Ibstubro tribute. What's your best story about road rage?
It seems like a good time to revisit another question from our beloved jelly, ibstubro.
Have fun with this.
What have you done? Experienced? Witnessed?
Had any ragey thoughts?
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12 Answers
When someone blows a gasket at me on the road I usually blow them a kiss, it just melts their little brain.
I was going the speed limit on a small, winding, one lane road, and the car behind me swerved into the other lane to get ahead of me, and went about 70 mph. I caught up to him a few minutes later and it turned out that he got into a car wreck. Fortunately he wasn’t injured.
@SQUEEKY2 love it!
@rockfan, good that you could have that concern for their safety after they clearly showed none themselves.
I was circled by a gang of guys on speed bikes for some time on the freeway. I got angrier and angrier, but kept my composure as long as I could. I was too scared to give them the middle finger, but at one point, I couldn’t hold back and gave one of them a wide-eyed glare and deep, exasperated huff.
The leader raised his visor, grinned, waggled his fingers at me, and they all sped off together on cue.
OH. They were teasing. Geez.
@linguaphile You did well young padawan.
I had a friend who rode with a gang for a while and he told of an incident where someone merged onto the highway as they were passing without regard for them and caused several to swerve to avoid him. When they caught up with him to discuss his error he flipped them off. They surrounded his car and proceeded to kick the shit out of the door and side panels with their heavy riding boots. My friend said the driver just sat there in a state of shock with his jaw hanging open.
When the had had their fun they just sped up and left him in the dust.
Several times I have been crossing a street or in a parking lot and some driver does something so stupid I want to yank them right out their window and toss them in front of their own car.
My dad had a real issue with tailgators, especially at night, when their lights would get in his eyes.
When I was a teen, he actually got somebidy pulled over for it. He was ready to fight. I was so mortified. Our whole family was in the car. The guy plus friends wasn’t much older than me, maybe college age.
He was pretty freaked by my dad’s over six feet in height, and muscled build. Yikes!
Dad finally got back in the car, told the kid to go first, then sat there cussing for a while before taking off.
Most people think they are the worlds best driver, and are super quick to anger when someone does something stupid in front of them.
Want some examples of stupid?
A driver didn’t think they needed to dim their highbeams to on coming tractor trailers, because they thought their lights wouldn’t bother the drivers that sat higher up.(true story)
Here is another one a middle age women asked me why do the big transports go so slow up steep hills it is very annoying for her that they do this, I asked her if I put 5 tons of bricks in her volvo station wagon would it go highway speeds up steep hills?She rolled her eyes and said of course not, I said think about it then.(true story)
Yes, it is frustrating when you get forced behind a big rig in hilly country, but going down the other side, wheeeeeee!
I told my kids to think of it like a roller coaster.
My dad did long hauls for decades. I hated when he carried swinging meat. I went with him on one of those runs. You can really feel every breeze, and every contour of the road. I was so glad when he switched to hauling candy bars.
I’m afraid to ask, but why are there Ibsturbro “tributes” ?
@anniereborn ,Ibsturbro passed away a short time ago, and there are members here who will gladly either pm you or post a link to when and where.
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