General Question

wrestlemaniac's avatar

Where would you want to live?

Asked by wrestlemaniac (813points) August 13th, 2008

it could be a fantasy land, or real place, i desire to live in like a fantasy land were fairy tales and stuff are alive, imagine all the fantasy stories and movies and all their location in the world put together as one, that would be the place a would choose to live in, with magic as well…(zoning out)

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27 Answers

Dorkgirl's avatar

I would go back in time to see what things were really like in different eras if I could bring along shampoo, soap, antibiotics.
I would love to live in a foreign country for a while. We’ve visited a lot of places, but lived outside the US. I think it would be awesome!

MrMeltedCrayon's avatar

Northern Italy.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

you mean Tuscany?

flameboi's avatar

I live in paradise now :)

wrestlemaniac's avatar

Do tell. where?

damien's avatar

In the sea.

MrMeltedCrayon's avatar

Tuscany would be nice, but there is a lot of beautiful country up there, so if I don’t make it exactly to Tuscany, I wouldn’t mind. :P

wrestlemaniac's avatar

I would love to visit the Emerald isle. ahhhh.

flameboi's avatar

where? I live in Ecuador, nice weather, cheap petrol, everything is close… lovelyy :)

robhaya's avatar

Kapalua, Maui

tinyfaery's avatar

In my own little world.

seVen's avatar

in heaven.

Lightlyseared's avatar

London. Greatest city on earth (possibly)

wrestlemaniac's avatar

what about New York?

Lightlyseared's avatar

Well it’s nice but it’s no London.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

true have you ever seen london? if you have what’s it like?

shockvalue's avatar

Middle Earth… or on the Starship Enterprise.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Prague. Great public transit system, love the food, love the area, the people seem fine. It’s also in a great location for traveling elsewhere. Plus, I know some of the language and picked it up fairly quickly (for me – I’m really awful with languages).

wrestlemaniac's avatar

ahhh middle-earth, any place specifically i would pick mordor.

Dorkgirl's avatar

London—amazing, bustling
Budapest—magnificent, huge, friendly

shockvalue's avatar

One does not simply move into MORDOR!

marinelife's avatar

France. Farm country.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

i think the quote stated walk “one does not simply Walk into mordor” , boromir.

shockvalue's avatar

yes, it does. However I was adapting it for the situation at hand.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

well, if you look at my profile, it shouldn’t be a problem for me to “move” into mordor.

irocktheworld's avatar

I want to go to paris,hawaii,california,paradise…

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