General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Has anyone in the world experenced a negative minimum wage or interest rate?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) October 7th, 2017

Less than $0.00 or 0%? When you pay to work or invest.

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5 Answers

Muad_Dib's avatar

Yes. They used to be called “apprenticeships”. You’d pay an expert to teach you their craft, and usually room and board while you learned.

The “learning” often involved doing the menial, laborious parts of the job for several years before actual teaching began.

ragingloli's avatar

Bank account and ATM withdrawal fees.
They use your money to lend to others with interest, profiting from your money, and in addition to that, they charge you for it.

Pinguidchance's avatar

In 2016 EUR, CHF, DKK, SEK, and JPY interest rates were negative.

Zaku's avatar

There was money that expired issued in Italy, and it led to great investment in long-term building improvements, resulting in some extraordinary and very long-lasting architecture that people still enjoy.

Several times I’ve had money in accounts that the bank ends up stealing via fees, often new fees I didn’t agree to, and that accumulate if it takes time to notice.

Many people do work for no pay and also invest some of their own money to participate. Self-publishing, apprenticeships, charity work, self-employment, work “on spec(ulation)”, etc.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Any money that is just sitting in a regular bank account or in a safe or under a mattress is losing value every single day. You cannot “save” money in the traditional sense. It must be invested or put into assets that either hold value or actually produce value. Money set aside for emergencies is more of an insurance policy where you pay a premium in the fact that inflation is eroding the value slowly.

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