Are you dreading football season?
Asked by
JLeslie (
August 24th, 2017
from iPhone
I loved going to football games in college, I still go to a game sometimes when I’m in Michigan, but honestly I am much happier when it’s not football season. It becomes a thing we have to plan around, and tv shows get delayed. It’s annoying.
I just saw an ad for football, and it reminded me how nice it has been not dealing with it the last 6 months.
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30 Answers
No, looking forward to it. Pro Football anyway, not real big on college sports.
Nope. I don’t have a sports addicted partner and live alone and I don’t watch TV, I’m safe.
One of my girlfriends likes Monday Night football, I have never accepted an invite to come over for that. haha
Doesn’t have any impact on my life at all.
It doesn’t affect me at all.
Means nothing to me, other than overhearing people talk about it and talking about their football pools. I don’t understand the game at all. I will watch Super Bowl but just because it’s a national party.
I love love love the college game.
Go Buckeyes!
I am ambivalent about the pro game. Too many morons.
Luckily no one at my house, nor any of my friends, has any interest in football so I don’t see much of it, except for a little on the sports part of the news.
I mostly ignore it. If Cal has a good year (doubtful) I will pay attention and maybe go to some games.
The 49ers will be miserable again, and the Raiders are moving away. No interest here in the pros.
Escape should be easy in this age of the internet, roku, etc.
Doesn’t really affect me.
I love it. But I can understand people have different tastes.
God yes. I kind of like football but my husband is a fanatic. Football season takes over our whole lives and I hate it.
It floors me how he can remember all these stats and trivia but can’t remember my birthdsy.
I forgot to say that there is one reason I tolerate appreciate football season. That is when all the ads on TV are about food and there’s lots of good recipes in all the magazines.
But I’d much rather that there was a figure skating season
It’s still baseball season.
Jesus Fucking Christ. It’s Friday night…and some football shit is on. He’s never done this to me before the season started before. He’ll say, “I’m just gonna watch a couple of downs…” which is such a lie I finally told him to quit saying it.
I’m pissed.
I’m seriously thinking of getting a 2nd TV.
That would solve it. Why haven’t you done it already. There are worse things (I’ve been told) than football widows. At least you know where he is.
@Dutchess_III I just bought a new TV, because my old one finally blew a tube, or whatever it was, and Walmart has “smallish” TV’s for less than $200. The tricky part is paying more for another cable box, unless maybe you get good antenna reception? My area it’s not very good.
You don’t need cable if you don’t want the bill, I have a few friends who bought some kind of box at WallyWorld, which they hook up to their TV and it then scans all the analog channels. Depending on where you hang he box, it works pretty well. One guy gets like 16 channels, cable / satellite free. Just got the box thing and hooked it up. Thinking about trying that myself. Just a suggestion for Dutchess.
Every game besides what the Dallas Cowboys play!
The tricky part is setting up a TV in a different room. Fights galore.
Oh, he’ll see it as a criticism. Any whiff of criticism, even imagery, is grounds for WWIII. There is a lot of stupid stuff around here that’s grounds for WWIII. Most of the time it’s out of the blue.
@Dutchess_III You always sound so negative about your husband. I hope there are mitigating positives.
@Dutchess_III Ah. I get it. I wonder if there is anyway to frame so he thinks it’s a good idea. It’s hard, most men hate to feel like they are wrong somehow, so they get very defensive.
Maybe your daughter can get you and your husband a TV for Christmas? Even if you float her the money for it.
Wow, what kind of a marriage do you have if he gets upset that you don’t want to watch football @Dutchess_III? That just sounds really bizarre.
@Dutchess_III: So you’re supposed to sit there to keep him company for hours, even if you have no interest in what’s on TV?
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