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Does someone have to show a permit when asked if they have one?
Me and my friends have been playing at this public park for about 12 years now. Before it was mostly dirt and rocks. We were the only ones to really use it then. After they added a turf Football/Soccer field, Track field and Bleachers, people have started coming a lot. The park has become quite popular.
There are a few club teams and schools who play home games there. They all have permits and will show us when we ask. Recently a lot of random teams show up to the field and try to kick us off claiming they have a permit (most are quite rude). When we ask them for proof they get upset at us, and refuse to show one. We told them we won’t get off unless they show us a permit. After all we could of easily told them we have a permit as well.
Most teams and Coaches now a days use that “We have a permit” excuse just to take the whole field for themselves. Do they have to show a permit when asked?
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