially, the more the white supremicists will be able to recruit.
That guy knows the consequences. He said himself he’s ready to kill people and that he works out to be ready for a fight. He knows other people and groups might try to hurt him, he knows the police might arrest him if he’s involved in violence. He not only knows the consequences he prepares for them. He might even want those some of the consequences to happen, because he’s so pumped up to be a good soldier for his cause.
Do you think our own soldiers in the American military are never fearful while they’re fighting? Come on.
Of course soldiers feel fearful. But you’ll never hear a soldier run away from military after the first battle, and then cry on camera because he’s realised his errors and will now face the trial for running away. A soldier that does that is not worth respect.
Neither is anyone else. Sure you may change your views, but you don’t ask sympathy and act like a saint.
“Talk to me like a human being”. He didn’t do that to others he saw inferior. He didn’t talk to blacks like they were humans.
That neonazi that killed the girl didn’t want to see her as another human. Cantwell didn’t see blacks and all others he saw as lesser people like humans.
They don’t deserve to be talked to like humans either. Why should I feel sympathy for someone who openly denies sympathy to others? That is pure hypocricy.
Again, I never said you should have sympathy for him. He chose his path. I’m not going to criticize him for crying. I just don’t understand that. I’ll criticize him for having no empathy, being a hypocrite, being a bully, terrorizing people, but I could care less if he cries when he’s frightened. Maybe, just maybe, the crying is a good sign. That maybe he has a possibility of change and empathy. So far, we have no proof he is capable of change though. He’s seems pretty set in his ways.
I thought Hitler lied about being a soldier in warfare during WWI. Then, he didn’t kill himself. He retired to Argentina…
I just saw on CNN he turned himself in, and he’s charged with illegal use of tear gas. Tear gas! It’s so horrible.
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