General Question

Strauss's avatar

How's your weather?

Asked by Strauss (23886points) October 8th, 2017

Knowing there are Jellies from all over the world, I think we could got some interesting reports.

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20 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Our summer was the hottest driest in decades, causing the worst forest fire season we have ever seen here in BC but our fall is starting out pretty normal and hopefully winter with a good snow pact will put these remaining fires out.

jca's avatar

It’s been warm in southern NY and the nights recently have been pretty warm, too. It was more chilly in August than in September and so far in October. Today itt’s rainy and muggy.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Quite likely perfect. It hasn’t hit 80 yet this morning.

ragingloli's avatar

8 degrees, partly cloudy, wind speed 2m/s.

rebbel's avatar

18 degrees celcius, partly cloudy, wind 5m/s, 0% precitipiticitipation.

zenvelo's avatar

Beautiful, perfect, no clouds anywhere, 78 degrees F at 1 p.m. It cooled to high 40s overnight, just enough to grab a jacket.

October in Northern California is one of the best months.

chyna's avatar

Rainy, 70 degrees.

janbb's avatar

Light rain all day, about 75. We needed some rain so it’s all good. Been a gorgeous month so far. Leaves are just beginning to turn.

Strauss's avatar

High today 75F, freeze tonight, 4–6” snow tomorrow, first of the season; high 3t. Tuesday high 50 F, sunny. Typical fall in Front Range of Colorado.

janbb's avatar

@Strauss Really. Snow already? We’ve gotten it once or twice around Halloween and that’s early for us.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Raining and 79* F.

Jeruba's avatar

Sunny and in the low 70s. There’s a definite cooling in the air; it’s fall, not summer, even if the distinction is subtle here in Northern California. Acorns are falling from the oak, and the sycamore leaves are turning brown. It’s still beautiful, but the year is unmistakably in decline.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Indian Summer has finally arrived. 74 degrees f. Not a cloud in the sky. Pretty much the same for the past 7 days.

flutherother's avatar

Today, in the northern part of the UK, it was overcast, dark and autumnal and a bit chilly. (Mid 50’s.)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Update Just emptied rain gauge, two and one quarter inches since last night at same time. Rain has stopped.

janbb's avatar

“Autumnal” is such a beautiful, evocative word!

flutherother's avatar

I prefer the word “autumn” to “fall”.

Kardamom's avatar

Today, after months and months of very hot weather, it is cool, but it is supposed to heat up again tomorrow.

Strauss's avatar

@janbb Snow already?

It’s a little early, but not really unusual . Average first snowfall here (40 years of data) is October 17. The snow from these autumnal snow events is usually gone in 24–36 hours.

Contrast that with the Great Lakes region, where I was born. The first snow that falls is usually the last to melt in the springtime.

rojo's avatar

It is Texas and it is October so, of course, the temp yesterday was 94 degrees F and humid.

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