Would anyone care to play Jelly Jeopardy?
We all know Jeopardy, that high fallutin’ game for brainiacs. Well, Fluther has some brainiacs alright, but we also like to be fun sometimes.
Let’s play Jeopardy, with an adjustment to the rules.
In our version, responses MUST still take the form of a question. If a jelly fails to respond in the form of a question, their post shall be ignored, and another jelly can take it.
Once you have posted your response, you provide the next statement.
Other than that, it is anything goes. Be scientific, be funny, be irreverent (some need no urging on that point), whatever suits your taste. If someone posts something for which you can respond with an intelligent, insightful question, well, I guess that is okay too.
Here are some examples:
“Who died and made you king?”
What is a question you should never ask Prince Harry?
“Write, right, Wright.”
What is a prime example of the illiteracy displayed on the first day of bootcamp?
Ready? I’ll start it off with…
“Fins, fur, feathers.”
Observing members:
Composing members:
222 Answers
So, am I choosing the category from fins, fur, feathers or answering what they are as a question?
no, you are posting a question to which the previous post is the answer
Can someone explain the game please? I don’t even know Jepardy.
“What are the 3 main things that animals animals are covered with?”.
“Prostate Massage.”
What is one of @ragingloli‘s top natural skills?
“Masters of the Universe.”
What is Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un?
Cry me a river.
The links don’t work, and my time to fix expired.
What did Irma do for Texans?
“Just a little off the top.”
What are the famous last words, to a hairstylist?
Hellfire and brimstone.
What was the basis of Jerry Fallwell’s “Christian” pedagoguery?
“The battle in which you are locked today is the mother of all battles …Our rendezvous with victory is very near, God willing.”
You guys..it has to be answered with a question.
Instead of:
“What are the 3 main things that animals animals are covered with?”
The answer is not “Prostate Massage.”
The answer would be ”What is a prostate massage?” Which doesn’t make any sense @raginglol!
For example:
Regal words that start with the letter D.
“Fins, fur, feathers.”
“What are the 3 main things that animals animals are covered with?”
“Prostate Massage.”
What is one of @ragingloli‘s top natural skills?
Oops, I forgot the ? mark in the last two..oh well, soldier on.
Okay..well, taking it from EC, the mother of all battles.
What is the battle of the bulge?
A hop, skip and a jump.
What is hop scotch?
Name a Holy fish.
If you think the answer is wrong, can we give the correct answer?
Name a holy fish. (Bob, or the board says that.)
The answer is, “What is a carp”
Regal words that start with the letter D. <<< Answer with a question, next player.
(There is no wrong answer, but the posted clue should make it easy to respond with a question. The correct response is any the player chooses, so long as it is in the form of a question. If you don’t like someone’s question/response, don’t GA it.)
Oh oh! I see what you did there @Espiritus_Corvus. My bad.
Name a holy fish.
What is Carp Diem?
Regal words that start with the letter D.
HOLY Mackerel
What is a Duke, Dutchess?
The title denoting the lowest rank of all noblemen, that starts with a “B”,
What is a bitch? JK. Go ahead Patty!
argh, beat me to the buzzer.
Oh, okay. I was gonna say “What is Bubbah?” (Bitches is girls.)
Triple crown
CLUE #2: It is also the first name of the son of a very powerful and wealthy man of international importance.
What is a Baron.
Let’s go with…what are the categories? Also, can we google?
US History?
I’ll not Google, but I don’t mind if anyone else does.
EC, you are missing the point of this game.
There are no wrong answers. We are being funny.
I thought we could introduce categories after we get settled in to the game. Until then, I’ve been assuming potpourri.
Maybe we should have two separate threads… one with real answer/questions, one the snl version?
Was I right? Baron?
OK, US History for $20, Bob.
I’m confounded now.
Um…What is Andrew Jacksons face?
“What condition don’t I talk about in public?”
Dr. Pepper
What is wouldn’t you like to be a Pepper too?
Marco Polo.
Who was the man who introduced ketchup to Europe, Alex?
Inglebert Humperdink.
What is the last Waltz?
What did David Mitchell’s robot mistake Petrol for?
What is forbidden at school dances?
Tentacles and suckers.
What could you say to someone that invades your personal comfort zone?
Shit, too late…...
I’ll fix it
What goes great with jelly?
Tentacles and suckers.
sounds like I answered my own question. Ew.
What are parts of an octopus?
The hole in some letters and where you prep your food.
What is the counter?
Summer’s Eve, Massengill, and Donald Trump…
Douches all!
Alpo, Friskies, Kennel ration.
@Coloma, form of a question, please!
But that’s not how you play Jeopardy, @filmfann! You make a statement then the next person answers with the question.
@Coloma what is dog food.
This state is about to get wet.
Dog and cat food, friskies is cat food. haha
What is Florida.
Breast stroke, backstroke, side stroke.
What are Donald Trump’s other favorite ways to grab women?
The West Wing, Sports Night, and A Few Good Men.
@filmfann Oops, you’re right, sorry.
What are films?
Salt, pepper and garlic.
What are common condiments.
These ancient hunter gathers discovered North America and didn’t know it.
Fred and Wilma Flintstone.
How am I dressed?
A can of worms.
What is open up?
Dude looks like a lady.
Wrong answer@Tropical_Willie. Just cost you 30 grand—
@Coloma. Who is Mrs. Doubtfire?
For 30 grand: These ancient hunter gathers discovered North America and didn’t know it.
Who are my great x 25,000 grandparents?
Running and screaming.
Wrong answer @Patty_Melt. Geez you guys!
What is the theme of just about every movie ever made?
Ok. THIS Italian explorer is credited with discovering America.
actually, it was my ancestors. I have the dna to prove it.
Who is Fred of Naples ? ? ?
North Pole mail box.
Fred of Naples???? You’re killing me @Tropical_Willie! And you’re half a million dollars down!
Ok. For half a million to @Patty_Melt: explain please. The judges are still out and many are totally lost!
You forgot the clue for the next person.
My ancestry includes native Americans. You might say we go way back.
I juxtaposed the posts. BUT YOU WIN A HALF A MILLION DOLLARS!!!!
Ok. Screaming and clapping and cheering. (Clue)
What am I doing right now, Alex?!
What is an unfortunate side effect of first-date nervousness?
And that’s what it’s all about.
What is the Hokey Pokey?
How does a super volcano wear it’s hair?
This woman is amazing and coordinated.
Who is Emma Stone?
Three Arby’s roast beef sandwiches, a baked potato, and a Pabst.
What do you order with a with a patty melt?
e^i*pi + 1
What is Euler’s Identity?
Hohmann Transfer
What is the most fuel efficient way to get from one orbit to another?
8, F, 9, R, 17, I, 9, S, 9, A, 17, ?
What is the code to your wall safe?
One, two, buckle….
What is “Buckle my shoe?”
Everyone knows a cow can’t jump over the moon, even after the production of a lot of methane.
What is Hey Diddle Diddle.
In a beautiful pea green boat.
What is Lucy in the Sky?
In this song from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, it’s raining.
The Owl and the Pussy Cat.
What is Raindrops keep falling on my head?
In this story a toy bunny gets turned into a real bunny by a magic fairy.
What is the Velveteen Rabbit?
In this story, some pigs are more equal than others.
What is animal farm?
A long running TV series with a patriarch named Ben Cartwright.
What is Bonanza?
“We’re gonna need a bigger boat.”
What is Jaws?
We’ll have fun, fun, fun, til….
What is the Surfin’ Safari?
When this breaks, mama you gotta move.
til daddy takes the T-Bird away
What is When the Levee breaks? Led Zeppelin.
Gimme two steps Mr…
Oh. Yeah. Right.
Who is Lynyrd Skynyrd?
We don’t need no steen-keen badges!
Who are the bad guys in Blazing Saddles?
Put one foot in front of the other…
What is a parent teaching a kid how to walk? I have no clue!
“And hell’s comin’ with me! You hear?? HELL’S COMIN’ WITH ME!!!”
What is Wyatt Earp in “Tombstone.” Love that movie!
From the town of Bedrock.
Where are the Flintstones from?
This person has been treated so unfairly. Everyone is so mean to this person. Noone seems to realize how powerful this person is. If they did they wouldn’t make fun of him.
Who is Donald Trump/Kim Jong Un?
Miguel Alcubierre
What is, I have no idea?
Four and Twenty….
How many black birds were in the pie?
The people were preserved for thousands of years in the very positions they had fallen in.
Who created the first mathematical model for a functional Warp Drive?
No. Pompeii. You are OUT
What species of insect is vital to the pollination of plants all over the earth?
Yes we have no water here (large body.) I think I’m doing OK considering I think I’ve only seen a total of about 5 minutes of Jepordy in my life, except for the SNL one. I’ve watched that one about 60 times. “LE TITS NOW!!!”
What is the people of Pompei.
Yep…you’re out Loli.
What are bees?
The smallest measure of time is a….
What is a nanosecond? I don’t even know if there is such a thing. And you messed up @Coloma! You’re OUT. again.
Repeat. Yes we have no water here (large body.)
What are the Florida beaches right now?
Don’t sit under the…
“Where the hell did my apple tree go? Oh. Irma.”
This phenomenon can disrupt electrical systems all over the earth.
What are solar flares?
This animal has the most teeth of any mammal.
What the hell did I just pee on? Oh crap. It was a possum.
This animal is very passive in spite of it’s ferocious, ugly appearance.
Um…what is a Sloth? LOL Tell me!
Vintage commercials for $500.00 Put a Tiger in your…
Possum! Super passive. He didn’t even get pissed when I peed on him. We’ve had so many in the house. Rick just picks them up by the tail and tosses them over the fence.
What is gasoline?
They’re grrrrrrrreat!
Put a tiger in your tank, yep, gasoline.
What is Tony the tiger from Kelloggs Frosted Flakes?
Plop plop fizz fizz….
@Dutchess_III The banditos in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
What is Alka Seltzer?
The White Tornado.
What is Mr. Clean? Damn sexy bald cartoon man, I’d do him. LOL
In the valley of the Jolly ho-ho-ho….
Where do the Kardashian’s live?
Roy G. Biv
Green Giant.
What is an acronym for a rainbows hues?
Tell Gerry I Farted
Seventh inning.
What is a time to stretch?
A man of infinite jest.
@Espiritus_Corvus The Treasure of the Sierra Madre?
Who is Alec Baldwin?
An imaginary man of infinite jest and unfairness.
Who is Jehovah?
A miserable pile of secrets.
What are skeletons in the closet?
A person who loves free sex and peace. Well, peace anyway. Some of them may just tolerate the sex.
What is a hippie?
Terence Hill.
Who is the italian/german actor/producer/screenplay writer.
Who let the….
What are the dogs?
Mares eat oats and does eat oats and…
Ummm um um, somebody dives in the ivy.
It comes from the land of the bright blue water.
“What is Coors beer?”
This is where North American wild mustangs came from.
What is a Ford factory?
Royale with Cheese.
NO! Spanish Conquistadors brought them from Spain. Some of their galleons wrecked offshore and some horses swam ashore and there you have it. There were no horses, as we know them, in North Amerca before then.
What makes stinky poots?
This song says Up up and away.
What is in my beautiful balloon?
Peter Piper picked….
What is a peck of pickled peppers?
AA, AAA, C, D, AG13
What are bra sizes or batteries? LOL
This breed of chicken has crazy hair.
I know what chicken you’re referring to but I’m not Googling so my final answer is “What is a crazy hair chicken?”
It is one of only 5 mammal to lay eggs.
What is a genetically modified human?
No. A platypus.
What is the square of the letter V?
This animal is almost as smart as a great ape when it comes to problem solving.
wrong. it means change in velocity.
What is a crow?
Super Turbo Turkey Puncher
What is the new machine called at Butterball?
Mystery Date
What is a game from the 70’s that much resembled my own dating life?
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, Little Altars Everywhere, Ya-Yas in Bloom.
What is the Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood?
This island chain is known for it’s fast evolution.
What are the Galapagos?
“Dammit, Jim, I’m a country doctor, not a rocket scientist!”
Who is Dr. McCoy? You know, be was on Bonanza once, saying, “I’m not a doctor!”
He was a reporter who got his new name from the way he died.
@Dutchess_III – Nope. What are books by Rebecca Wells, or books in the Ya-Ya Sisterhood series
Who were Hunter S. Thompson, Jeff Slonim, John Rabe and Ernie Pyle?
A Neil Young song honoring the beauty of a ginger.
What is Cinnamon Girl?
Sulfur, pig shit, moldy chicken fat, week old fish, and Ann Coulter.
What’s that nasty smell?
…and the answer is…
Don’t bother knockin’, come on in!
What is what you should do if the house is rockin’?
The city of Fred, Wilma, Barney, Betty, Pebbles, Bam-Bam, Dino & Hoppy.
Where’s Bedrock?
Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven and Beast Boy.
Who are the characters of Teen Titan?
Egg, potato, meat, fire.
What are three foods and a way to cook them??
EC, Edison Carter, aka Max Headroom. I just found the movie. It was hard to find because they never put it on dvd. It is vhs only, and not many copies left, I guess.
“We all live” in this brightly colored place.
What is the Yellow Submarine?
Strawberrys forever.
What are strawberry fields?
“We didn’t exactly believe your story, Miss O’Shaughnessy. We believed your 200 dollars. I mean, you paid us more than if you had been telling us the truth, and enough more to make it all right.”
In which passage in The Maltese Falcon is the truth suspected about the character Bridgid O’Shaughnessy?
The Anunnaki and the Anasazi.
What are the ancient aliens claimed by Zecharia Sitchin to be responsible for the creation of humans in Sumeria?
Harry S. Plinkett
What was the pseudonym of the cranky, schizophrenic Star Wars critic posing as HSP.?
It is where the bellhop`s tears keep flowing and the desk clerk`s dressed in black.
What is either Heartbreak Hotel, or Trump Tower?
In my ears and in my eyes.
What are the bees?
“I like the way you die, boy.”
What is the song by Shoot the Girl First from Django Unchained.
Waste time with a masterpiece, don’t waste time with a masterpiece…
What’s a line of the title song on the Album By DNCE.
It was once the longest word in the dictionary.
What is disestablishmentarianism?
Reference: Mary Poppins.
I didn’t know this: It refers to campaigns to sever links between church and state, particularly in relation to the Church of England as an established church. It was initially a movement in the United Kingdom in the 18th century.
The new longest word in the English dictionary is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis,
a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.
I didn’t know that either.
If I didn’t have bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all.
What’s a grammatically correct, and therefore inaccurate, version of the hook line in Born Under a Bad Sign By Albert King?
@Espiritus_Corvus The word is actually anti-disestablishmentarianism! Although pneumono… is technically the longest word in the English dictionary, there are those who say that it’s a medical term, and should be disqualified. Go figger!
1000 Miles.
WTF is
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” (Chinese: 千里之行,始於足下; pinyin: Qiān lĭ zhī xíng, shĭ yú zú xià; literally: “A journey of a thousand li starts beneath one’s feet”) is a common saying that originated from a famous Chinese proverb. The quotation is from Chapter 64 of the Tao Te Ching ascribed to Laozi.
((No correct answer to this one:
8, F, 9, R, 17, I, 9, S, 9, A, 17, ?
Anyone? ))
And now for the next answer, Alex if you would be so kind:
“The number 1729”.
LOL. It was asked by the minstrel amongst us, so I figured it had to be a song. My first thought was Peter, Paul and Mary, but that was 500 miles.
What is the song 1000 Miles by Vanessa Carlton?
What is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes in two different ways?
The next answer:
What is the solution to (50 – 4) * 3 + 8 / 2 – 100 ?
What is the Demonic Piercing Light Murder Gun?
42…According to the 3rd book in the Douglas Adams series “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” what is the answer to “Life, the Universe and Everything?”
Crow, Pinguy…it was a typo. The answer should have been “10,000 miles”, and the question would have something to do with this song
OH!...And the answer is…
12 pear trees
What did you get on the 12th day of christmas?
Hail Satan
How do they open the Black Mass at Anton Levay’s Church of Satan in San Francisco?
“Get them by the balls and their minds will follow.”
What is military boot camp?
How a Big Mac is made.
What is:
Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame street bun!
And the answer is:>
“Get in there, ya big furry oaf. I don’t care what you smell!”
What did Han Solo tell Chewy When he complained about going down the garbage chute?
This arachnid travels like a tumbleweed.
What is a tumble spider, or a cartwheel spider?
Cottenelle, Charmin, Northern Ultra Soft, and the White House cabinet.
What are things that serve assholes?
130,000,000 years ago, plants started growing these to accelerate their reproductive rates, in order to meet the increasing dietary demands of dinosaurs.
(@Brian1946 the question I was hoping for was “What are a bunch of ass wipes?”)
What is angiosperms (flowering plants) ?
Alternating Current or Direct Current.
What is electricity?
The term used to describe the difference between geographic north and magnetic north.
What’s magnetic inclination?
Answer: They both circle Uranus in search of Klingons.
What is your mum and dad?
Strauss: Declination
What does the Enterprise and toilet paper have in common?
Marijuana is legal in this troublesome Asian dictatorship.
What is North Korea?
If we could save time in this vessel it would be nice.
What is the Federation Starship U.S.S. Relativity.
Who was asked to choose between the red pill and the blue pill.
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
What was the central item of entrapment that the abrahamic god planted in the garden of eden?
Who, in the Mosaic mythology, was Adam’s first wife?
@Espiritus_Corvus Glad someone’s paying attention!
The cow’s tail.
What ancient Liberian folktale ends with the proverb that a man is not dead until he is forgotten by the living?
A tittle.
What is an alternative of little?
What is the abbreviation for “number”?
What is the opposite of no?
This jelly moved from New Hampshire to Seattle, was in the US Navy, and was technically proficient.
A tittle is what we call the dot above the “i”.
Who is jerv?
These two popular Floridian jellies just experienced Irma as a Cat 3 and are now doing fine with their families in the Sunshine State.
Who are JLeslie and Seek?
This character referred to particular body parts as Royal Rastafarian Tataneenees.
BTW, I vote for no Goggling. They don’t let the Jeopardy participants Google.
Uhhhmmm, who was the dog in the movie titled “Bob Marley and Me”? ;-p
I’m guessing I’m wrong, and would like to know the question.
Here’s tonight’s (Friday, Octember 6) Final Jeopardy clue:
One of these countries is the most densely populated in Europe, and the other one is the most sparsely pop’d country in Asia. They both start with the same 3 letters.
What is Russia? God I should have known Russia is both a European and an Asian country.
Is this the end?
Final Jeopardy is just the special question at the end of each episode which determines the winner of the day. The show goes on. Let the questions fly!
A: _Let the questions fly!__
Q: How do you play Jelly Jeopardy?
George Harrison’s dog
Who sued George Harrison for sexual assault?
@ragingloli, the correct question is: Who was the “Martha” in the song “Martha My Dear?”
And now, the question is: What is the AI computer program, developed by Google DeepMind that plays “Go”.
“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
What do you say to a toxic loved one?
Eat, play, sleep.
Great reply, Mimi!
It’s even better than “What did Rhett Buttblaster say to Scarlet O’Whora, at the end of Gone with the Wind?”. ;-)
What would be Mimzilla’s favorite daily schedule?
The supermassive object at the center of our galaxy, is named after this mythological archer.
What is “The Hood” named after Robin of Loxley?
Six feet tall at birth, that is also the distance they drop at birth.
@Brian1946 Cool Runnings. Awesome movie!
What are new born giraffes?
Falls out of trees at a few weeks old, cuz Mom tells them too.
What are baby birds?
Souped up “moonshine” delivery.
What is the start of NASCAR?
State that joined the USA union in 1907.
What is Oklahomely?
The tallest known mountain in the Solar system is on this planet.
“One of these countries is the most densely populated in Europe, and the other one is the most sparsely pop’d country in Asia. They both start with the same 3 letters.”
The question is, “What are Monaco and Mongolia”?
What does the label on my bi-polar medicine say?
(It helps to know my last name is Dill)
Generations, Insurrection, Nemisis, Into Darkness.
(Hint: these are not Trump cabinets)
the correct question was “What is the name of the mineral used on Federation Starships to regulate and control matter-antimatter reactions?”
What are the worst Star Trek Films every made?
Kethracel White.
What is the BEST Star Trek film never made?
It’s the tallest mountain in the Karakoram range.
What is Kilimanjaro? (Without Googling so I’m just guessing.)
This never gets finished.
What is a Basterd’s Work?
Ebola Chan
Kilimanjaro isn’t a bad guess. The Karakoram mountains are adjacent to and northwest of the Himilayas. The tallest peak is K2, which is the world’s second highest.
What is the most viral of all the social media?
It’s the species of butterfly displayed in my avatar.
What is a Luna moth?
This organization is a pain in the butt to deal with.
What is the (Inter)national Proctologist Association?
Waiting for the bus.
What is it like to date the wrong person?
What is the omnipresent misspelling of the word “masturbation”?
Smegma Crazies and Gayboy Berserkers
Who would I see at ^^ a certain family reunion?
Roses and violets
What are red and blue?
Yes, no, ok.
What flowers are in the popular love poem?
What are the only three words men get to say on thevphone with their wife?
Fire hydrants.
What do dogs pee on?
What is the name of the unshielded target drone used for basic pilot training in the game “Freespace 2”?
Duke Amiel du H’ardcore
What screen name does @ragingloli use when playing Angry Birds?
The blue horizontal stripe in the center of the Laotian flag, represents this river.
How can you prove the significance of the Mekong river?
No more.
Would you like some more?
The‘hijack thread.
Where can you always find more?
Monsters Inc.
What is the new name of the mercenary company formerly known as “Blackwater”?
Who is Mr. Aguji’s daughter?
Tentacle porn.
What is the best thing in the omniverse?
Who is Tarzan’s half breed cousin?
Blue blood
In what TV series does Tom Selleck give a performance that is inferior to his older series, Magnum, PI?
“Book ‘im, Danno!”
Response moderated (Spam)
What is Hawaii Five-0?
First national color broadcast on TV in USA?
What is the 1954 (?) Tournament of Roses Parade?
The Rosicrucians (or maybe the Freemasons).
Answer this question