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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What are some things that your siblings did to torture or tease you? NSFW?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25155points) September 29th, 2017

My older sister would sit down on my head and fart. There are others like pulling my hair. Or setting my eyebrows on fire or dislocating my elbow . What did your family members do to tease you? Humor welcome.

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25 Answers

Mariah's avatar

God. My older sister hold me down and dangle spit over my face and suck it back in at the last second. One time she told me she was giving me her jump rope as a gift but then she just tied me up with it and left me for dead. Hahahah, those were the days.

Zaku's avatar

Not exist.

Muad_Dib's avatar

My brother and I are 2½ years apart (almost to the minute). I’m older. He’s bigger.

We tortured each other. Once I buried him in the backyard up to his neck and left him there. He pushed me out of a tree. I used to make gross concoctions in the blender and convince him to drink them. He deleted my video game progress. We used to regularly get into fistfights, sometimes using weapons.

Now he’s the only member of my family I even speak to occasionally… so there’s that.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I’m trying SO hard to think of a single evil deed perpetuated by my baby bro’. The worst thing I can remember – him calling me “Mrs. Lardasso” when I behaved like a lazy lard@$$.

My brother’s a kind soul who’s always treated me wonderfully. How lucky am I?

Dutchess_III's avatar

They never did. I was the oldest. I never did anything to them because I was very protective of them.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Nothing really. My sister and I largely ignored each other.

DominicY's avatar

When we were kids, my little brother and I shared a room and it would get messy very quickly. My mom would tell us we couldn’t leave our room until we cleaned it up. And my brother would be so whiny and lazy when it came to cleaning up. He’d say he didn’t make the mess so he shouldn’t have to clean (that was never true), and he’d lie on his bed and refuse to move or do anything while I did all the work. I wanted to punch him, but I know that would only anger my mom. So I’d fill a cup with ice water and pour it on him while he was in bed. That would get him to get up and do something! lol.

Another is I’d say I was speaking “opposite language”, so I’d call him a “stupid piece of crap” and tell him I wasn’t actually insulting him because it meant “wonderful person” or something like that. It infuriated him lol

anniereborn's avatar

I have six older siblings and I don’t remember ever being tortured or teased. If anything, I was the one being the brat.
@RedDeerGuy1 Was there no adult supervision in your house? Those things are awful!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@anniereborn No. Dad was at work and mom was divorced and lived on the other side of town

Dutchess_III's avatar

Actually the girls started teasing me when I started wearing a bra. I’d forgotten about that. It was pretty painful.

johnpowell's avatar

I was around 4 and my sister was 7. We lived on a farm and my parents were off in the barn doing something with my grandpa. We had geese in the front yard. So I my sister got me to walk up to the geese with her. Then she started hitting the geese with a stick and ran off.

She ran in our house and locked the door while I stuck on the deck screaming and getting attacked by 10 angry geese trying to get inside.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s really shitty @johnpowell. It sounds like your family took delight in causing pain. I’m so sorry Honey.

kritiper's avatar

My older brother used to grab me by the arm and punch it continuously in one spot.
Or get me down, pin both of my arms with his legs so I couldn’t move, then thump my sternum continuously.
Or ask me very quickly “How does a turtle go over a log?”, then grab me by the short hair on the back of my neck and pull it straight up.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@kritiper My sister did the why are you hitting yourself game too. She also taught me how to play 52 card pick up when I wanted to play with her.

kritiper's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Oh, he did that, too. But asking “Why are you hitting yourself” wasn’t a prerequisite.

johnpowell's avatar

@Dutchess_III :: At least my sister didn’t have a gun!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Some of these stories are so sad to me. They don’t sound like teasing as much as sheer meanness.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t remember anything. I was the oldest. My sister might have a different perspective, but I doubt it. The only thing I can think of that she might say is she would get upset that I wasn’t with her when I was playing with my friends or starting dating my boyfriend in high school. More of a younger sister jealousy thing.

I once asked my mom if my sister and I used to fight, and also if we were good at sharing. I was wondering if I didn’t have a clear memory. In fact, I think it was a fluther Q that had me questioning it. My mom said we didn’t, and that when my younger sister wanted something I would give it to her and say, “ok, here, mommy doesn’t like noise.” Lol. Not that we were expected to be silent, but if she started whining or similar I just gave her whatever it was I guess.

Come to think of it, with the items we have inherited, my sister and I share a lot of it back and forth. Two weeks ago I was in NY, and she gave me two rings she said she never wears of my grandmother’s. I didn’t ask, she just asked if I wanted them. I said I’d take them and see if I wear them. One I wear all the time now. I have something she wants, but it’s in a box from my move God knows where. I feel badly I haven’t given it to her, even though it’s something I really wanted.

I don’t find teasing or hurting people fun. I never did. I can remember a few times physically fighting with my sister, but it was more like struggling or pushing when we were very little. Mostly, when we were very young, we held hands, and I’d help her, “cook” for her, spin her around in fun, and I wanted to make her happy.

cookieman's avatar

This thread makes me thankful I am an only child.

jca's avatar

My cousin is about eight years older than I am, and when I was little, he’d take friction cars and rev them up and put them in my hair, so my hair would wrap around the wheels. He’d also shoot rubber bands at me and he’d give me what was called Indian Sunburns, whichi is where he’d put his two hands on my wrist and twist in opposite directions. Nothing awful but it used to make me cry when I was little.

johnnyo's avatar

Lots of fart wars back and forth. It was not pretty!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

We were so bad. We used to beat the crap out of each other, but at the end of the day, I don’t love anyone like I love my sisters. This thread struck me as funny, not sad. I mean, if you don’t take turns pinning each other down and dangling spit over your siblings face, you haven’t fully lived. Lol.

Dutchess_III's avatar

See, now if anyone tried to do that to my sisters I’d kill them! If they were doing it to each other I’d yell at them that they’re SO GROSS AND KNOCK IT OFF! Maybe because I was 3 and 4 years older than them.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

^^^ “Maybe because I was 3 and 4 years older than them.”

Maybe because you’re simply a good person, both now and then. :-) Love you, V.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Crazy love from all around! Thank you so much!

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