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XOIIO's avatar

Could someone with garageband or something similar recreate the 5 notes from close encounters for me?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) October 6th, 2017

Hey all, so I was wondering if anyone here with garageband, or a similar program, could recreate the 5 notes from close encounters of the third kind.

I haven’t been able to find any samples which sound like the deeper, boomier alien response at 9 seconds in this clip.

Sounds like it would be a mix of brass instruments, or at least something very baritone.

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4 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

Darn, too late to edit, but hopefully a version where each of the notes played slightly longer, so that it felt slightly slower would be ideal.

CWOTUS's avatar

If you’ve got a recording that you otherwise enjoy, then download Gold Wave in its free demo mode – which is still pretty capable! – and modify the time to suit.

Jeruba's avatar

My son says look for tuba samples.

Jeruba's avatar

To elaborate: my son spends a lot of time working with music composition and sound creation programs, experimenting, exploring samples, building harmonies and countermelodies in multiple layers, and studying harmonics and the effects of sine waves and other things that I don’t have the vocabulary for. I thought the Close Encounters melody in the film might have been entirely electronically generated, but after listening to it a half dozen times, he said, “Look for tuba samples.”

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