Is it possible to find out the average age of fluther users?
Asked by
rockfan (
September 29th, 2017
from iPhone
Observing members:
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62 Answers
I’m 31, if we’re taking a poll for research purposes.
Nope, only thing you can do is poll and get the answers of those who are willing to supply. I’m 25.
I’m immortal. But this incarnation is 40.
I’m planning to live forever, and so far, so good. But right now I’m trailing @Espiritus_Corvus by mere months.
Just had my 21st anniversary of my 50th birthday.
I have a way to figure this out. It will take a few hours.
I was making a funny. I can’t get this info.
No. We’re not asked to provide any personal information when we join.
My brother is 45, my other brother is 54.
My girlfriend is 35.
You do the math.
73 should steepen the slope.
Forgot to mention, I’m 26
@dxs :: 40.007
Like I am 5’11” and 6/8ths.
Edit: I’m the 4th oldest jelly that I know of.
I keep getting younger each time I post. ;-)
Somewhere between 39 and 41.
I’m pretty young. When I first joined i wasn’t 100% truthful about my age. Didn’t know what the age limit for site was. I might get kicked for saying all this because one of the rules is to not be dishonest. and I was doing it for a number of reasons besides not knowing site age limit.
1) I don’t know who any of you are in real life and I didn’t want to give personal info
2) I very stupidly picked a name that could identify me easily to anyone who knows me in real life, and by not giving my true age that might deter that a bit
3) I am very very used to giving fake personal/ identifying info on sites. Occasionally, like with my username, I mess up, or get lazy
I am definitely over 13 though.
@SergeantQueen Yet we all knew you were a teenager by the questions you asked early on!
Ahh dang! I gave it away? LOL I originally said I was 18. Kind of interested in hearing how old you think I am.
To answer your question—The only real way to figure this out would be a poll, as said above.
And, for the record. I’ll be 17 in two months.
@SergeantQueen i figured you were under 19 and over 14. For someone my age, that is pretty accurate.
Yep! Seems that as of now, I am the youngest on this thread.
@SergeantQueen This is a poll but unless everyone on Fluther answers, we can’t calculate the actual average age.
Still somewhat interesting data.
@SergeantQueen don’t worry. My usename is a dead giveaway to some peoppe irl too. I pray everyday that they don’t discover this site.
Change it. I like Lily_big_gun.
Because I think of you as a flower with a tough side.
Anothier thought is that in order to find the average age of Fluther users, would we focus on the regular Jellies who come here all the time or all users, in which case the average would constantly be changing because newbies come all the time. There are probably about 50 regular Jellies.
I am forever that 12yr old boy loving life with a smile on my face, mischievous glint in my eye & erection in my shorts.
I think probably not, unless you can get everyone to answer. Lots of people seem to be doing just that, but I think knowing might discourage a diverse grouping of new users coming to the site.
which demographic do you think might be discouraged by the revelation of our individual ages? Every time I read one those “does he like me?” or “what does this dream mean?” questions, I’m taken aback at just how eclectic a bunch we are.
Most of those users don’t stay very long, @stanleybmanly.
Maybe the demographic that doesn’t want a site where the average age is not what they want it to be.
but aren’t we skewed pretty much across the graph, young, old, in between?
I think we seem pretty well distributed in age from 20 somethings to 60 somethings.
I’m 64. And happy to be old enough to draw Social Security, it helps.
I think we also have a good distribution of septuagenarians.
I counted 3 in this thread and I know of at least 2 others, one of whom is nominally associated with a certain jelly-generated catastrophe. ;-o
I’m doing the garden, digging the weeds. Who could ask for more?
Will you still need me? Will you still feed me?
That’s my age.
@LuckyGuy When I’m 64!
Honestly love that song
A bit off-topic: I seem to attract a lot of people from 50 to 70 here. The age most frequently showing up is 64. And they are some of the best people I know :)
Do I have some kind of luck with those numbers?
To me, this thread taught me at least one thing; age is not necessarily relevant to most threads. The majority of jellies can contribute to any thread. Regardless of subject matter, the relative ambiguity the forum provides lends a general respect to each jelly without perceived age/experience biases from others…
The age difference is a massive advantage, in my opinion. It diversifies the pond. If that diversity is a con to some, their opinions don’t really matter to me…
@MrGrimm888 I find it to be an advantage too. On the questions that are asking “What would you have done in this situation” or ones that are asking for opinions based on personal experiences, it’s interesting to see everyone’s perspective. Especially because I, as a 16 year old girl, am going to have a much different view on things than some of the jellies that are in their 70s. We all come from different walks of life, and it’s just interesting to see how we would all handle something.
It’s also good because users might feel more welcome if there are people around their age on the site. Someone in their 50s may not want to be on a site that’s 90% teenagers and vice versa
@Mimishu1995 That is an interesting observation. I consider you some of the best people I know, too. You give me hope for the future.
I’d be honored to have you as a daughter-in-law. :-)
I am older than the Cosmos. Worthless humans, die!
We seem to be doing a good job of wiping ourselves out, no need for assistance from some bug bear from outer space.
@ragingloli I get the feeling you were born on February 29th. ;>)
It is my 51st birthday a week on Friday, that’s right…Friday 13th
Sure, I am 434 years old… dog years.
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