General Question

wrestlemaniac's avatar

What is your favorite computer games/s?

Asked by wrestlemaniac (813points) August 13th, 2008

my favorites is the age of empires collection and lords of magic.

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60 Answers

poofandmook's avatar

Sim City 4 is sort of addicting, if nothing else.

Bri_L's avatar

Return to monkey island II

No One Lives Forever (Origional)

wilhel1812's avatar

Talking about on computers or consoles?
If computer, X-Moto
If console, Gran Turismo

MacSwear is also great and addictive (and small, 8kb)

wrestlemaniac's avatar

i love simcity i own one of the originals that first came out.

Snoopy's avatar

Ms PacMan. Oh wait….were you looking for a particular decade?

El_Cadejo's avatar

Command and Conquer Red Alert 2. Greatest computer game ever.

The age of empires/age of mythology games were pretty awesome as well, but no where near as good as the C&C series.

I have a strong feeling though come September my favorite computer game wont be C&C anymore.<eagerly anticipates Spore>

wrestlemaniac's avatar

no nothing in particular, just your favorite.

Les's avatar

Does anyone remember ZZT , or did I just age myself?

RandomMrdan's avatar

Starcraft Broodwar, Command and Conquer Generals / Zero Hour, and Warcraft III

whatthefluther's avatar

Bejewelled II Deluxe

wilhel1812's avatar

Tiberian Sun!
Civilization 3
Age of Empires 2

wrestlemaniac's avatar

Tiberian sun, oh i loved that game sadly though i lost it. not to familiar with Civ 3 tho. am a huge fan of AOE2. wait, which one age of kings or expansion?

wilhel1812's avatar

Age of kings :)
Tiberian sun… i gotta go looking for that cd sometime.
and thanks to you guys i’m now playing sim city (and will probably play all night) :D

El_Cadejo's avatar

i always loved the AOE and AOM games for their crazy cheat codes that were just fun to play with. Like using that car that shot rockets. Or the chicken meteors and giant fork boy in AOM

wilhel1812's avatar

Ah! the viper with rockets! what was the cheatcode for that car?

wrestlemaniac's avatar

there were two cars BIG DADDY!!! and BIG MOMMA!!! the chicken meteors was BAWK BAWK BOOM!!!

Judi's avatar

I was a pretty strict parent and never let my kids (now 24, 26 and 28) play violent video games. When XBOX came out my husband went crazy for it. One day my son came home and saw me and my husband playing Halo. My husband asked my so if he wanted to play with me. (we were playing on the same team.) My son said that the scariest thing he ever experienced was hearing his mom say , “Here, take my shotgun, that will kill him!”

wrestlemaniac's avatar

i loved the flying purple hippo that barfed hearts what was the cheat for that?

wilhel1812's avatar

nah, that was aoe1, i was talking about “HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON” :D

wrestlemaniac's avatar

that wasn’t rockets that was bullets and it was a COBRA with bullets or musket balls what ever you want to call it.

El_Cadejo's avatar

The purple hippo was Wuv Woo and Forkboy was Tines of Power

How about the laser bear(o canada) or the walking berry bushes (fear the forage)

wrestlemaniac's avatar

i liked ISIS HEAR MY PLEA, i defeated everyone on multiplayer by using an army of heroes.

Randy's avatar

I like guild wars. It was pretty cool and free. =)

wrestlemaniac's avatar

free!? where do you get it?

Randy's avatar

Haha, sorry. I ment free to play because it’s a mmorpg. Ya still have to buy the game unless you torrent it.

iwamoto's avatar

Shadow Of The Colossus ofcourse, all other answers are obsolete….

redsgirl4eva's avatar

Harry Potter,Sims , and a lot of older ones like Pac Man and Mrs. Pac Man.

redsgirl4eva's avatar

also Crime games like CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. and cartoon computer games

mirza's avatar

Doom 2, Duke Nukem, Road Rash, XIII, Half Life, Golden Axe and Halo.
Also i would like to give an honorable mention to Spider Solitaire which has kept me busy during those boring days at work

McBean's avatar

My son absolutely loves World of Warcraft. He’s over the top about it. He also like Call of Duty.

@mirza: my best friend’s boyfriend is the voice of Duke Nukem. I’ve only ever heard of Duke Nukem because I saw it on his production Web site. What do you know! Is it a popular game?

El_Cadejo's avatar

Duke Nukem forever will be the greatest game ever…........

sdeutsch's avatar

I’m sure I’m dating myself too, but does anyone remember Commander Keen? I loved it so much I had to go find a way to run DOS in my Mac so I could play it again… ;)

ccatron's avatar

@sdeutsch – yes, I remember Commander Keen..we used to buy those “1000 Games” cds when i was a kid and that was one of the games..That was a good one.

Kings Quest III was the first computer game I played on our Tandy 1000 and is still one of my favorite games of all time. we weren’t very good at it…we had to buy the cheat books with the magic highlighter pen. later they made the books so that you used a decoder card with red plastic instead. Space Quest II was great, as well. In fact, any of the Sierra games of that era were a lot of fun.

dragonflyfaith's avatar

WoW, but I haven’t played in a long time. I just don’t have time anymore.

Bri_L's avatar

@ dragonflyfaith – yeah, I had to go back 8 years for mine and the monkey one was about 2 or 3 years old then. But they are both entertaining as they are. The were VERY well written. Especially the Monkey one. It was a Lucas Arts Adventure.

poofandmook's avatar

Wolfenstein 3D!! I can find it to download but the music never works and that was the best part!

wrestlemaniac's avatar

commander keen? which one?

Lovelocke's avatar

I thought Sim City 3 and 4 were garbage. Sim City 2000 is still the best in the series, especially the network edition.

Additionally, since everyone’s swinging their “old school” wang around, anyone ever log into a BBS and play Seth Able Robinson’s “LORD”? One of the first MMOs around, playable on a 2400 baud modem with sexy ANSI graphics :)

Also, way back when, I remember Awesome Earl’s Skate Rock. Longtime fan of the Leisure Suit Larry series. Legend of Kyrandia was pretty fun. The staples are there: Wolf3d, Doom, Duke3d, Shadow Warrior, Rise of the Triad, Blood, etc.

You know, I recently met someone who thought “Warcraft” was always an RPG? They totally didn’t believe it first existed as an RTS game in DOS. Then I pulled out the instruction manual for it… heh.

Interstate ‘76 was great (Screw Twisted Metal). Burn:Cycle was epic. The first time I played Unreal Tournament was magical. Anyone remember the bootleg Korean version of Street Fighter II that came out in DOS? That was a hot seller at our local flea market… pre-Windows 95 when about 70% of America was too stupid to use a computer, everyone had Street Fighter II on their demo displays and they sold quite a few PCs doing it.

Then Windows 95 came out and soon every dumbass who knew how to point, click and spell started buying them. Then, they found their way online via one of the 500 AOL Free Trial CDs that everybody got in the mail, for renting a movie at Blockbuster, for flushing the toilet at a gas station… I think you were even awarded a free trial CD just for being able to breathe in and out through your nose.

…the rest went downhill from there. You can spot them just based on how they type… whether or not they use punctuation or bother to capitalize the first words in their sentences, or capitalize names/places or things of that sort.

Or if they write crap like “AFAIK”, because writing words that are 2–4 letters in length would be too difficult. (As Far As I Know).

Anyway. Yes. If you remember Hexagon as a DOS game and not a “flash-based game”, then you win. If all you name are games that EVERYONE knows because they were ported 50-gajillion times to every console known to man, were subject of “violent PC game” scandals, or have 2 or more post-Windows 95 sequels, then you lose.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

well we haven’t heard from you in while LL.

Lovelocke's avatar

…I’ve been posting regularly. They must have been in “hard” threads… heh.

missag's avatar

Sim City 3000, City Life, and the Sims 2. I used to play the original Sims, but never loaded them on my newer desktop after the old one crashed.

On my cell, I play Spider Solitaire and Monopoly.

Just as a side note, I am completely at a loss on this one. I recently bought a new laptop with Vista, and tried to load Sim City 3000. I was directed to update one of the drivers (and did so), but it still won’t play. Any suggestions?

iwamoto's avatar

oh damn, i just realised i totally forgot to show of my video game collection

well, here it is

i think it’s somewhere at 230 right now :)

dragonflyfaith's avatar

@iwamoto I need to catalog my stuff like that, great site!

wilhel1812's avatar

It’s done by use of the mac application Delicious Library

wilhel1812's avatar

I love your taste in music btw, i dont see “An Evening With John Petrucci And Jordan Rudess” in many libraries.

iwamoto's avatar

and it is one awesome album, especially hang 11 is a cool song, too bad that i messed up something and didn’t check before i uploaded, why ? i have all cover arts, for all cd’s

wilhel1812's avatar

Another thing, how come you don’t have any albums by Dream Theater except for systematic chaos?

iwamoto's avatar

i got that one, and live at the budokan, i don’t know, haven’t gotten the time to get more into it, i always have certain strategy’s, like starting with a live album, because that’s ususally a sort of Best Of

oh well, all in good time right ?>

wilhel1812's avatar

Ah, i see. that’s a good strategy, but if you want sort of a best of i’d say either the live album Score, which features songs from every album or their compilation album “Greatest Hit (...and 21 Other Pretty Cool Songs)”

sdeutsch's avatar

@wrestle – I love all of the Commander Keens, but I’d have to say the first one holds a special place in my heart – it’s the very first computer game I ever made it all the way through… =)

Tantigirl's avatar

Does anyone else like to play Lord of the Rings The Battle for Middle-Earth? I love it.

wrestlemaniac's avatar

oooh, ooooh, i do i’m a sucker for lord of the rings i have every collectors item, and you can bet i have the game to, i’m addicted to that game.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

Starcraft is a timeless classic.

El_Cadejo's avatar

HELL YES!! Im really happy im behind on up-coming games sometimes. I just read about Red Alert 3 <beaming with excitement> It looks AWESOME and has a pretty awesome cast as well.

Riparian's avatar

#1 Loderunner
#2 Tron 2.0
#3 System Shock 1 & 2

iwamoto's avatar

Tron 2.0, wish i could find a copy for that on my mac, what an awesome game

Bri_L's avatar

I think I have one

Prince_of_Rome476's avatar

anyone for Rome total war? or any of the total war games in general? those are the best rts in my opionion

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Prince_of_Rome476 Rome Total War was great, but no where near best RTS

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