Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why do some people always insist there was a second shooter, and that second shooter represented the government?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) October 9th, 2017

They desperately try to find proof of a 2nd shooter, but with no luck. So then they make stuff up. No matter how many times it’s shown that that just isn’t possible, and that one shooter could easily do what he did, they always insist there is a secret someone else who helped.

Why do they do that?

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51 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

The implication is that The Government™ staged this incident to manufacture a pretense to push through gun regulations (even though the Dotard Orangutan is in charge now).
It furthers the narrative that the “gub’ment is gunna ged yer gunz”.
This in turn increases the rise in gun sales following this incident even more.
Btw, they pushed similar shit after the Sandy Hook incident.

Muad_Dib's avatar

If anyone is manufacturing these incidents, it’s the NRA and gun manufacturers. They know full well everytime a bunch of innocent people get slaughtered, sales go through the roof.

NomoreY_A's avatar

I think it all stems from Nov. 22, 1963. There were obviously more than one shooter involved in the JFK assassination, even the House Revue Board on Assassinations back in the 70s admitted as much, also that JFK was “probably” killed as a result of a conspiracy, even though they did little or nothing to follow up on their findings.
Everything that has followed since has been jumped on by conspiracy theorists as being the result of some nefarious Government plot. But lone sicko maniacs do exist, and they do commit atrocities for reasons known only to themselves.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I am confused as to which shooting you refer.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Think they are talking about the one in Vegas recently.

Dutchess_III's avatar

All of them @Patty.

Patty_Melt's avatar

In Vegas, quite a lot if people were confused by a strobe light on or near the fourteenth floor.
I saw an interview with a man who was somehow involved with the show.
He stated that each night when the show closed, as he was leaving he would notice the strobe light in the hotel window, about halfway up, and wonder who brings a strobe with them to a hotel.
If you look at various interviews, lots of people claimed to see flashes halfway up, though the shooting took place from the thirty second floor, only down a couple from the top.
That suite is the only place where the windows were broken out. Nobody could shoot through a closed window.
Even in the audio of the police movements, at least one pointed out flashes coming from a window about halfway up the hotel.
One more point, is echo confusion, which makes tracking the source of shots difficult in such an environment.

Now, you take suspicious people, relatively uninformed in regards to much of the details.
They hear numerous people say they saw flashes from two separate rooms, but nobody is investigating more than a single shooter, and they assume a government cover up.
That is what I know of Vegas.
Others could have similar unclear aspects.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s crazy. If there was a second shooter they would have found him on the tapes by now and pulled out all the stops.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Crazy people take partial information, and run amok with it.

Zachary_Mendes123's avatar

There wasn’t a second shooter. Just one.

Patty_Melt's avatar

We know that.
The question involves the confusion many people start or believe after these things.

Zachary_Mendes123's avatar

Assume all rumors are lies.

Dutchess_III's avatar

So many WANT to believe.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Without proof it’s just a rumor. You don’t start running around spreading rumors like they’re a fact with no proof. It makes one look like a fool.

MrGrimm888's avatar

People are shocked. It’s a lot to process. Confusion is still rampant. As mass shootings go, this one is full of anomalies.

Rumors are flying. I even heard that there was a Mexican couple in the crowd, and that the woman told dozens there that they were all about to die.

Given that there is no motivation uncovered yet, or volunteered by the shooter, and that there were explosive materials and weapons in other locations there are many things that don’t fit right. The man planned pretty meticulously , to leave explosives out of the final event, and then to kill himself rather than shoot it out with police was bizarre. After shooting so many people, why didn’t he try to kill a bunch of cops too.

People are, I think, just searching for something to make sense of all of this. Many details may never arise…

Patty_Melt's avatar

They mentioned a note on the news over the weekend.
They stated it was written by the shooter, but that it was not a suicide note.
I am very curious about the note.

I still feel strongly there was a medical cause.
A person can have a completely altered personality due to several medical conditions, without losing their intellect. In such a case, the person could react to a burning rage, without even understanding themselves what has driven them to such a froth.
It is entirely possible the shooter himself was a victim.

No doubt that riles the sensitivities of a few jellies, but it is a virtual possibility.

Muad_Dib's avatar

^ which is why so many of us feel that amassing such an arsenal should trip some warning klaxons somewhere.

Patty_Melt's avatar

He bought that stuff at various shops, over a long time, in different states.
They interviewed the guy who sold him the very last gun.
He said they have code words at their shop, so that if ANY of them feel nervous about the customer, the sale can be shut down. Nobody saw, heard, felt anything that concerned them.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yeah Patty. A brain tumor could have been the culprit…

ragingloli's avatar

Money tends to have that effect.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Partial list of physical medical issues which can, and often do cause extreme personality changes in an otherwise normal person:
Thyroid abnormalities
early onset of Alzheimer’s
Head injuries, including inflammation or brain infection.
As people age, they tend to become more likely to be stricken by the extreme personality changes associated with these, and other physical causes.

Muad_Dib's avatar

And if those guns had to be registered, we wouldn’t have had to rely on the gut feelings of a cashier.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Man, if only they were as closely monitored as prescription drugs and cough medicine, or whatever it is they use for meth.

Dutchess_III's avatar

People are trying to insert logical “reasons” into a situation where there IS no logic. Dude was fucking nuts.

Muad_Dib's avatar

Right? I have to scan my driver’s licence to buy Sudafed, but I can trade a bicycle for a semiautomatic rifle on a Facebook yard sale group and not even break a law.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah. It’s too ridiculous. The only ones who are against regulations are those who wouldn’t be allowed to own a gun if they had to pass regulation.

Patty_Melt's avatar

But, there was nothing which stood out about him.
He had no history of mental illness, no police record ever.
I am in favor of banning rapid fire weapons and add ons, and silencers, but most of what that man purchased was hunting rifles.
Also, his longtime partner thought he wanted to break up with her. Instead, he transfered money for her to buy a house.
Those facts alone suggest extreme personality change, something which is not uncommon. It is also not easy to notice with casual observers.
When my doctor was testing me for possible thyroid problems, she asked me questions about my moods, if I was angry a lot lately, had I changed any habits, etc.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Dutchess_III . Sadly, you are mistaken. I used to sell guns, as part of my old part time job. Honestly, most opposed to increased background checks etc. because it is less convenient for them to just walk in and buy. Yes. People are that selfish. Many people were grumpy that it took 20 minutes to buy a gun.

I have said before, that I vehemently support far more strick gun laws, and background checks. The problem, in part, is that there are a bunch of assholes that want to be able to buy whatever they want, quickly and conveniently.

Dutchess_III's avatar

In this case he might have gotten away with it @Patty_Melt, but of all the other shooters how many would have?
Also, if there were records the fact that he had an arsenal of weapons would have have been something to notice.

We just have to say “Tough tittie,” to them. They don’t get to get away with a lot of other things for the sake of convenience. They have to wait in line for a year at the DMV, just like everyone else.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Lots of those men sent their wives in on crowded holiday shopping days. These assholes sometimes made their pregnant women stand in 2 hour lines, so they wouldn’t have to. These women are so subservient, I wager that they were the types who voted for Trump because their husbands told them to.

The thanksgiving before last, I gave 5 pregnant women camping chairs to sit in line with. I’m glad I don’t do that job anymore. Mainly because of all the jerks who came to the gun counter. Many were just fine, but there were lots of rude, stupid rednecks.

MrGrimm888's avatar

They were redneck assholes. They are at the core of our nation’s gun issues. They’re the ones who won’t support gun regulation. They would talk.about Obama, and how he was trying to take their guns, and ruin the country. They don’t like even filling out the form for a background check (4473.)
They were too lazy, or stupid to read and write. And it bothered them that they couldn’t just walk in and buy guns without the “hassle.” Most were cleared by NICS (FBI background check agency) in minutes. Most of that “type” were older white men. Some were younger. You wouldn’t think that a 15 minute process was too inconvenient, but many were upset about it. They didn’t have any past crimes, or mental health problems. They just wanted to walk in and buy ,and walk out. When I attempt to explain the process, many thought Obama himself was trying to make it hard for them to buy guns. I suppose they got their news from Rush Limbaugh. They were some of the most ignorant, rude people I’ve ever seen.

I’d like to add, that in my state if you have a concealed carry permit, there wasn’t even a background check performed. So. If you have a CWP (concealed weapons permit,) you could buy dozens of guns without so much as a minor check… So if your mental health, or whatever changed over time, it would still be easy to buy weapons.

NomoreY_A's avatar

The same type of morons who bought in to the Jade Helm insanity a few years back, when the Dems and liberals were going to declare martial law, and lock dissenters up in Wal-Mart basements. The same fucktard idiots who take anything that issues forth from Rush Limpballs insane mouth, as Gospel.

NomoreY_A's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I apologize for the rant, but living in Texas I am surrounded by these whack jobs, they drive me nuts. Going off on them in here is good therapy for me. But I know it gets old.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Then you wouldn’t want to work at a gun counter. Although I haven’t since Trump has been POTUS. I had to hear these stupid people slander Obama, and anyone not far right every day. Worse, I couldn’t offer a retort, because I worked for a corporate big box sporting goods store… It was exhausting, and demoralizing. It certainly didn’t help my faith in humanity…

NomoreY_A's avatar

Amen on that, I feel your pain.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^The worst thing is that I sold lots of guns and ammo to these idiots. They may be ignorant bigots, but they’re well armed ignorant bigots. (See Charlottesville alt-right “activists.”)

NomoreY_A's avatar

That is what makes them dangerous. But the day may come, when they find out that redneck Neo Nazi bigots aren’t the only people who own guns.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Hopefully not…

Dutchess_III's avatar

What just floors me is those crack pots really think their AK47 is going to be effective against

M1 Abrams – 8,848
M1A2 SEP v2

Infantry fighting vehicles
M2/M3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle

Bradley Fighting Vehicle – 6,724[1]
M3A3 Bradley
M7 Bradley Fire Support Vehicle (B-FiST)
Bradley Engineer Squad Vehicle (ESV)
Bradley Battle Command Vehicle (BCV)

Armored personnel carriers

Stryker 4,466[2]
M1126 Infantry Carrier Vehicle (ICV)
XM1296 “Dragoon”
M1127 Reconnaissance Vehicle (RV)
M1128 Mobile Gun System (MGS)
M1129 Mortar Carrier (MC)
M1130 Command Vehicle (CV)
M1131 Fire Support Vehicle (FSV)
M1132 Engineer Squad Vehicle (ESV)
M1133 Medical Evacuation Vehicle (MEV)
M1134 Anti-Tank Guided Missile Vehicle (ATGM)
M1135 Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, Reconnaissance Vehicle (NBC RV)
M113 armored personnel carrier – 6,000[3][4]
M58 Wolf
M113A3 APC
M113 Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle (AMEV)
M548A3 Cargo Carrier
M577A3 Medical Vehicle
M901A3 Improved TOW Vehicle (ITV)
M1059A3 Lynx Smoke Generator Carrier (SGC)
M1064A3 Mortar Carrier
M1068A3 Standard Integrated Command Post System (SICPS) Carrier
LAV-25 – (light armored vehicle) 870[5]
LAV-AT (Anti-Tank)
LAV-M (Mortar)
LAV-R (Recovery)
LAV-C2 (Command & Control)
LAV-LOG (Logistics)
LAV-MEWSS (Mobile Electronic Warfare Support System)
Assault Amphibious Vehicle 1,311
AAVP-7A1 (Personnel)
AAVC-7A1 (Command)
AAVR-7A1 (Recovery)
Bison armoured personnel carrier 12
Pandur I 50

Armored combat support vehicles

M1 Assault Breacher Vehicle – 39
M4 Command and Control Vehicle (C2V)
M9 Armored Combat Earthmover – 447
M88A2 Hercules
M93 Fox – 123
M104 Wolverine – 44

Mine-protected vehicles

RG-31 –
RG-33 – 1,735
Cougar – ≈3,500 on order
International MaxxPro – 9,000
BAE Caiman – 2,800 on order
Oshkosh M-ATV – 8,700
Buffalo– 200
Husky VMMD

Light armored vehicles

Humvee – ≈260,000[6][7][not in citation given]
M997A3 Ambulance[8]
M1097A2 Unarmored Cargo/Troop/Air-defense Carrier
M1114 Up-Armored Armament Carrier
M1116 Up-Armored Armament Carrier
M1145 Up-Armored Armament Carrier
M1151A1 Up-Armored Armament Carrier
M1152A1 Up-Armored Cargo/Troop Carrier
M1165A1 Up-Armored Command and Control Carrier
M1167A1 Up-Armored TOW Carrier
Ground Mobility Vehicle
General Dynamics Flyer
M1117 Armored Security Vehicle – 1,836
M1200 Armored Knight

Light utility vehicles

Desert Patrol Vehicle
Light Strike Vehicle
Advanced Light Strike Vehicle
Ranger Special Operations Vehicle
Interim Fast Attack Vehicle 157
Guardian Angel Air-Deployable Rescue Vehicle[9]
M1161 Light Strike. Vehicle (LSV)
M1163 Expeditionary Fire Support System (EFSS) Prime Mover
Wheel tractor-scraper
Caterpillar D7
John Deere 850J Medium Crawler Tractor (MCT)
Caterpillar D9
M816 Wrecker

Self-propelled artillery

M109A6 Paladin (155 mm howitzer motor carriage; full-track) 850
M142 HIMARS 500
M270A1 MLRS 991


M1097 Avenger – 1,000
MIM-104 Patriot – 1,106 launchers
Terminal High Altitude Area Defense – 24 interceptors

Prime movers and trucks

Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement – 7,500
Heavy Equipment Transport System
M35 2½ ton cargo truck
M939 Truck – 32,000
Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles – 80,000
Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck – 13,000
Logistics Vehicle System
Palletized Load System
Commercial Utility Cargo Vehicle
R-11 Refueler
Gun Truck


M973 (carrier, cargo) Small Unit Support Vehicle (SUSV)
M1065 (carrier, command post)
M1066 (carrier, ambulance)
M1067 (carrier, cargo) (flatbed)
M1030M1 Motorcycle
Forklift truck
Oshkosh Striker
Rhino Runner
Mamba APC
Wiesel 1 – 7
Ford F-Series
Chevy Tahoe

Unmanned combat vehicles


Dragon Runner
iRobot 510 Packbot
XM1216 Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle
iRobot 110 FirstLook[11]
iRobot 710 Warrior
Foster-Miller TALON
Remotec ANDROS
iRobot R-Gator
Squad Mission Support System (SMSS)

Experimental vehicles

Ground Mobility Vehicle (proposed vehicle) (GMV)
Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV)
Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV)
Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV)
Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System (MAARS)
Black Knight (Unmanned Combat Vehicle) – prototype only

Not to mention aircraft
A-10C Thunderbolt II Fairchild Republic USA Jet Attack 1977 283
AC-130 Stinger II, Ghost Rider, Spooky II Lockheed & Boeing USA Propeller Gunship 1968 28 AC-130U, AC-130W and AC-130J.
B-1B Lancer Rockwell USA Jet Bomber 1986 62[2] Only supersonic bomber aircraft active in the U.S. Air Force.
B-2A Spirit Northrop Grumman USA Jet Bomber 1997 20 Slated to remain in service until 2058.
B-52H Stratofortress Boeing USA Jet Bomber 1955 76[3] Slated to remain in service until 2045.
C-5 Galaxy, Super Galaxy Lockheed USA Jet Transport 1970 55 C-5B, C-5C and C-5M. Most C-5A have been retired from service. A few C-5A plus all C-5B and C-5C are to be upgraded to C-5M Supergalaxy.
C-12 Huron Beechcraft USA Propeller Transport Surveillance 1974 67 16 x C-12C, 6 x C-12D, 2 x C-12F, 4 x C-12J
C-17A Globemaster III McDonnell Douglas later Boeing USA Jet Transport 1995 222 U.S. Military C-17’s were produced by McDonnell-Douglas prior to the merger with Boeing. Boeing continued production of the C-17 for sales to non-U.S. Military customers.
C-20 Gulfstream USA Jet Transport 7 5 x C-20B, 2 x C-20H
C-21A Learjet USA Jet Passenger transport 31
C-26 Metroliner Fairchild USA Propeller Transport 1 C-26B, RC-26
C-32 Boeing USA Jet VIP Transport 8 6 x C-32A, 2 x C-32B
C-37A Gulfstream USA Jet Passenger transport 9
C-38A Gulfstream USA Jet Passenger transport 2
C-40 Clipper Boeing USA Jet VIP Transport 14 C-40B and C-40C. 1 on order.
C-130H Hercules Lockheed Martin USA Propeller Transport 261 Most C-130H serve in the ANG and AFRES.
C-130J Super Hercules Lockheed Martin USA Propeller Transport 120 The USAF continues to receive new C-130Js for various missions[4][5]
C-144 (CN-235–100M) CASA Spain Propeller Transport 2 427th SOS
C-146A Wolfhound[6] Fairchild-Dornier Germany Propeller Transport 18 524th SOS[7]
E-3 Sentry Boeing USA Jet Command and control 30 E-3B and E-3C. One E-3B For Testing[8]
E-4B “Nightwatch” Boeing USA Jet Command and control 4 assigned to 55th Wing at Offutt AFB, Nebraska
E-8C Joint STARS Northrop Grumman USA Jet Command and control 16 One E-8C For Testing
E-9A Widget Bombardier Aerospace USA
Canada Propeller Surveillance 5
E-11A[9] Northrop Grumman USA
Canada Jet Communications 4[10]
EC-130H Compass Call Lockheed Martin USA Propeller Electronic warfare 14
EC-130 Commando Solo III Lockheed Martin USA Propeller Electronic warfare 7 3 x EC-130J, 4 x EC-130SJ
Type Manufacturer Origin Class Role Introduced In service[1] Total Notes
F-15 Eagle McDonnell Douglas USA Jet Fighter 1976 192 159 x F-15C, 33 x F-15D. Currently being upgraded to remain in service beyond 2030 the aircraft will eventually be replaced by the F-35A.
F-15E Strike Eagle McDonnell Douglas USA Jet Multirole Strike fighter 1988 257 Currently being upgraded to remain in service beyond 2030.
F-16 Fighting Falcon General Dynamics USA Jet Fighter 1978 947 To be replaced by the F-35A.
F-22A Raptor Lockheed Martin USA Jet Fighter 2005 195[11] No longer in production.
F-35A Lightning II Lockheed Martin USA Jet Fighter 71 In production with 1763 planned, currently 47 for testing
Type Manufacturer Origin Class Role Introduced In service[1] Total Notes
HC-130 Combat King/Combat King II Lockheed Martin USA Propeller Search and rescue 17 x HC-130N, 14 x HC-130P. 78 x HC-130J planned, of which 20 currently on order.
KC-10A Extender McDonnell Douglas USA Jet Aerial refueling 1981 59 Supposedly to be replaced by the KC-Y.
but likely to remain in service until 2043
KC-135 Stratotanker Boeing USA Jet Aerial refueling 1957 397 KC-135R and KC-135T. To be replaced by the KC-46
LC-130H Hercules Lockheed Martin USA Propeller Cargo aircraft 10 all aircraft assigned to 139th Airlift Wing, New York Air Guard
Combat Talon II/Combat Shadow Lockheed Martin USA Propeller Multi-mission 54 24 x MC-130H/P, 30 x MC-130J
OC-135B Open Skies Boeing USA Jet Observation 2 used as part of Treaty on Open Skies
RC-135 Cobra Ball, Combat Sent, Rivet Joint Boeing USA Jet Reconnaissance 22 3 x RC-135S, 2 x RC-135U, 17 x RC-135V/W
Type Manufacturer Origin Class Role Introduced In service[1] Total Notes
T-1A Jayhawk Raytheon USA Jet Trainer 157 Originally 180. Two crashed after mishaps.
T-6A Texan II North American Aviation USA Propeller Trainer 449
T-38 Talon Northrop USA Jet Trainer 1961 480 T-38A and T-38C
T-41C Mescalero Cessna USA Propeller Trainer 4
T-51A Cessna USA Propeller Trainer 3
T-52A Diamond Canada Propeller Trainer 20
T-53A[12] Cirrus USA Propeller Trainer 25
U-2 Dragon Lady Lockheed USA Jet Reconnaissance Trainer aircraft 1957 31 26 x U-2S, 5 x TU-2S. To be replaced by the RQ-4 Global Hawk block 40.
U-28A Pilatus Switzerland Propeller Utility 20
VC-25A Boeing USA Jet VIP Transport 1990 2 Used as Presidential Transport, operated by 89th Airlift Wing at Andrews AFB, Maryland. To be replaced by the Boeing 747–8.[13]
WC-130J Hercules Lockheed Martin USA Propeller Weather reconnaissance 10 all aircraft assigned to 403d Wing (AFRC) at Keesler AFB, Mississippi
WC-135 Constant Phoenix Boeing USA Jet Weather Reconnaissance 2
Type Manufacturer Origin Class Role Introduced In service[1] Total Notes
HH-60 Pave Hawk Sikorsky USA Helicopter Search and rescue 100 HH-60G and HH-60U. To be replaced by 112 HH-60W from 2021.[14]
UH-1N Twin Huey Bell USA Helicopter Utility 59[15]
TH-1H Iroquois Bell USA Helicopter Trainer 37
C-145 Skytruck (M28)[16] PZL Mielec Poland Propeller STOL Utility 7 6th SOS[17]
UV-18B de Havilland Canada Canada Propeller STOL Utility 4
CV-22B Osprey Bell, Boeing USA Powered lift Cargo VTOL aircraft 2006 46[18] 50 planned
Mi-8VT Hip Mil USSR Helicopter Utility 6 Undesignated. For evaluation.
MiG-29UB Fulcrum-B Mikoyan USSR Jet Multirole fighter 3 Undesignated. For evaluation.
Su-27UB Flanker-C Sukhoi USSR Jet Fighter 2 Undesignated. Used for “Aggressor” training[19]
MQ-1B Predator General Atomics USA UAV 1995 150 [20] To be replaced by the MQ-9.
RQ-4 Global Hawk Northrop Grumman USA UAV Patrol 2001 37[21] RQ-4A, RQ-4B and MQ-4C. 66 RQ-4B planned plus 68 MQ-4C [22][23]
MQ-9B Reaper General Atomics USA UAV 93 396 planned[22]
RQ-170 Sentinel Lockheed Martin USA UAV
Puma AE AeroVironment USA UAV Patrol
See also: United States Army
Type Manufacturer Origin Class Role Introduced In service[1] Total Notes
C-12J Beechcraft USA Propeller Transport 3[24]
C-12 Huron Beechcraft USA Propeller Cargo/Transport 104 C-12C, C-12D and C-12F. 5 on order as of December 2015.
C-212 Aviocar CASA Spain Propeller Cargo/Transport 3
RC-26D Metroliner Fairchild USA Propeller Range Support 12
C-27J Spartan Alenia Aeronautica USA
Italy Propeller Cargo aircraft 6 Former Air Force aircraft used by Army Special Operations Command for training.
C-31A Troopship Fokker Netherlands Propeller Cargo/Transport 2 Used for the Golden Knights Gold Team and Black Team
C-37 Gulfstream USA Jet Cargo/Transport 3 2 x C-37A, 1 x C-37B
EO-5 de Havilland Canada Canada Propeller Electronic Warfare,
Reconnaissance 10 3 x EO-5C, 7 x RC-7. Previously designated as RC-7B
RC-12 Huron Beechcraft USA Propeller Reconnaissance 83 RC-12D, RC-12H and RC-12K. 6 on order as of December 2015.
UC-35 Cessna USA Jet Utility aircraft 27 20 x UC-35A, 7 x UC-35B
DHC Dash-8–315 de Havilland Canada Canada Propeller Patrol 6 Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
UV-18 de Havilland Canada Canada Propeller Cargo/Transport 5
MH/AH-6M Little Bird MD Helicopter USA Helicopter Attack 1980 47
AH-64 Apache Longbow, Guardian Boeing USA Helicopter Attack 1986 792 AH-64D and AH-64E. 25 on order as of December 2015.
CH-47 Chinook Boeing USA Helicopter Transport 1962 442 394 x CH-47D, 48 x CH-47F. 464 new CH-47F to be delivered
EH-60A Black Hawk Sikorsky USA Helicopter Electronic-warfare 1979 64
MH-47 Chinook Boeing USA Helicopter Multi-mission 1962 61 11 x MH-47D, 23 x MH-47E, 27 x MH-47G
MH-60 Black Hawk Sikorsky USA Helicopter Multi-mission 58 23 x MH-60K, 35 x MH-60L.
TH-67 Creek Bell USA
Canada Helicopter Trainer 163 To be retired by 2020.[25]
UH-60 Black Hawk Sikorsky USA Helicopter Utility 1,443 751 x UH-60A, 592 x UH-60L, 100 x UH-60M. 1227 UH-60M planned.[26]
UH-72A Lakota Eurocopter USA
Germany Helicopter Utility 341 13 on order as of December 2015.
MQ-1C Gray Eagle General Atomics USA UAV 2009 75[27] 133 planned[22]
Prioria Robotics Maveric Prioria Robotics USA UAV 36 [28]
CQ-10 Snowgoose MMIST Canada UAV Transport 2005 15 49 planned. Parafoil and autogyro variants.
RQ-7B Shadow AAI Corporation USA UAV 450 68 on order.[29]
RQ-11 Raven AeroVironment USA UAV
Switchblade AeroVironment USA UAV Attack
Puma AE AeroVironment USA UAV Patrol
Coast Guard
See also: United States Coast Guard
Type Manufacturer Origin Class Role Introduced In service Total Notes
HC-27J Spartan Alenia Aeronautica USA
Italy Propeller Search and rescue 14 Former Air Force aircraft.
C-37A Gulfstream USA Jet Command & Control 2 VIP transport for high-ranking members of the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Coast Guard.[citation needed]
HC-130 Hercules Lockheed Martin USA Propeller Search and rescue 33 5 x HC-130B or HC-130H (1500 series), 22 x HC-130H-7, 6 x HC-130J. Many of the HC-130Bs are to be replaced by HC-130Js.
HC-144 Ocean Sentry Airbus USA
Spain Propeller Search and rescue 2009 18 The HC-144A will replace some HC-130s. CGAS Miami is the first unit to receive operational HC-144A’s.
HH-60 Jayhawk Sikorsky USA Helicopter Medium Range Recovery (MRR) 42 HH-60J and MH-60T. 35 are in operational use. A number of MH-60s have been upgraded to MH-60T standard.
HH-65 Dolphin Eurocopter USA
France Helicopter Short Range Recovery (SRR) 101 MH-65C, MH-65D and MH-65E. The HH-65Bs have been upgraded to HH-65C standard. AUF HH-65Cs have also been upgraded to MH-65Cs.
Marine Corps
See also: United States Marine Corps
Type Manufacturer Origin Class Role Introduced In service Total Notes
C-9B Skytrain II McDonnell Douglas USA Jet Cargo/Transport 2 Active 2 Scheduled to be replaced by 2 C-40A Clippers by 2023.
EA-6B Prowler Northrop Grumman USA Jet Carrier-based Electronic-warfare 18 Active, 6 Training, 3 Stored 27 Scheduled to be replaced most likely by the EA-18G Growler by 2019.[30]
F/A-18A Hornet McDonnell Douglas USA Jet Carrier-based Fighter 36 Active, 7 Training, 12 Stored 55 Scheduled to be replaced by F-35B/C Lightning II by 2019
F/A-18B Hornet McDonnell Douglas USA Jet Carrier-based Trainer 4 Training, 3 Stored 7 Scheduled to be replaced by F-35B/C Lightning II by 2019.
F/A-18C Hornet McDonnell Douglas USA Jet Carrier-based Fighter 60 Active, 12 Training, 47 Stored 119 Scheduled to begin replacement by F-35B/C Lightning II starting 2019.
F/A-18D Hornet McDonnell Douglas USA Jet Carrier-based Strike 48 Active, 20 Training, 24 Stored 92 Scheduled to begin replacement by F-35B/C Lightning II starting 2023.
F-35B Lightning II Lockheed Martin USA Jet Carrier-based Fighter 38 V/STOL variant. Planned total of 353 F-35Bs and 67 F-35Cs (CTOL) to replace various aircraft.[30]
F-5N Tiger II Northrop USA Jet Aggressor 11 Active 11 Scheduled to maintain service till 2026.
KC-130J Super Hercules Lockheed Martin USA Propeller Tanker 50 Active, 1 Test/Eval. 51 Scheduled to replace KC-130T Hercules by 2022.
KC-130T Hercules Lockheed Martin USA Propeller Tanker 14 Active, 2 Stored 16 Scheduled to be replaced by KC-130J Super Herculese by 2022.
UC-12W Huron Beechcraft USA Propeller Utility 6 Active 6 Scheduled to replace the UC-12F/M Huron by 2024.
UC-12M Huron Beechcraft USA Propeller Utility 3 Active 3 Scheduled to be replaced by UC-12W Huron by 2024.
UC-12F Huron Beechcraft USA Propeller Utility 3 Active 3 Scheduled to be replaced by UC-12W Huron by 2024.
UC-35D Citation Cessna USA Jet Utility 10 Active 10 Scheduled to maintain service till 2026.
UC-35C Citation Cessna USA Jet Utility 2 Active 2 Scheduled to maintain service till 2026.
AH-1W SuperCobra Bell USA Helicopter Attack 1986 128 To be upgraded to or replaced by AH-1Z Viper beginning in 2009[needs update]
AH-1Z Viper Bell USA Helicopter Attack 2010 36
CH-53E Super Stallion Sikorsky USA Helicopter Cargo/Transport 146[Note 1] To be replaced by CH-53K King Stallion, in flight testing – 2015.
UH-1Y Venom Bell USA Helicopter Utility 107
VH-3D Sea King Sikorsky USA Helicopter Marine One VIP Transport 11 Presidential transport[citation needed]
VH-60N Whitehawk Sikorsky USA Helicopter Marine One VIP Transport 7 [citation needed]
AV-8B/+ Harrier II McDonnell Douglas UK
USA Jet Attack 111 VTOL. To be replaced by F-35B[31]
MV-22B Osprey Bell Boeing USA Powered lift Multi-mission 222 VTOL. 126 on order
TAV-8B Harrier II McDonnell Douglas UK
USA Jet Trainer 16 VTOL. To be replaced by F-35B
K-MAX Kaman USA UAV Cargo and transport 1 Helicopter with twin intermeshing rotors. UAV variant of manned type.
RQ-7B Shadow AAI Corporation USA UAV Reconnaissance 50
RQ-11 Raven AeroVironment USA UAV Reconnaissance
ScanEagle Boeing USA UAV Reconnaissance
Switchblade AeroVironment USA UAV Attack
Puma AE AeroVironment USA UAV Reconnaissance
RQ-21A Blackjack Boeing Insitu USA UAV Reconnaissance
MQ-8B Fire Scout Northrop Grumman USA UAV Multi-Mission 2009 27[32] Helicopter.
Type Manufacturer Origin Class Role Introduced In service Total Notes
See also: United States Navy
Type Manufacturer Origin Class Role Introduced In service[33] Total Notes
C-2A Greyhound Grumman USA Propeller Carrier-based Cargo/Transport aircraft 35 To be replaced by 44 CMV-22 [34]
C-20 Gulfstream USA Jet Cargo/Transport aircraft 4 C-20A, C-20D and C-20G
C-37 Gulfstream USA Jet Cargo/Transport aircraft 4 1 x C-37A, 3 x C-37B.[citation needed]
C-40A Clipper Boeing USA Jet Cargo/Transport aircraft 15
C-130T Hercules Lockheed USA Propeller Cargo/Transport aircraft 20
UC-12 Huron Beechcraft USA Propeller Cargo/Transport aircraft 14
C-26D Metroliner Fairchild USA Propeller Cargo/Transport aircraft 6
KC-130F/R Lockheed Martin USA Propeller Aerial Refueling 5
E-2C/D Hawkeye Northrop Grumman USA Propeller Carrier-based Airborne Command and Control aircraft 68
E-6B Mercury Boeing USA Jet Electronic-warfare aircraft 16
EA-18G Growler Boeing USA Jet Carrier-based Electronic-warfare aircraft 113 18 on order.
EP-3E ARIES II Lockheed USA Propeller Electronic-warfare aircraft 12
F-5F/N Tiger II Northrop USA Jet Fighter 30 F-5F, F-5N. Used for adversary training[35]
F-16 Fighting Falcon General Dynamics USA Jet Fighter aircraft 26 22 single-seat F-16N, 4 twin-seat TF-16N
Used for adversary training.[36]
F/A-18 Hornet McDonnell Douglas USA Jet Carrier-based Fighter aircraft 314 F/A-18A, F/A-18B, F/A-18C and F/A-18D.
To be replaced by F-35C
F/A-18E/F Super Hornet McDonnell Douglas / Northrop Grumman then Boeing / Northrop Grumman USA Jet Carrier-based Fighter 507 F/A-18E and F/A-18F. 10 on order.
F-35C Lightning II Lockheed Martin USA Jet Carrier-based Fighter aircraft 12 NAS Pax River SDD aircraft, 260 planned[37]
P-3C Orion Lockheed USA Propeller Maritime patrol aircraft 1962 78 To be replaced by P-8
P-8A Poseidon Boeing USA Jet Anti-Submarine-warfare aircraft 2013 50 122 planned[38]
T-6 Texan II Beechcraft USA Propeller Trainer aircraft 61 49 x T-6A, 12 x T-6B.
T-44A Beechcraft USA Propeller Trainer aircraft 52
T-45C Goshawk McDonnell Douglas USA Jet Carrier-based Trainer aircraft 218
UC-35D Cessna USA Jet Utility aircraft 1
HH-60H Rescue Hawk Sikorsky USA Helicopter Search-and-rescue 49
CMV-22 Osprey Bell Boeing USA Powered lift Multi-mission 1 48 on order.
MH-53E Sea Dragon Sikorsky USA Helicopter Multi-mission 27
MH-60 Seahawk Sikorsky USA Helicopter Anti-submarine warfare helicopter Multi-mission 400
OV-10 Bronco North American Rockwell USA Propeller Light attack Observation 2 Retired in 1995; two used in 2015.[39]
SH-60F Seahawk Sikorsky USA Helicopter Anti-submarine warfare 60
TH-57 Sea Ranger Bell USA Helicopter Training helicopter 129 44 x TH-57B, 85 x TH-57C
QF-4E Phantom McDonnell Douglas USA UAV Target drone 0-recently retired[40] Converted fighter.
ScanEagle Boeing USA UAV
RQ-21A Blackjack Boeing Insitu USA UAV
MQ-8B Fire Scout Northrop Grumman USA UAV Patrol 2009 27[32] Helicopter. 96 planned.[41]
Special Operations Command
See also: United States Special Operations Command
Type Manufacturer Origin Class Role Introduced In service Total Notes
Stalker XE Lockheed Martin USA UAV
RQ-11 Raven AeroVironment USA UAV

There’s more.

ragingloli's avatar

Do not kid yourself, they want those, too.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! I have a redneck friend on Facebook. He said he has a large back yard. He could park a tank there. So I sent him that list.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Dutch. The majority of the weapons systems you listed, have to be controlled by people. Would American people (military ) be willing to use those weapons on their own brothers, and countrymen?

If it’s a lone gunman, then yes. If it’s a much larger group, it gets ethically muddy quick…

Dutchess_III's avatar

That was one of my arguments too @MrGrimm888.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Personally, I like a powerful weapon. I’m a big guy, and quite capable in a fight, but I sleep better knowing that my shotgun is nearby. Maybe it’s something leftover from our caveman days, mentally. I have assault rifles, and pistols, but inside of 30 yards, nothing is better than my Mossberg 500 (12 gauge shotgun.) If a polar bear with a chainsaw comes to my door, I have the advantage. It’s a comfort, of sorts…

I think that is the driving force behind some people’s wanting military style weapons. Even though most of those weapons are not suited for home defense.

I used to tell people “if you have a problem that requires an assault rifle, and 10,000 rounds of ammo you have bigger problems than the gun can solve.”

Some people have this scenario in their minds where they will have to fight the government. Chances of winning that fight are slim, because of the weapons you listed and more, but the logistics of trying to disarm America are daunting if not impossible.

I’m not sure I had a point here…

NomoreY_A's avatar

“Some people have the scenario in their minds where they will have to fight the government”. Yup – that’d be the “They’re gonna git yer guns and put all the white people in Wally World jail” mentality. Mr. NoMore’s Nieghborhood: Can you say, Moron?

Muad_Dib's avatar

I find it amusing that the same people who want protection against a military coup are the same people demanding we worship the military, and the same people who send their kids to boot camp instead of college.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Oh, there’s plenty of irony and hypocrisy to go around. Most are trying to protect themselves from each other really. The only reason you would need an assault rifle for defense, would be to shoot it out with someone else with another assault rifle.

.223 cal, 5.56, 7.62/39 etc. rounds are military/NATO rounds. If you spray those bullets in your home, you’ll likely injure/kill your housemates , and maybe neighbors.

Unfortunately, there are so many of those weapons in America, it’s at a point of no return. As far as “gun control.”

NomoreY_A's avatar

@Muad_Dib That is exactly right, and that is what literally blew my mind when all the Jade Helm hysteria was going on. It was simply an training exercise mainly involving special operations troops from all branches, the Army Rangers, Marine Recon, Air Force Air Commandos and Para Rescue, and Navy Seals. There was some secrecy involved, basically because when the military plays war games on specific scenarios, they don’t usually make sure that the bad guys get the memo, so that they can prepare counter contingency plans. It had nothing to do with the citizenry or martial law. But the Uber Patriots who love to say thank you for your service 200 times a day, and glorify the War on Terror, and as you say, send their kids off to the military, were the same people who were wigging out about some nefarious plot to take firearms and imprison people in Wal Mart basements (?). Something seriously insane about all of this paranoia. And Right Wing radio and Faux News, were fanning the flames of his silly bull shit. There were even rumors in Texas that WalMarts were being closed all over the sate, to be used as internment camps for FEMA.

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