tinyfaery – yes, ignorance is bliss because it absolves you of the responsbility of caring.
Unfortunately for you, once you have knowledge, you are no longer ignorant. To stop learning more about the issues that concern you would leave you underinformed, but not ignorant. To be ignorant, you would have to ignore knowledge that is available to you. If you do not already posess that knowledge, you can refrain from obtaining it, by ignoring that is there, thus becoming ignorant, but once you posess the knowledge, it’s a bit like Pandora’s box, no stuffing it back in there.
Personally I like the discussion about happiness. I think it’s more important to be happy, and I DON’T equate that with striving for an ideal. Personally, I think that line of thinking is corporate level BS…you must climb the ladder, you must drive a fancy car, you must have a trophy wife, etc. I drive a Hyundai…I like it. I’m married to a normal person I get along with. I have a job making less money than I could if I had the same job at a Fortune 500 company, but I have a lot more time on my hands to do the things I want to do with my life. I’m happy.
But I’m also aware that there is a lot in the world I don’t like. Personally, I want to learn as much about it as I can, because even though the bad news has the power to make me angry, my anger in turn gives me the motivation and power to do what I feel I can to change the world for the better, be it supporting a particular cause or political candidate, or going onto discussion boards and trying to win hearts and minds. If I understand the breadth and depth of something I find to be problematic, I can form opinions as to how we could improve the situation at hand, I can then spread my “gospel” far and wide and perhaps make some people see the light. Hopefully if some of those people can then make others see the light, and all the people who are not ignorant, but who do care about all the bad in the world help out in the way they see best fit as I do, we can collectively change the problems for the better.
Think of it this way. If your dog takes a crap in the middle of your floor, sure you can ignore it, step over it, refuse to look at it and never have to pick up the crap. But the crap is still there.