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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

How do I avoid squishing my ears and legs when sleeping?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25195points) September 13th, 2017

Do you have the same problem? What is the solution? I have extra pillows and they help somewhat .

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24 Answers

chyna's avatar

Lay on your back…

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@chyna I can only sleep on my back for a few minutes. I rotate all night. Thanks for the answer. I will see what changes I can make to make it easier to sleep on my back longer. I would like any tips on how to sleep on my back longer? My best idea is to lose 50 lbs.

chyna's avatar

Do you happen to have a recliner chair? Some people sleep in those for various reasons. It seems to me it would be hard to flip around if you sleep in one of those.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

No. But great idea. Will save up for one. Thanks .

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Pandora's avatar

Do you sleep on your side or on your stomach? Do you have problem sleeping on your back because you snore in that position or do you have lower back pain that makes it difficult? I found I’m able to sleep on my back if I place a fluffy pillow below my lower back. It keeps me from rolling over to my side.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Pandora I sleep mostly on my side. I rotate all night and flip and switch pillows. I try to have a pillow for all pressure points.

Pandora's avatar

Falling asleep on a fluffy pillow that goes from your lower back to just under the back of your neck gives a comfortable stretch and on top of that, when you go to either side you feel like your falling, so I found my body automatically tried not to adjust because it gives that slight feeling of falling to the right or left. It’s like the way a person can fall asleep on a train but your body will sit back up the moment it feels your are falling. At first you may have a few nights where it wakes you, but eventually you just will subconsciously stay on your back. This position is great for lower weak backs and for people who have difficulty breathing because it pushes your head in a position that make’s it impossible for you to tuck your chin inward. It usually takes me about two or 3 nights to get use to it, but when I do, I wake up feeling great. No back pain and a sound sleep all night.

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flo's avatar

I would see the doctor. But you probably thought of that I guess.

Dutchess_III's avatar

A doctor for WHAT? “Hey doc. When I sleep on my side my ear squishes into the pillow. What do I do??? Got drugs for that?”

“When I sleep on my back my butt squishes into the mattress. What do I do??”

flo's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 I hope you never suffer an injury related to your back.

flo's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 “I can only sleep on my back for a few minutes”. So between that
the squishing of the legs and ears (which I’m guessing it causes discomfort?...) how do you get any sleep? How do you manage to go through the day with so little sleep?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@flo I don’t know. I rarely sleep but I spend most of my day in bed. I have lots of pillows and a system of rotation for the pillows. Some times I fall asleep into a deep sleep whatever my position.

flo's avatar

Ok. How about your ears and legs do they feel sore etc.?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@flo Only when i sleep on them. No lasting damage.

flo's avatar

Yeah, but I don’t know why there should be soreness if it is not for an unusually extended period of time.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@flo I am on the heavy side of the scale. 250 lbs and 6’5”.

flo's avatar

Do you find it’s everyone of similar size that has this condition?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@flo I don’t know many people my size. So I wouldn’t know. It started when I got over 165lbs.

flo's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 But why are you associating it with your weight?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@flo Just guessing. I slept well last night.

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