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wrestlemaniac's avatar

What do you think is the funniest prank ever thought up?

Asked by wrestlemaniac (813points) August 13th, 2008

mines is the prank attack.

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50 Answers

Judi's avatar

The Republican party?

trumi's avatar

That time they told us there were WMD’s in Iraq. Boy, did they have a larf once we found out.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

president george. w .bush?

trumi's avatar

Nice one, Florida.

Judi's avatar

Florida 200 right?

Judi's avatar

I meant 2000

wrestlemaniac's avatar

i was talking to one of my buddies he says congress.

kristianbrodie's avatar

Aside from politics, I thought most of the stuff Borat managed to get away with was pretty brilliant!

gailcalled's avatar

Runner-up is Clarence Thomas.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

like the social party and his social guest, remember that scene?

redsgirl4eva's avatar

I agree on the Florida 2000 ballots

wrestlemaniac's avatar

oh that’s the florida 2000.

flameboi's avatar

Please, Hillary waiting for the results after the primaries in Nepal :s

poofandmook's avatar

on a much lighter note… on the last day of 7th grade we put a clean maxi pad sticky side up on our science teacher’s chair. We hated him.. he was such a jerk! He apparently had it on for the next 3 periods because he didn’t leave the classroom and no student would tell him! LMFAO

redsgirl4eva's avatar

@ poof that is a great one

wrestlemaniac's avatar

ahh! i remember 6th grade, we had a substitute teacher and she was a real *****, so when she went out of the classroom to go to the bathroom, everyone dumped her stuff out the window along with like half the class room on the marching band(2 pranks in 1) when she came back it took her a full 15 minutes before realizing and said wait there is something different about this room, and where is my stuff, oh probably left it in the car. :D (laughing crazily)

simone54's avatar

You guys are lame.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

hey we didn’t want to get in that much trouble, but there was that time in 7th grade (evil grin) and besides let’s hear your master prank.

poofandmook's avatar

Thanks for your input, simone. I’ll be sure to file that away accordingly so as to more quickly refer to it at a later date.

kevbo's avatar

I didn’t think it up, but in HS my wrestling coach drove a Yugo. The team picked it up and moved it.

simone54's avatar

I wasn’t talk about you. I was talking about the first six posts that all did the same lame-ass joke.

poofandmook's avatar

oh. Okay then. halfway-veiled bitchy comment withdrawn. No hard feelings ;)

wrestlemaniac's avatar

am i included in the first six?

wrestlemaniac's avatar

oh then why you little, let’s first hear your “great” prank and i’ll be the judge of that, if i don’t like it then my Shades will have a little message for you.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

@kevbo- where did they move it to?

buster's avatar

When I was in school I found a vacant locker and put a catfish in it. Then I superglued it shut. The whole school smelled terrible for days before they fixed the problem. I also squirted superglue in keyholes all over the school. We went to lunch and the teacher locked the door. I snuck back a few minutes later and filled up the keyhole. It took a while after lunch for someone to find a key to the fire door so we could get back in. I should have got that lock too. I superglued my art teachers coffee mug to her desk. I did a bunch of other shit with superglue but Ive listed enough. The school had a bounty out for the “Superglue Bandit” but they never caught up to me.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

Genius! simply genius.

redsgirl4eva's avatar

@ buster hey u were so good u even got a name lol

kevbo's avatar

I don’t remember, so bad storytelling on my part. It was funny, though.

Knotmyday's avatar

In college, my friend’s roommate was a snivelly little weasel who managed to alienate everyone on the floor. We would do terrible things to him…

- We short-sheeted his bed. He managed to kick his feet all the way through them.
– We pushed a raisin into his toothpaste tube, and put more toothpaste on top. When it popped out, he was convinced it had gone “bad” and threw it away.
– He made an irritating ritual of eating oreo cookies just before bed, slowly, methodically, crunching away beatifically with his eyes closed while my friend lay there with the covers over his head. We broke into his cookie cabinet, surgically removed all the filling from the cookies, and replaced it with toothpaste. He tasted every damn one before tossing them.
– We split an electrical cord, removed single copper wires from it, and wrapped them around the plug-prongs on his electric razor. When he plugged it in, they would short-circuit with a massive flash. We did this every morning for a week until he threw it away.

He never suspected a thing. On the last day of the year, we decorated the tree outside his window with his clothes on hangers, and filled his drawers with pine-cones and his closet with pine branches.

We were so stupid. I hope I’ve worked off my karma for that stuff.

trumi's avatar

@simone; Hey, my jokes may be lame, but…Well… No, you’re right.

simone54's avatar

If anyone is looking for pranks to pull. Just watch the office. The things Jim does to Dwight are genius.

tinyfaery's avatar

If you like Borat, check out the Tom Green Show.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

i sure will, i love the movie borat.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

hey you guys want to hear what happened in 7th grade?

trumi's avatar

If we say no, what happens? :D

poofandmook's avatar

He tells it anyway, but naked and painted blue this time.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

lol…nice one poof.

dalepetrie's avatar

We had some friends who owned a convenience store in a small, conservative town. We knew the local clergy often shopped there. So, we had these labels printed up, they look like labels for a can of food, complete with product name, description, ingredients and nutrition information. The fake product? Fish assholes. We wrapped it around a can of Spaghetti-Oh’s and placed it in a prominent location on one of the shelves in our friend’s store. A couple weeks later he invited everyone over for a party to watch some movies, play cards, etc. As he was bringing out some appetizers, he says, “I got a great new product, let’s give it a try”. Out comes the can of fish assholes, he opens them and pours them into a bowl and slaps them down in front of everyone, not knowing WHO played the prank, but knowing it was SOMEONE from that crowd.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

he’s right either way, let’s make it short, the consequences of our actions led us to be named the ASDF AfterSchoolDetentionFighters. don’t ask why or how, use your imaginations. ;)

scamp's avatar

@tinyfaery I remember Tom Green! I forgot all about him until you mentioned him. I wonder if he’s on netflix now?

imcrazy23's avatar

convincing gary busey that he was sane and when he announces that in front of a live audience we get the guys with the big needles to put him to sleep.
same goes for chris crocker except we tell him that he is “straight” and that britney spears is the ruler of the world then he announces it on youtube.

imcrazy23's avatar

oh and for the super glue kid…....................yeah superglueing someone’s granny’s butthole shut would be funny. oh oh and tearing her a new ash hole. just kidding. but if we used super glue to shut George Bushe’s mouth shut then that would be accepted….............right? i wanna hear what happened in 7th grade

wrestlemaniac's avatar

okay, well there was…..., do you really want to know?, i mean really?

JackAdams's avatar

My buddies and I arranged for this jerk we knew, to go out on a blind date with this fantastic-looking “babe,” knowing full well that the jerk would do everything possible to get her back to his place and into his bed. He didn’t disappoint us.

He took her to his place, as expected, and when he got her out of her clothes, he learned a brand-new phrase:

“Chick with a Dick”

We teased him about that, for the next 3 years, regularly.

August 23, 2008, 4:51 AM EDT

JackAdams's avatar

I forgot to mention that one stunt that was (literally) “Awesome,” was done by a bunch of college kids in Houston, Texas, one summer.

The city had this huge water fountain, which was run 24/7. Not anymore.

The kids purchased box after box of “Family Size” TIDE laundry detergent, and poured all of them into the fountain.

Within minutes, there were soap suds covering 3 city blocks.

August 23, 2008, 5:29 AM EDT

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