General Question

Kardamom's avatar

What are we supposed to do about Donald Trump and all the trouble he has caused?

Asked by Kardamom (33546points) August 25th, 2017

Donald Trump, who has been posing as the President of the United States since January, has caused more problems, fear, and distrust than any President in modern history.

He has made numerous disgusting remarks about women, even admitting to committing sexual assault (without realizing that he was doing so) and he has insulted and hurt gold star families, war heroes, decent public servants, people of color, immigrants, veterans, handicapped people, and the LGBT community (sometimes several in the same day, like today).

What the hell are we supposed to do?

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16 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Take it for 3 years then put more effort into getting a Democrat elected. Starting now. Don’t make the same mistakes again. If you are passionate then you could run for office

zenvelo's avatar

Speak up, speak out. Support politicians you agree with. Encourage other people to speak out and speak truth to power. And get involved in getting out the vote.

Kardamom's avatar

@zenvelo I have done all of those things. It didn’t help. We are worse off now than we’ve ever been. We were hacked by the Russians, we have a lot of white supremacist misogynists in our country, coupled with regular folks who are apathetic. We also have an Electoral College that doesn’t give a damn about the popular vote. And some “idealistic” people who actually believe that voting for a 3rd party candidate without a lot of support is going to get a win (they don’t understand the idea that you have to vote for the best person who can actually win to keep the devil out of the White House. If we all voted for exactly who we want, then I would vote all 4 of the Beatles, dead or alive).

LeavesNoTrace's avatar

Been trying everything @zenvelo to the point of being “strident” according to some. Been trying to chill out too, to the point of being “apathetic” at times.

I agree with @Kardamom, The feeling of powerlessness is strong in this country amongst many.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

You could form a society. That is to be a mock government. One day make it real when society crumbles. Or you could be a survivalist for when Trump starts world war Ill. I’m stocking up on water ,books, and canned goods. In sports you can only play your zone. Be prepared.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Grab your ankles, and try to enjoy it…

johnpowell's avatar

I was pretty worried. Luckily even his own party is fighting back a bit. In December if you had asked me if the repeal of Obamacare would fail I would have called you crazy. So I am just hoping that he is not able to get anything done. He actually hasn’t done much. And the shit he has done can be reversed just as easily as he did it.

September is the big test. With that debt ceiling and budget thing. You can’t executive order that.

LostInParadise's avatar

We do not have much choice but to wait to see what happens. We can march in protests and write to our congressmen, but in the end we have to hope that the two other branches of government will limit what Trump can do. So far, as @johnpowell points out, that has happened. It is encouraging that Congress passed, by a veto-proof majority, a bill requiring congressional review of any changes in Russian sanctions. Even those in the GOP are distrustful of Trump. The Russian hacking investigation has not yet turned up any incriminating evidence, but there has been enough smoke detected as to suppose there is a fire somewhere. The possibility of impeachment cannot be ruled out.

Smashley's avatar

Don’t stop fighting. Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down. Democracy can be dirty, but if the battle ever ended, it’s because we all lost.

Jaxk's avatar

Maybe take a realistic view of what is happening. Instead of focusing on what you don’t like, balance that with the good things that are happening. Unemployment is down, work force participation is up, economic growth is up, illegal immigration is down, wage growth is up, ISIS is losing territory, N.Korea has backed down from their threat to use nukes, China has joined the sanctions, and the VA has been revived. It’s not all bad and frankly, other than the constant protesting, it mostly good. The sky is not falling.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Jaxk do you truly believe any of that was Trumps doing??
If ya do step right this way I have this slightly used bridge I will sell you really cheap.

JLeslie's avatar

Speak out when you see something you don’t agree with.

Try to always imagine a politician you like doing the things that bother you, and make sure you would be just as annoyed before you let the thing drive you crazy. I don’t know if you like Bill Clinton, but pretty much we know he was screwing another woman besides his wife before he became president, then add on Monica, many Democrats who liked him overlooked it, even if they didn’t like it. If you did, then just ignore it about Trump too. Don’t be a hypocrite. I’m not calling you one, I’m just suggesting being one will cause you more strife.

Listen to your friends and family who like him, maybe it will help you feel better. Also, understanding them might help you convince them not to vote for him again. Calling it implying they are idiots will not change their vote. I really think he has a chance of winning again. I think it more and more. I think the Democrats and left media make it a higher likelihood every day.

Stop watching and listening to so much political news if you don’t take action anyway. If you actually write your congressman, help during elections, and participate in demonstrations then fine, you’re active and in it, and I really respect that, but if you don’t do much actual political activity stop working yourself up, and let the experts research the Russia connection, and his diplomacy strategies etc.

Next election do what you can to get the Democrats out voting.

Jaxk's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 – Yes I do. The business community is feeling more optimistic about their future than they did under Obama. That alone is fueling much of the growth. No thanks on the bridge but I am impressed that you bought it. If you want to sell it, you’ll need to find someone else.

Coloma's avatar

Strap him to a guided missile and launch him at NK. Done. Kill 2 crazy birds with one heavy stone.
The red menace has to go.

Strauss's avatar

I say just let him self destruct. The country will survive and be stronger for it!

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