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MakeItSo1701's avatar

Do some flamingoes have one leg, while others have two?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13736points) October 6th, 2017

I was told that flamingoes have one leg. I just saw pictures where some had two legs but others appeared to only have one,which my friend told me was just how they stand. Do they have one or two legs? I am confused. Why would they stand on one leg?

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15 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

They all have 2 legs.
As for why they stand on one leg, some say it may be to lessen body heat transfer to the water, while others say that it might be an automatic reflex caused by one half of the brain going to sleep, while the other stays awake.
But the current real answer is: Nobody knows.

Muad_Dib's avatar

They have two legs. It is easier for them to stand on one leg rather than two. Even a dead flamingo can stand on one leg, but not two.


Mariah's avatar

They have 2 legs but tend to stand on one at a time. I always heard that it was because they can sleep one half of their brain at a time which basically disables one half of their body including one leg, but maybe that’s just a myth.

Strauss's avatar

The only one-legged flamingos I know of are the front yard type!

stanleybmanly's avatar

If I remember, porpoises have the same ability to sleep a hemisphere at a time. Nice talent. Wish I had it!

rojo's avatar

I did an in-depth study of this and found definitive proof that flamingos are two legged creatures

CWOTUS's avatar

You were having your leg pulled.

Flamingoes have two of ‘em, also.

MrGrimm888's avatar

They have two. When I worked with animals though, it was common to find wild birds with only one foot/leg. Herron’s, Egrets, and Seagulls lost them the most. We always hypothesized that something must have bitten them off. Never saw a bird with no legs. I guess they just can’t make it with none.

So. All birds have two. Some are luckier than others though…

Mariah's avatar

I saw a gull limping around on one leg at the beach last year. I took pity on him – reminded me of my boyfriend, I guess – and threw him a chip. I then got mobbed by 15 of his closest friends. No good deed goes unpunished I guess.

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Patty_Melt's avatar

In my family, whenever someone stands at the sink to wash some dishes, pop! One leg goes up, and that foot rests against the knee of the still standing leg.
My mom said itvwas a hillbilly thing. I dunno, but only one leg at a time gets tired. After a while you can switch to a rested foot.

When I first heard of flamingoes standing on one leg at a time, I figured they were extending their stand time in the same way we did.

Whatever their reasons, rest assured, there are two legs there somewhere.
By the way, it was a tough habit to break in bootcamp.

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kritiper's avatar

They have two legs. Generally speaking, of course.

Kardamom's avatar

I think we all now know that healthy flamingos have two legs. But you can see from This Picture why it sometimes appears as if some flamingos, in this case the baby, has only one leg, although it actually does have 2. But aren’t they cute? I love visiting the zoo and watching the flamingos. They make a really funny high pitched honking sound, and when one of them runs, they all run at the same time. They also all turn their heads at the same time. It’s kind of like watching a well orchestrated pink ballet.

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