This is just my opinion, and I’ve been looking for this sort of thing since the election, so maybe it’s a false positive, but think it through with me.
I think Trump is realizing that the media is fractured and that he can, conceivably, play both sides for support. Rather than screaming “fake news” and having half the coverage be negative, he feeds two narratives and they play to two different audiences. To some extent each side will hear what they want, and it’s been proven that there is little repercussion for not following through on your word.
He doesn’t even have to spin it, because the news outlets and prominent members of congress will do that for him. Just look at how quickly everyone was to jump up and say that no deal was made.
I don’t think this can be dismissed as random ramblings or the lack of a plan. It’s dealmaking, and he’s anchoring each side and then will lock in on his original target.
It’s not like he’s going to lose support from Democrats, because there’s none to lose, but if he looks like he’s working with the Democrats to keep kids from getting kicked out of the country… even though his position on that was originally they shouldn’t be kicked out, he wins support there.
And if the Republicans get their stronger borders and immigration laws without really changing anything else (DACA was the de facto law), then that’s pretty easy to sell.
And it’s the same position he’s always had. Borders should be stronger, less immigrants should come to the country, deport everyone who came here illegally. And he gets to appear reasonable, despite that position, by dealing “with the other side”.
Look at whatever media outlets you consider on each side and see the difference in coverage for this. It’s two completely different points of focus, and he’s going to eventually meet in the middle, where he was when we started and claim it’s a victory of compromise.