When is the new feature coming out that will enable us to see all the answers a flutherer has left, not just questions?
I want to read TimothyKinney’s answers, but I can’t find them.
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25 Answers
I’m working on that LcG, I’ll let you know as soon as I finish it just kiddng :)
My answers must not be as good as yours, because I lack lurve. Oh, to feel the warm embrace of your lurve…
But seriously, this is a good feature idea. Maybe we can get Paul Coyle to put it together for you.
Andrew or someone told me they were “working on it” already I thought.
That’s your friend that makes the crazy pictures, right?
No, that’s a different Paul. Paul Coyle has that website where I was checking people’s Fluther stats on the phone with you.
oh, my b. i ‘m sorry. i should have read the text on the website. i just opened it, glanced around, and went oh.
hey i love you
The Patroit Act strikes again.
what are you talking about indy?
@la chica, I was just saying that such a feature would get to personal. I know that one can just search for the user but I wouldn’t be comfortable with someone skimming through my answers (a bit stalkerish if you ask me). Plus, some people have thousands of answered questions. I just understand the reason for a feature like that.
People can skim through your questions anytime they like. Personally I don’t see a difference…
I have requested this feature in the past. They didn’t sound too exited about implementing it. I would like to have the option.
thanks for the info jp,
maybe i misremember or misunderstood then…
tim, that means, back to paul
I still don’t understand why such a feature is so necessary. If people can currently skim to my answers, then go right ahead I’m can’t stop them. I guess an option could be available that would allow a flutherer to choose if he/ she would like others to view their answers. If someone truely adores my writing (which I highly doubt), I woulnt have a problem with said feature. I guess others may think it puts them out in the open too much.
lol, indy, pay more attention. i like tim. i think he’s cute. i’m unable to believe that cute people can be smart, so i want to read all of his answers together and find out for sure. every day.
maybe no one adores your writing, i don’t really know. but the “someone” who might want to view someone else’s answers is me. i’m right here. i want to read tim’s answers. because he’s cute. does it make sense now?
It would be useful for spotting trends. Another site I frequent has this feature and it hasn’t been a problem. And they have 8X the number of people.
@la chica, oooooohhhhhh, so you didnt want to stalk people but just wanted to skim through some answers to get an idea of how smart Tim really is. I get it now. You can’t really prevent someone from reading your answers, so why not just put it in a nice and convient button to see them all at once, simple genius la chica.
@JP: wow, that’s quite the easter egg! I’m bookmarking that as a useful tool! Seems like that would be easy enough to script, even if one would be re-directed outside of Fl to Google. Any way to do that as an RSS feed?
@Indy318 I often want o find a great answer someone posted. I also have certain Flutherers whose wise words I like to follow.
I would love this feature. Sometimes I want to look back at an answer I have given.
Well, since I’m cute I say we should have this feature. But since I may not be smart, I leave it up to Ben.
Ben, hook us up, Sir.
I tend to side with Indy- not keen on the idea of an easy feature that showed all answers as we are unable to retract answers after two minutes.
I for one will censor my answers greatly if this feature is going to be in place and will avoid giving out any answer that is personal in nature or derived from personal experience.
Yes- I know one can find our answers if they put in effort. However the idea of all answers in a click would create an instantly very personal profile in a very public place.
So if we are going to have this function will we have the option of having posts removed?
@Dog-it already is the case with Google (see JP’s post above ^^). Most everything you post here or any other web forum / board is searchable with google (especially in the case of cached pages).
While that is true it still takes more effort than a one-click feature which lists all. I also feel that this is not necessary as we have a search function to use keywords to find answers.
For the sake of discussion lets say a person happens upon Fluther and thinks they know a fellow Flutherer or sees a link, or history on a computer at work or home to fluther and is curious.
As it is now this is no big deal- this person would be privy to a profile and could search through some answers to see what has been written but for the most part it would be a very time consuming effort and there would be little chance of finding anything that would be of interest and would likely give up the search. Sure if they were determined they could find more answers but for the most part it would be a lot of work and a lot of hit and miss.
If such a feature right here on Fluther allows them to very easily read every response made by the person with no effort and without having to read the entire thread to see what prompted the response – including those posts mentioning past relationships, work relationships or possibly answers that could be mistaken as referring to viewer personally even if they are not then serious real- life issues might arise and feelings hurt whether justifiable or not.
Such a collection of out- of- context answers is not a good idea when the viewer is clearly not interested in the question answered but learning more about the person who is responding.
Thus I would be certain to censor future answers- keeping out anything of personal nature or of real world experience and would respectfully request the removal of some past answers if such a feature was implemented.
People who are afraid of what other people might think about them on the internet should probably not spend so much time online.
@timothykinney – not fear of what others think but concern about information which might be misunderstood out of context of the question or assumed to be what it may or may not be.
People do that regardless of ease…those people often lack the credibility to be influential; I would think that if someone were to join up, common sense would prevail over jumping to such conclusions.
Most people looking for that kind of trouble would probably seek out google before anything else. I think the advantages far outweigh the risk.
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