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JLeslie's avatar

What do you do for Yom Kippur?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) September 30th, 2017 from iPhone

You do not have to be Jewish to answer, you might not be Jewish, but the day still affects you. Maybe you are married to someone Jewish or live in a Jewish neighborhood, or something that will contribute to the thread. Plus, if you aren’t Jewish, but have a question about an answer that’s fine too.

if you’re not Jewish and it’s just another day of the week for you please don’t bother to answer.

Do you fast? Go to temple? No shopping? No working? No phone calls? No internet? Do you spend the day thinking about what you’ve done “wrong?” Ask for forgiveness from the people you have hurt and from God? Do you forgive everyone who hurt you, and start the year fresh?

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11 Answers

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I fast for 24 hours, but that’s about all I do. I’m not a religious person, so I otherwise go about my life as usual.

Here’s what makes fasting difficult – dwelling on it. I look back on times in my life when I was more observant, spending all day around people saying, “I’m SO hungry,” and, “How many hours until I can eat something?” If I don’t think or talk about my next meal, fasting really isn’t much of an ordeal.

JLeslie's avatar

^^Yeah, half of it is overnight. The Jews were smart about that and started holidays at sundown. You can still eat an early dinner, so you only really miss two meals.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Stopped fasting years ago.

Don’t belong to a synagogue. Usually I read something of Judaic content,

LostInParadise's avatar

I fast. I am not religious, but I still think of myself as Jewish. This is a way for me to reinforce my connection.

kritiper's avatar

Put ketchup on it.

janbb's avatar

Don’t fast but do eat sparingly. Don’t go to services in recent years but don’t shop or spend money, usually try not to drive. Spend the day in introspective activities, catching up with friends, walking or (today) painting. Try to stay away from the internet but…here I am.

JLeslie's avatar

I’ll answer my own question.

I don’t fast, but I do think about the day, and what it’s supposed to mean.

My aunt died this passed Sunday, so I’m especially thinking about the prayer for the dead that will be said during services. My aunt had first been put into hospice at NYU hospital a few weeks ago. A Rabbi came by every day. She wasn’t religious my aunt, but she welcomed the visit. The rabbis did prayers for her her at her bedside. One rabbi, a woman, sang her prayer. My aunt cried and told her it was beautiful. Another day a Rabbi was talking to my mom and sister outside the hospital room, and she asked me to ask the rabbi if he would Kay his hands on her back. Her back gave her tremendous pain over the years. He did, and he said a prayer, and we all had tears eyes.

So, this Yom Kippur I feel especially introspective, and glad to be Jewish, and glad NYU has so many Rabbi chaplains. She was moved to a different hospice facility her last week of life and I don’t think a rabbi every visited. I’m disappointed about that. They have a rabbi chaplain, but he/she is only there once a week. My sister saw one of the rabbis from NYU a few days ago this past week and asked about my aunt. She told him my aunt had died, and he said he would say a prayer for today.

Sorry to ramble, but it was all on my mind.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Same thing I do every Holliday. Work…

Qav's avatar

Since it follows Elul, the month of heart-searching and repentance, I try to hit all areas for needed repentance before Yom Kippur.

(Well, that never works! :D )

If I am well enough, I attend services, but I been ordered not to fast by my doc. However, I use bland food for the day, no food I love a lot, etc.

janbb's avatar

@Qav I usually do something similar – tea and toast late morning or mid-day. I am usually always repenting year round and if I miss something, my adult kids will point it out!

Qav's avatar

@janbb You’re cute! Love it!

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