Peanut chews, but I’ve never received them in my Halloween bag. They were a classic candy, and hard to find, even when I was a child. My grandma used to buy them. I still find them in big candy stores.
M&M’s. I like plain or coffee flavored.
Baby Ruth.
Hershey’s nuggets (plain chocolate or the caramel).
Peanut butter cups.
Peppermint patty.
Lindt in the red wrapper.
Pecan turtles. Yum. With big pieces of pecan. Cella’s chocolate covered cherries (I recently found out I was born in chocolate covered cherry day). Both are not a Halloween candy.
I’ve always liked all of these, except it’s worth mention Hershey didn’t make “nuggets” when I was a kid and M&M’s didn’t have a coffee flavor then either. The Hershey bar was thicker back then though. Actually, as a kid I preferred Nestle, but my mom was a die hard Hershey girl.
As a kid I liked a lot of non-chocolate candies like dots, candy necklaces, bubble gum, Necco’s, jolly ranchers and skittles. I rarely eat these now, and when I do it’s just a few.
Story time: I’ve told this story before, when I was a girl we didn’t have much money, and my mom always hated waste. My mom would buy a couple of bags of candy to give out. My sister and I would trick or treat halfway around the neighborhood, and then come home and give her the candy we didn’t like. She would give that out the rest of the night, and we would go back out and get more candy for ourselves.