What do you look like ?
Asked by
iwamoto (
August 13th, 2008
discussed this yesterday at chat, i’m not sure if this was asked before, oh well, time for an update then, and if you don’t feel comfortable with it, you don’t have to post
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98 Answers
I’m gorgeous!! ha ha!! (love the halo BTW)
Some days I look like a bitch in a business suit that will eat you alive. Other days I look like somebody with two bananas in a blouse, a hairdo by Warhol and has been partying with Jack Black for a week.
Like a sack of badly stacked potatoes (in case anyone was wondering why I chose Ireland…...)
like richard dreyfus from jaws, complete with the hat
I look like the kid you’d love your daughter to marry enjoying life, succesful but not stuffy, down to earth, extravagant but not crazy, funny but not a congressman you know, usual stuff :)
<- there’s me really small.
Boom. There’s me bigger.
we have an angel among us! hehehe
oh my richard, you can put salt on my popcorn anyday of the week ;)
I like your smile
You look like my friend austen
You first look would get me at first sight
Fluther is much younger than I imagine askville is. I think I have to adjust my thinking and take the wise old granny approach while here :-)
My grandkids were goging to call me granny but they couldn’t say it so I’m Gee Gee instead.
@flame: Thanks. It does work. Now, how much will you buy from me? Strangely, though, the second look kinda gets my partner hot….
I look old. I can’t imagine why.
I look like Silvio Dante.
Like this (the one with the scarf on, not gawping at the ketchup bottle…)
You are young at heart i’ll always say that about you
I don’t know why I love the women that look like would eat me alive :s how much will I buy from you? well it depends :P
I bear a striking resemblance to Marge Simpson, only it is my eyes that are blue, not my hair.
this is me, and that is the most recent photo I have I think (it is quite recent, past few months). If that does not work (this is for future reference) then go to here and the image may be in there because I may end up reorganising my folders :)
I may and emphasis on may, be on TV tonight if you care to see. Food Network’s Throwdown w/ Bobby Flay, 2 episodes air tonight, it’s the second one I might be on. It’s about ice cream. If this episode is a throwdown between Bobby Flay and the proprietor of Izzy’s Ice Cream Parlor in St. Paul, MN, it is indeed the one I may be on. I say may because I’ve never actually seen it to know if I ended up on the cutting room floor. But, if I am on it, here’s how you will know me. At some point in the show, they should go “on the street” and talk to a customer leaving the shop with a bag of ice cream treats to take home. That would be me…I’m the big guy with the dark hair and I believe a blue, button down shirt if I recall correctly. They air it two times tonight and once on Friday, if you really want to know.
um, well on Facebook I belong to group called “Yes, I Do Look Like a Librarian”, and according to the group description, “Yes we do look like librarians! And there is nothing wrong with that! We look smart! We are smart! We look approachable and helpful! We are approachable and helpful!”
of course, that means I wear glasses B-) (but my hair is not in a bun, thank you!)
I look like a tired, over pregnant lady. Gee, wonder why.
If you look at my avtar and watch this Korn video you may see my okie face in the crowd. I have at least one short close-up. I don’t know if the link will work so if it doesn’t look up the Korn Hold On video on youtube.com
Like Molly Ringwald (current version, we are the same age)...but I don’t have her makeup artist, or wardrobe ;)
in five words
Rich, good looking and modest
@lightlyseared: how about ‘honest’? no?
@lightlyseared: For a moment I thought you were talking about me. “Rich; he’s good looking and modest.” Thanks anyway. It is true.
@rh your welcome
@wf well I did have to paraphrase a bit to get it to five words
like my dog but in a ninja outfit ;)
You know Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and Christian Bale? Well, take all three of them and add a certain part of Ron Jeremy. Put them all together in a bucket with the eggs on top. Now imagine the exact opposite and you have me.
Sort like the person in my avatar, only no bear head and lots of random tattoos.
I guess I’d fit in the librarian category, but it could just be the glasses. Other than that, I look like a freckled, tattooed, 21 year old, when I’m actually in my mid-thirties. Really. I get carded for Lotto sometimes. It’s very annoying.
I am 100 meters tall and 60,000 tons. My skin has a rough leathery texture. I’ve been told that I am a gigantic green lizard and tend to stomp on buildings when I’m not careful. Asians especially have a distaste for my antics.
Yep. Here’s me tiny and hiding behind a baby. I don’t know how to make me bigger. I guess that means I look like a luddite.
I knew Godzilla was around here somewhere!!
Alas, I ended up on the cutting room floor, you’ll just have to use your imagination as to what I look like.
julia roberts as a farmer
picture rubber boots, straw and freckles
i had to get to a computer for this one.
okay i lied, not my dog in a ninja outfit. here’s an actual.
the sexy cake
@ninja: Great looking cake. you’re not bad, either
Thanks ninja, you too. And that cake looks awesome!!
Hannah, you are stunning!!
The only pic (other than my handsome avatar) on the Internet that I know of is from this website from 2000 announcing the birth and adoption of my youngest daughter.
(See if you can tell which one is me.)
What a cute baby!
Thank you. Wish i could say i had something to do with that. And that baby is in the third grade now.
Chuckie, you have a beautiful family! And those blue eyes…O-O!!
p.s. I’m not upset, that’s just the shape of my face.
TheHaight: I have hair envy!
Dave, I don’t think you look upset, just deep in thought. You’re a handsome guy!
I changed my avatar for this thread. I can’t get into a program to load any pics from work, so here is a tiny me!
nice pic scamp…you don’t look much like a grandma!
Me being barbaric back home….
when someone uses the term “fish wife” i never really imagine a pretty woman, thanks for the clarification (oh damn, what will klaas4 think of this)
@scamp- You’re a grandma? Of how many?
Haha! Iwamoto, you’re so sweet and disturbing at the same time!
Thanks augustlan and AstroChuck. My first one is hopefully on the way. Any minute/day now.
i’m everything you’ve ever wanted and always feared, or something like that, i’m just not that scary i guess, i’m always a favorite for moms, even last week i heard another story “my mom was talking about you to her friends”, about how nice i was, haha
anyway, wasn’t i supposed to be interviewed next ?
In my day we called you Eddie Haskell
@scamp- Only one? Ha! I have eight!
You are in for a treat. The best thing about grandkids is you get to love them, play with them, spoil them, but if they’re acting bad or make a mess you can hand them back!
To me the best (most surprising) thing about grandkids is how much the love Me! I knew I would love them, but wow,when they are so excited to see me it just warms my heart!
@AstroChuck Eight? You lucky dog!! I won’t have that many because I only have one daughter. and the way things are going, I’m wondering if I’m ever going to see this one!! She just had yet another false alarm.
I only have two grown married daughters (other one in grade school), one of whom has had two sets of twins. They tend to stack up when you’re spittin’ ‘em out two at a time!
I heard that! I have a cousin who had 4 single birth kids and 4sets of twins. Guess where they live….....*Twins*burg, Ohio!!
Hannah- you are absolutely stunning.
Scamp- how exciting!
This is me :)
scamp, you are a hottie gramma.
and shrubbery, thanks. you are my idol, can you teach me how to do that!? :)
Haha, I could try. It takes a while to get the hang of it. I was taught by an Olympian!
an Olympian? That is soo cool! :D
The link didn’t work.
Hey dude,
You can’t share photos direct from Facebook like that – people just get a prompt to add you as a friend.
Try using a web service like Flickr or Photobucket to share photos on websites like Fluther.
Got sent some photos of me flailing with a friend in a dance competition ;)
Testing Facebook Links: Click Here for the pic…
Update: Yeah, you can post Facebook photos, but you have to scroll down to the bottom of the page when viewing your photo and copy the ‘Public link’ they give you down the bottom. That shoudl come in handy!
I look EXACTLY like Groucho Marx
Not as he is now, I hope.
@benseven: Been trying the facebook thing for ages! Good tip.
Me and the boy
@jennifermay: Aww…so cute :)
Looking at my picture again. God, I’m GORGEOUS!
Judo, which one of the hot guys are you?
LOL. Thanks. But I think I will leave that part a mystery.
geez, im not going to stalk you…..lol
Hahahaha I know that. I know that.
Younger than my real age I hope!
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