Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Care to offer up some suggestions for my DIL's college assignment?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47196points) August 26th, 2017

Her assignment is to go in a public place and doing something rude, then make note of the responses. My son said, “Like, making eye contact with people in an elevator, or burping really loud in a restaurant.”
I’ve been thinking about it. Maybe turn your phone volume on high and turn your keyboard sounds on? Bloop, bleep, bloop, bloop, bleep, squeal, bloop, bleep, bleep….
Shouting at someone on the phone in a restaurant? (And isn’t it sad that there are people who exactly those things and have no idea how rude it is.)

What ideas do you have? Have fun!

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41 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Walk into an Chinese resturant with pokemon go on and saying that there is a charmander in the kitchen. True story I did it on the first day. I don’t play it anymore.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Push all of the buttons in an elevator. I did that too when I was a kid.

JLeslie's avatar

Cut in a line? Like at a movie theater, bank, supermarket?

Go with a friend to a public place and treat her badly and see if people come to her rescue.

I think the phone volume way up is a good idea, and the bloop bloop.

imrainmaker's avatar

Scold your son at a public place..)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Scolding isn’t bad. Screaming, insulting and hitting is bad.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Have beans for dinner, then take a few elevators the next day.

Buy several items, use about 14 coupons, then pay like she had to dig in the couch, with ones and a lot of change.

Go into a crowded restroom and declare, “It stinks in here. Who did that?”

Loud gum smacking.

johnpowell's avatar

How about stalking the professor and once they are with their significant other accuse the professor of cheating in a public place.

*I’m your student and you are fucking me.. You said you are single”....

If your task is to annoy, the person that sent you on that task is surely fair game.

Edit :: I should clarify. I live on campus and and if some professor sent their students out with the intent to bother me while I was trying to get to work or buy a burrito I would be fucking pissed. I did not volunteer to be part of a term paper. I just want as little friction as possible to get a burrito in my mouth.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Walk into an elevator with a cell phone while saying “Can you here me now?” Over and over again.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Walk around a grocery store putting stuff from other people’s carts into hers.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Maybe stop at one cart, and just start moving stuff around like she’s looking for something good.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Or go around with no cart, and start putting stuff in everyone else’s.

Kardamom's avatar

I don’t like the idea of this assignment at all. Being rude is bad. Deceiving people isn’t too terrific either. I hate those practical joke TV shows, and this is what that sounds like. There are people who get very upset when this kind of thing happens, either when they believe it is real, or when they find out later that it was a prank or a joke. I think it’s especially bad for people with social anxiety, or other problems, or just people who are very sensitive to other people being hurt or embarrassed in public.

I hope the teacher realizes this and decides this whole thing is a bad idea.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Are you sure she hasn’t done something to piss this prof off? It sounds like a recipe to get one’s ass kicked in public.

OK. I saw this in a movie once. Get a plastic vial that looks like one used for urine specimens. Slap a white label on it. Fill it ¾ full of apple juice. Go into an elevator in a busy building with a lot of floors. Get in and immediately start ranting that your doctor is full of shit, is always asking for urine samples and wants to put you on a sugar-free diabetic diet. Wave the urine specimen around so they can all see it. While you’re ranting, unscrew the cap, dip in a finger and suck on it for a second. Then raise your eyebrows in surprise and exclaim, “Damn! He’s right. I am diabetic.” For added effect, you can drop the vial in mock surprise and let it splash all over everyone’s shoes, nylons and pant legs. Good luck.

imrainmaker's avatar

^^That would be too much i guess..)

Patty_Melt's avatar

Yeah. That isn’t rude so much as just gross, and spillage could damage clothing.

snowberry's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus That’s hilarious! Hehehe! ;D

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Apple juice? I seriously doubt it will damage clothing. But, forget the added effect. At least they won’t beat the shit out of you for being batshit crazy. They’ll get off that elevator asap. And you will have video evidence for your project.

snowberry's avatar

And hope there isn’t a security guard nearby!

JLeslie's avatar

@Kardamom I thought the same thing, which is why I didn’t name some of the things I was thinking of, and why I also suggested being rude to a friend who’s in on it, and then other people can do something or not, but I’m not sure it fits the assignment. It reminds me of the TV show What Would You Do, if she can be rude to someone in on it. They do things like call someone fat, tell a kid not to buy the black Barbie, tell someone Hispanic to go back to Mexico, that sort of thing. I don’t watch it regurlaly, probably the website has all the episodes for more ideas if @Dutchess_III wants to take a look.

It’s like doing a prank to people you don’t even know. Generally speaking, I don’t like to be pranked, practical jokes, surprises, etc.

jca's avatar

I agree with @Kardamom and @Espiritus_Corvus. I think it’s a foolish assignment. Also, in some places (like around here), it’s a recipe for getting your ass kicked.

janbb's avatar

^^ I agree. I’m sort of horrified by the assignment.

jca's avatar

I’m curious what subject this experiment is for (Psych 101?). Also, what’s the point? To write a paper about people’s reactions?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Maybe it is for a self defense class. First, get people ticked off, then keep them from hurting you.

Zaku's avatar

Drive the speed limit.

Go into a store and read the packaging out loud and complain about how stupid and insulting some of the slogans are (actually, I would want to thank you and shake your hand, but I expect many would consider this rude).

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think it’s an interesting assignment, although I wouldn’t suggest anything physical, like cutting in line or messing with other people’s things. She’s a tiny thing.
I think the annoying keyboard sounds would be a good idea. So many people do it, anyway. (GAWD I HATE THAT!!)

Zaku's avatar

I would try to think of things where the conventions about what is rude are doubtful, or cases where politeness conflicts with the rules (such as the speed limit one, or buying something with a huge number of coins), or where you get to annoy people doing something dubious anyway (though they tend to involve personal judgements), or talking about topics people would rather avoid in public.

imrainmaker's avatar

She can tell people they need to reduce weight if they want to be fit like her.( Considering she is).

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Have a fake cellphone “conversation” and pretend to lambast someone. Really rant at the nonexistent person, and do so loudly enough that people can’t help noticing and overhearing. Don’t use any bad language; just chastise the phone and take it to task.

This sort of public behavior is very rude, and it’ll make people uncomfortable, but there’s no real harm to innocent bystanders.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It IS rude. And it’s amazing to me how many people actually do these things as a part of their lives, but are oblivious to how annoying it is.

snowberry's avatar

She will need one person to be rude, etc, the other to observe. If you’re busy scolding your phone you’re not going to be able to observe…

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s true. Glad you thought of that @snowberry.

jca's avatar

@Dutchess_III: What class is it for?

Maybe she can stand in a public place (like a store) and talk on the phone, describing someone who is right next to her and saying bad things about them. “II’m in CVS and this woman has on red pants and they look awful on her. You should see it.” If the woman makes a commetn about it, your daughter can say “Am I talking to you? God you’re nosy. ”

Dutchess_III's avatar

I would shy away about getting personal with any one person. It’s one thing to be annoying, another to be hateful.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m thinking along the lines of odd behavior. Like riding in an elevator but with your back to the elevator door.

jca's avatar

@Dutchess_III: I’d never do that, was just speculating.

Can you tell me what class this experiment is for? (I think this is the third time I’m asking). :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think some people could role play being a mean person, but I couldn’t, and I know she couldn’t. To pull something like that off you have to have a heartless streak running through you.
I’m sure it’s a psych class of some kind, but I’ll find out.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The deed is done! She and her hubs went to an IHOP (which would be in Wichita. We don’t have any here,) and she burped really loud.
She said many people looked at her in disgust. Some laughed and giggled. One guy said, “Wow. I wish my girlfriend could burp like that!” (Sorry but….WTH??)
She thinks she wouldn’t have gotten as much attention if her husband had done it. It’s more expected from men than from “ladies.”
And me thinks this leads to an entire question of its own. (For one, I have never burped in that manner in my life. Sure, I burp, but quietly. I wouldn’t know how to make it loud, and have never had the slightest interest in learning how.)

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snowberry's avatar

Which reminds me… I used to have a flip phone which was programmed to say, “Number please,” whenever it was opened. I had my daughter in the doctors office and while he was examining her I was idly playing with my phone, not thinking about the noise it would make.

When it started talking, I scolded it, just for fun. “Shhhh! Not now! We’re in the doctor’s office!”

Startled, the doctor turned around and stared at me. I said, “It’s all right, doc. We’re tight!” and I held up my first two fingers close together.

He tried so hard not to laugh!

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