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jonsblond's avatar

When was the last time you didn't feel safe?

Asked by jonsblond (44421points) September 28th, 2017

A woman who writes for The Federalist infiltrated a closed group I belong to on facebook. The group is for parents who have transgender children. She shared photos of our children on Twitter and called us child abusers.

Facebook has banned her account for 30 days and we are waiting for Twitter’s response.

This question is about me, my family and our safety but I will listen to you.

I’m so discouraged and upset right now.

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32 Answers

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Last week with Irma, then Jose, then Maria heading my way. Luckily, the only one that did any damage was Maria. But it was pretty hairy for about a week.

Zaku's avatar

If you have the identity of the woman for sure, I would try to get that misconduct reported so she gets the reputation she deserves for it.

I had my back go out a few weeks ago, and found myself only able to drag myself very slowly around the floor for hours, until I was able to apply some Feldenkrais techniques and eventually get upright again. All it takes is one injury or accident to become helpless or worse.

JLeslie's avatar

Every time I’m in a synagogue I feel a tinge of it. That’s maybe once every two or three years.

Every time I look up hate crime statistics for someone who is ignorant. I’m in one of the minority groups with high stats, but usually I’m not in a state of worry about it, I usually feel safe and free. It’s an argument for keeping your head in the sand a little and ignorance is bliss. Sometimes that’s impossible, because sometimes the hate is in our face, or there is a real threat, or God forbid we actually get hurt. The stats are “high” but still statistically I’m not likely to encounter a problem.

Every time I walk at night, alone, in a place like a parking lot or side street that has no one else around. That probably happens ten times a year.

In a parking garage any time of day. I’m rarely in that situation right now, but when I lived in Memphis I was typically in a parking garage whenever I went downtown. Maybe 6 times a year.

One time in Memphis a guy followed my up a street that had no one else on it at the time. I turned into a hotel, he came in also, and then I went into a store in the hotel, and he followed me in there, and finally left. Idiot. I was nervous until I was back in my car driving home, and my car was parked in a garage three blocks from the hotel.

If I drive or walk through “the ghetto” I feel a little nervous. As you know my husband likes fancy cars, I purposely want one not so fancy car so I’m not a target. I’m still a woman, and anyone can be a target, but I try to blend in if possible.

When I lived in Memphis there really was dangerous zip codes, it’s not like I’m just judging by outward appearances. Even in my own neighborhood, which was middle class and very white, it isn’t a skin color or ethnicity or stereotype thing in this case that triggers those feelings, and not far away at the mall and other shopping, still predominantly white and middle class, there was higher crime than what I’m used to. Living there one of the biggest negatives was the crime rate. I lived there 8 years. I wasn’t in a constant state of worry or paranoia, but my senses tended to be heightened.

Being woken by Irma in the middle of the night with stuff outside banging around and no Hurrucane shutters I was a little tense, but I was able to go back to sleep. I was woken three times that night I think. I wasn’t sure what category the storm was at the point, but I felt pretty sure 2 or less, so I wasn’t very worried.

When my husband goes around a corner too fast.

janbb's avatar

I’m really sorry you’re going through this. I used to feel unsafe when my then husband was away on trips and I was going upstairs to sleep alone in the house. Now that I live alone I’ve gotten used to it and rarely feel unsafe when in my house. I do go out alone at night and sometimes have to walk in sketchy neighborhoods or travel in unfamiliar places. I often feel unsafe in these situations but I have gotten more used to the idea that I am slightly unsafe at times and that is the price for living my life. Having suffered from PTSD, it has always been easy to have my feelings of unsafety triggered, I just live with it better now.

But what happened to you and your group is lousy and I’m really sorry. I hope Twitter gives you some satisfaction in how they deal with it.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Last month, when I stood outside my home watching it burn.

Mariah's avatar

That is so incredibly fucked up. I cannot understand the minds of people who do such shitty things. I’m so sorry.

I have felt unsafe all year. There have been a number of attempts in the Senate to change our healthcare system in ways that could result in my death. I have been fighting back as hard as I can but I have never felt so small and insignificant as I have this year.

jca's avatar

An immediate threat to my physical safety? Not in a long long time.

Slightly nervous because of the neighborhood I was in? No time recently. There was a time a year ago when I made a right on a red in a sketchy neighborhood, and I had tinted windows. Once I completed the turn and pulled over to park, a guy on the sidewalk started waving his arms at me. I put my window down to hear what he had to say and he told me I almost hit him. I told him I didn’t see him and I then decided not to leave my car in that spot, because I wasn’t sure if he might do something to it out of anger.

I work in a big city in New York (not New York City) and sometimes when I leave, there are weird characters on the street. They never bother me and I know there’s lots of help around from local police and stuff, if they did.

seawulf575's avatar

January 20, 2017. That was when Obama left office.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I agree. None of us have felt safe since.

janbb's avatar

@seawulf575 You didn’t feel safe when Obama left office?

stanleybmanly's avatar

@janbb take him at his word.

tinyfaery's avatar

I have never experienced a direct threat like the one you are describing that wasn’t perpetrated by my father. I have anxiety so I am fearful of a lot of things especially crowds and small spaces. I am a bit frightened when I am at a Pride event or in a state that Doesn’t like people like me.

This is fucked up. People are disgusting.

johnnyo's avatar

Here in Morocco, quite a few times. Fights with the locals, etc. People intoxicated who want to fight. Here their favorite weapon is a long knife which they are not afraid to use. So many guys here have scars across their faces because of fights they’ve had.

Mariah's avatar

He’s saying that the last time he felt unsafe was when Obama was still in office.

janbb's avatar

Yeah, I can see that now. It just read kind of strangely to me knowing where they come from. I thought they meant they felt unsafe after Obama left office.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Every time I hear Trump speak I feel unsafe. I feel like N. Korea is just going to bomb the shit out of us because of him.
I understood it to mean that he felt unsafe when Obama left, and Trump came in.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I never feel unsafe. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil. Beacause I am the baddest sob in the valley. Driving through the valley of stupid ass deers that like to stand in the midddle of the stinking highway is a different matter.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh wait! The other night, when Rick was out of town, Dutchess was sleeping on the bed, as usual. But when Rick is gone she literally lays with her head on his pillow, and kicks me and snores. I don’t even know Rick is gone.
At about 1 a.m. she kicked me in the face and I shoved her over.
All of a sudden she JUMPED UP like some thing was really wrong and ran out the door. Old Dakota hauled herself up too, which was really alarming. Dutchess is a spaz (she gets into knock down, drag out fights with her dog food.) Dakota is not a spaz..
The first thing that went through my head was “Crap. I forgot to lock the doors!”
So I crept out of the room, with my antennae rotating and locked the back door and the sliding glass door. Then I saw the cat sitting outside of the front door. I opened it to let her in, and, as the cat came in, both Dakota and Dutchess shoved their way past me on to the front porch. That was unusual too.
I yelled at them both to get back in the house. Dutchess is a border collie and so she obeyed instantly because that’s what border collies do. In the last couple of years Dakota, however, decides for herself whether to do what I say unquestioningly. I was afraid she felt she had a compelling reason to hobble down the stairs and out into the neighborhood and patrol. So there I was, in the middle of the night, out on the front porch in nothing but a Tshirt and my undies, visible to the world, shoving lard ass back back in through the front door.
Got everyone in, locked the door, and headed back to bed. I passed the kitchen and just as I got to the corner, where I couldn’t see into the kitchen anymore I suddenly saw a long black shadow advancing toward me from the kitchen.
My heart just stopped. Stopped cold.
Then the stupid cat came sauntering out. The ambient light was such that it threw her shadow out in front of her, really elongated so it looked like human!
At that point I said, “Fukit!!” and went back to damn bed, hoping there wasn’t actually a prowler hiding somewhere in the house and went back to sleep. You ever get so scared that it turns into mad and you just don’t care any more??!!

I wish Dakota was younger. I wouldn’t be afraid of anything. She’d still die defending me today but she’s just not as strong, quick and powerful (or obedient) as she once was, and I don’t want her to die.

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jonsblond's avatar

It’s such a horrible day in the US. I think many of us don’t feel safe today.

Thank you for your responses. There are 6000 people in this group so not everyone was affected, but there’s no guarantee she didn’t get all the names of everyone in our group. I I just don’t understand how people can be so hateful.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I’ve looked into the Federalist. I’ve checked the publisher and founder, Ben Domenech, and the two managing editors. David Harsanyi and Mollie Hemingway, and tried to determine what kind of people they are. They are definitely conservative far right and have strong, traditional opinions concerning sexuality and are firmly anti-LGBTQ… in public.

Although you and I may find their opinions reprehensible, they must abide by some semblance of journalistic ethics in order to get respect in the journalistic world. And I do believe these people are basically honest, but on the wrong side of the fence from us. Honest people do not want people who behave like mean little teens on their staff. Period. It hurts both their personal and professional reputations. I think you can rely on this.

I’m looking for a family person. At least one of these people must be parents. I haven’t found that information yet. But I found this:

David Harsnyi (Perosnal life): “Harsanyi’s family defected from Hungary. He identifies himself as Jewish and an atheist and believes that gay marriage neither undermines traditional marriage nor triggers societal instability.”

There is your man.

This is more universal than an LGBTQ question. This is about a “journalist” exacerbating an already incredibly distressing parental situation. It was a mean, flagrant and damaging act that benefited nobody and has hurt the conservative cause, because this fool represents them online. It was just mean and nasty.

You and your 6,000 friends will use their own words, of course, but Harsanyi should know what kind of a person is working under him as a journalist. A letter/email campaign is appropriate and poor Harsnyi should be bombarded with emails describing this despicable woman employee. Be careful not to attack him personally, you are only using him as he is a managing editor. And this woman, hopefully, may find herself in the street and out of journalism.

As I can’t find the name of the journalist anywhere in your posts, I can’t investigate her. If she isn’t listed here on this list of Federalist contributors, she may be a freelancer.

But, if I were you and your 6,000 friends, I would track her on a weekly basis and pick up on who is publishing her work, and then I would bombard those magazine’s publishers and editors with such an epic letter writing campaign describing how this woman so despicably and unethically distressed already distressed parents that those publications will never buy this woman’s work ever again. Period.

Do not say anything in these emails that are not true or are suppositional. Stick to the provable facts and use whatever adjectives you like connected to those facts, but keep it true. It sounds to me that it is unnecessary to exaggerate what this woman did. Accompanying screenshots of her posts would be very helpful and convincing.

jonsblond's avatar

She used several aliases and infiltrated our group. We have a very comprehensive vetting process. This is the first time anyone like this has gotten in.

Kaeley Triller‏ @KaeleyT Sep 26
When 6000 TRAs decide to target all your social media platforms at once… Should be fun. And if I disappear, I will be back w/ a vengeance.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yeah, she’s listed as a junior contributor. “Her Federalist pro bio is here”: Kaeley Triller Haver. “Mom”. “Jesus Follower”. “Slayer of Dragons”.

Significant: Communications director of a local nonprofit organization. You need to find out which non-profit that is and see if they want an unethical, unprofessional, un-Christian, mean, nasty, immature person working for them.

If you don’t get an appropriate response from either of these entities, you need to get this story to the liberal media. They love eating each other alive in this competitive market.

jonsblond's avatar

Thank you!

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