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janbb's avatar

How can I get the volume up on my PC?

Asked by janbb (63361points) October 1st, 2017

I have a Dell with Windows 7. All of a sudden, the volume has gotten way low on both YouTube and Facebook – and presumably elsewhere. Yes, I did reboot. I also looked at the sound icon on the lower right of the screen and everything is up to 100%. And on FB, I’ve turned the sound way up. There is sound coming out but it is very faint.

Any ideas?

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20 Answers

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CWOTUS's avatar

Do you have any other devices you can listen through, other than the computer’s internal speakers? That is, a wired or Bluetooth headphone set, or external speakers, also either wired or not? If you can get “normal” sound through the other devices, and the volume there responds properly to the software controls on the desktop, then that might indicate a problem with the computer’s internal speakers. If the sound is unreasonably low in all devices, then I’d be looking at a driver update or replacement, for starters.

janbb's avatar

I have Dell external speakers – I assume that’s where the sound is coming from? Is there a way to switch it between external and internal?

janbb's avatar

Ok. I found in the control panel a way to delete the external speakers so now there is no sound at all. I am looking to reconnect them under “add a new device” but it doesn’t find them to add. What now?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Try experimenting with some of your F keys.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nevermind. They don’t do anything.

janbb's avatar

The first thing I have to do now is get those speakers re-seen.

elbanditoroso's avatar

make sure that the speaker plug is tightly into the speaker socket. If it is even part way pulled out, you would get very little volume./

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

You may need to reinstall the driver. I have sound issues with my Lenovo. That’s the only fix I’ve found suggested. In my case is to change the driver, but for you perhaps re-installing the driver will help.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

This may restore the speakers

Control Panel -> Device Manager

Right-click on the computer icon

Choose Scan for Hardware Changes

CWOTUS's avatar

Does the system have internal speakers? After listening to externals they will have disappointing sound (softer, not as full, etc.) – but they may still work. (They’d be listed under the “Devices” in the control panel, where you’re already looking to find the external ones.)

To test whether it’s the speakers themselves at fault (unlikely, but possible), can you attach them to some other sound-producing system, such as a television, stereo, iPod player, etc.

But it sounds from what you’re saying – if you can’t even find them listed as devices on the system, that it’s a computer / driver problem, and not the hardware.

janbb's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay Found it and did it but it didn’t seem to scan.

@CWOTUS Well, they were there until I deleted them to test whether there was internal sound. But now it can’t find them again.

@All I am giving up for tonight and having my boy Sherman call me from college tomorrow. I will let you know the results. Will post more questions if need be.

johnpowell's avatar

Does Windows need drivers for shit plugged into the mini-jack port. I can see it for USB/bluetooth powered speakers but not normal speakers.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

There may be a proprietary sound driver for sound ports with unnecessary fancy interface.

Actually that is common. USB speakers would not need any separate driver.

janbb's avatar

Just talked to Sherman (my boy) and we ran through all the same steps I had taken. When I went to the speaker icon on the bottom right and tried to adjust the settings, it told me it had detected a problem and was troubleshooting it. Apparently it did fix it and the sound is now working great again. Go figure!

CWOTUS's avatar

Be sure to tell Sherman that we did all the prep work for him.

janbb's avatar

@CWOTUS I actually think I did all the prep work myself but thanks for the sounding board.

Dutchess_III's avatar


janbb's avatar

@johnpowell They did port into the mini-jack port. Apparently whatever trouble shooting windows did allowed them to see the speakers again and they are the right volume. I had pushed the plug into the port further – maybe it had been coming loose.

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