Are you a strict black and white type person?
Asked by
October 5th, 2017
What I mean by that do you follow and obey all rules, and laws without question no matter if they make little or no sense.
Or is there a tad of grey in your life in some areas?
Strict black and white people annoy the crap out of me, but that is just me what about you?
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24 Answers
I am not so Manichaean as to condemn black and white thinkers.
Nope, one thing age has taught me is that just about everything is a shade of grey, life is nuanced and understanding nuance keeps us from condemning everything.
What a binarily worded question. Can I assume from it that you are such a person, @SQUEEKY2?
Only regarding smart phones and poor driving. :-)
No. I’m open. But, as @janbb said, there are somethings I will never stay relaxed about. I will always say it’s black.
I usually obey rules and laws as life is easier that way. There are grey areas for sure where I might make up my own mind according to circumstances. There is also room in my life for colour; yellow and red and orange to name just three.
The more I read about philosophy, the more I see reality itself as “gray” and a black-and-white view as an illusion. As for following laws, I tend to follow them because I don’t want to cause trouble and I don’t disagree with most of them. But even I’ve ignored some (underage drinking, jaywalking, speeding, pirating music, etc.) and it’s not even necessarily because I don’t believe in them either.
I have never met such a person in real life. Like @flutherother, I will follow the rules if they are not totally arbitrary or stupid or go against my moral code, but so much of life is shades of grey.
I have met people who seem to me to be more rigid than is necessary, but I am not so arrogant to think that they are “black and white”, simply because they have a different approach than I do.
I like to think of myself as chaotic neutral.
I follow the rules when they benefit me, when the chance for punishment is a greater hazard than the inconvenience of conforming, and when it’s the best way to make what I want happen. But if a rule is stupid, useless, or worse – detrimental, then fuck yes I’m going to ignore it.
Dang @DominicY! All these years I thought you were saying ”gay”!
@Muad_Dib I love that answer, and @canidmajor you never pass up a chance to chastise me for something do you?
@flutherother What about blue? There is a beautiful blue surrounding your fish.
Hmmm, that is kind of a grey area for me but I would say yeah, probably so.
And you never pass up a chance to miss a joke, do you @SQUEEKY2?
@janbb Blue is actually my favourite colour.
I was raised that rules without good reasons shouldn’t be rules, and that [authority] without representation is tyranny. And it’s been an open secret since before I was born that our government corruptly represents big money and big industry far more than it does the people.
Overly rule-bound people often seem slightly crazy to me. But I get that many people are strongly organized that way, and that in many situations there can be a lot of value in order and compliance and following rules.
Another super great answer thanks @Zaku !
I’m a purple.
If the rules wanna blend in, they are welcome.
When in battle. Swing that axe or don’t.
I try not to be since I am well aware of all the gray areas in life.
I tend towards black and white, but am not militant about it. I don’t always drive the speed limit, but if I am driving slower than everyone else I stay to the right. If I’m driving faster I try not to get upset if someone is going slower, but still doing the speed limit. I do get annoyed when there is someone doing 10–15 mph under the speed limit. That is a hazard. I try to follow the rules though…they are there for a reason. The lack of rules is chaos.
I live in the 50 shades of gray.
That must be exhausting and depressing.
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