Have you had your flu shot and if so have you had any odd reactions?
Asked by
rojo (
October 12th, 2017
Got mine on Monday evening, including Daffy Duck bandaid and went to bed. My wife had to be up about an hour earlier than usual so I saw her off, ate breakfast, drank my coffee then fell back to sleep sitting on the sofa (1st odd thing). I woke up being shaken awake and being told I needed to wake up NOW but there was no one there, I was alone in the house. (2nd odd thing) and while scanning the room for whoever had just woken me up I saw a cluster of red balloons in one corner of the living room (3rd odd thing). As I said I was scanning so I quickly glanced back and they were gone (could be 4th odd thing or 1st normal thing).
I am not one who normally falls back asleep after getting up out of bed, walking out to the car then having breakfast, nor am I usually subject to visual, auditory and tactile hallucinations so I am writing this off as a side effect of the flu shot.
Also, felt beat up for the rest of the day.
Anyone else have any unusual reactions?
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56 Answers
I got my flu shot whie I was being attended to at Urgent Care (I went to UC because a scrape would not stop bleeding because of the blood thinner medications I am on.)
Only strange occurrence was being surprised at the band aid on my arm when I got ready for bed. “Oh yeah, that is from my flu shot.”
I would ascribe your event as being an extended dream as you were becoming awake, and nothing to do with your vaccination.
Got it, yes; reaction, no. And no cartoon band-aid, either, although I’d have taken a Snoopy one if offered. You’re taking your chances if you go with Daffy Duck.
I’ve had hypnagogic hallucinations before, but not in conjunction wih any shots.
You sure they didn’t give you an acid shot instead? That’s really odd.
I’m kind of with @zenvelo. I think you may have felt a little under the weather and getting up an hour early didn’t help. Sounds like you just needed to go back to bed. Do you remember what you were dreaming about when you woke up the first time?
Flu shot is yes. No reactions.
Flu shot yes, I’m Okey-Dokey.
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I don’t tend to because of odd reactions. When I am going to be around some who is ill or compromised I get a flu shot, and then I get pretty sick for a week.
My reactions tend to be fever, weakness, trouble sleeping, sometimes the shakes, on rare occasions nausea.
I don’t like being around people who haven’t taken all reasonable precautions against flu virus. Aside from the usual miseries, one ordinary cold could be lethal for my husband.
Why is this thread discussing a member who isn’t here to speak for himself?
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I don’t take it.
I have had so many shots against so many third world diseases that I worry I am slowly mutating like that guy in “Prometheus”.
Maybe when I get older…
Got my shot. Only reaction was a slightly sore arm for a day.
I get a flu shot ever year. Never noticed anything odd.
I get a flu shot every year. I had my most recent one the first week of September. I have never had any ill effects or hallucinations.
3 family members have compromised immune systems so the flu would be very serious. Those 3 people have also gotten flu shots every year for many years with no ill effects or hallucinations. All of us also got a hepatitis A vaccine due to the outbreak here in Southern CA.
I don’t get a flu shot these days, but I did get a couple when I was in high school and never had any bad reactions to them. That sounds pretty disturbing.
I got my shot last year but I had no bad reactions. Cold or otherwise. I always make sure I am not suffering from a cold when I go get my shot and I avoid people with colds for at least a week before getting it. My husband always waits till he is on the verge of a cold and then wonders why the shot made him sick.
I suspect that vaccines just put extra work on your immune system. If you are currently suffering from stress or anything that can compromise your immune system, then adding one more thing is a bad idea. Wait till you are healthy before getting a vaccine. It’ not that people get the flu from the shot, but if your body hasn’t had time to build up your immunization to the virus and your system is already week, then its easy to catch the ailment from those around you who may be sick. Especially since waiting rooms are filled with germs and viruses and you usually end up waiting around a room full of sick people for at least 15 minutes.
I had something like that happen to me once when I was a teen. No shot involved. I was just exhausted and went to take a nap. I think it’s called Lucid dreaming. Like being awake but kind of dreaming at the same time.
I also did it one time when talking to my daughter. I knew I was asleep because I remember the dream but when she would ask me a question, the dream would stop and I would answer, then fall right back into my dream where I left off. It took her an hour to realize I was asleep and sleep talking to her. We were watching a show together and she would comment on a part of the show and I would reply, but towards the end, my subconscious was mixing both stories. The dream and the show and I was laughing at a sad part of the show.
Now that time. I drank two glasses of wine and I worked hard the whole day and was exhausted.
I remembered the whole thing. It was a very interesting experience.
I don’t due flu shots. I did in 1988 and was sick for a month in bed. Haven’t had one since. Google: contents of the flu shot. I think mercury is one and they don’t even want you to have a silver filling!
I did have a DREADFUL illness in 1967 , as did my then husband but I don’t remember if I had a flu shot beforehand or not. He dropped me off at my parents’ house and I slept for six hours (during the day). Of course, my mother had to open my bedroom door and wake me up: “you’ve been asleep for six hours!! Are you ok?” It was like she was trying to make me feel guilty. .
Mercury is not dangerous as a part of a molecule in vaccines (thimerosal) just as chlorine is not dangerous when it’s a part of table salt.
I get my flu shot every year and have never had a reaction beyond a sore arm. I haven’t gotten mine yet this year, only because I’m waiting to get it for free through work on October 20.
I have not and will not receive a flu shot.
Since 1988, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out almost $4 Billion, with almost half of the compensation cases going to people who suffered injuries from the flu vaccine.
American seasonal flu-related deaths from 1988 to 2010 number about 572,000. And 5,000 were compensated according to your link.
How does 572,000 compare to 5,000?
Take your time. Not a trick question.
Im on my phone so I can’t research well.
In the meantime read what @Call_Me_Jay wrote.
None of that sounds like flu shot initiated events. Are you sleep deprived lately?
I consider that information to be grossly overblown and out of context. See @Mariah‘s post up there.
Don’t get a flu shot if you don’t want to. I usually don’t, because I am not part of a high-risk demographic, and sometimes I feel crappy afterwards. But your fear mongering video is just silly. You can drown in or overdose on water, for pete’s sake. Do you also avoid water for drinking or bathing?
I have a dozen “fear mongering videos” if anyone wants to hear from the CDC or physicians. I didn’t think so.
And yes; I don’t drink our tap water.
My best friend got a flu shot and was very sick for over a week afterwards.
@Aster Yes, that is false reporting, scaremongering at its worst, and poor science to boot.
NaturalNews is a known false news source that regularly puts out bogus information. Use of it as a source is prima facie evidence that your argument is baseless.
Oh, good grief, @Aster, I didn’t say tap water. I said water. Show us the warnings from the real CDC site. Here’s the page that talks about vaccines.
As for physicians, does your physician tell you this stuff?
Hmmm. As I recall, water is essential to human life. Toxic ingredients (yes, mercury, formaldehyde are toxic folks!) are not necessary for human life. Furthermore, as far as I know, there is no known acceptable level for these to be present in the human body.
@snowberry from what I’ve been learning there are millions of people who , without any concern whatsoever, allow professionals to inject what they consider either harmless or low levels of mercury and formaldehyde into their veins to prevent illness, maybe.
@canidmajor the answer is , “no.” He has not mentioned vaccines to me. And no; I won’t “find another doctor.”
From CDC.gov: “Common substances found in vaccines include:
Aluminum gels or salts of aluminum which are added as adjuvants to help the vaccine stimulate a better response. Adjuvants help promote an earlier, more potent response, and more persistent immune response to the vaccine.
Antibiotics which are added to some vaccines to prevent the growth of germs (bacteria) during production and storage of the vaccine. No vaccine produced in the United States contains penicillin.
Egg protein is found in influenza and yellow fever vaccines, which are prepared using chicken eggs. Ordinarily, persons who are able to eat eggs or egg products safely can receive these vaccines.
Formaldehyde is used to inactivate bacterial products for toxoid vaccines, (these are vaccines that use an inactive bacterial toxin to produce immunity.) It is also used to kill unwanted viruses and bacteria that might contaminate the vaccine during production. Most formaldehyde is removed from the vaccine before it is packaged.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and 2-phenoxy-ethanol which are used as stabilizers in a few vaccines to help the vaccine remain unchanged when the vaccine is exposed to heat, light, acidity, or humidity.
Thimerosal is a mercury-containing preservative that is added to vials of vaccine that contain more than one dose to prevent contamination and growth of potentially harmful bacteria.
Who suggested you find another doctor?
And really, I am sorry you do not understand the difference between a toxic level of something, and a minute amount of a related substance used for suspension of a beneficial thing.
You harp on this kind of thing continuously, I think you don’t endeavor to appropriately educate yourself about it. You claimed up there that the CDC is against vaccines, yet you did not supply a reputable link.
Don’t do it, by all means, your peace of mind is probably better for your health.
And @snowberry, water is essential, yes, but is toxic if too much is ingested.
And really, my mother is 93, and in better health than most people I know, and has followed a rigid vaccination protocol as long as they have been available to her.
@canidmajor ” You claimed up there that the CDC is against vaccines…” No I did not. They would never make such a claim. That’s like finding a GP who says , “stay far away from vaccines!” If that got around they’d lose their license eventually. It’s all about the money. As far as my “harping” I thought I was contributing to the subject . So now that’s harping on it as it will be if you choose to reply.
My father got his pneumonia vaccine at 85 then got pneumonia twice. That was useful.
@rojo you obviously had a severe brain reaction to your vaccine. You got lucky, though. You’re still here and able to think, walk and talk. It was probably an overdose of some additive. Do you recall if they shook the bottle up before injecting you?
“I have a dozen “fear mongering videos” if anyone wants to hear from the CDC or physicians.”. Your words. Exactly. Go look.
And “harping” refers to the numbers of times you gave replayed your fear of vaccines on Fluther, it doesn’t actually refer to my responses to your posts on this thread.
And “the pneumonia vaccine” does not actually protect against the numerous types of pneumonia that are out there. I’m sorry your father got sick, I hope you don’t, and really, this is too silly. I’m out.
@Aster Sorry the world is so scary.
Your use of “NaturalNews” for the reason not to get a vaccine, shows nothing that is true. NaturalNews is BOGUS just check with Snopes.
Aaaand not everyone believes snopes. So what?
Ya, @snowberry and “pigs fly”. Snopes at least documents their statements unlike NauturalNews,
NauturalNews just try and scare people (that don’t check the facts) and have more bogus ada for their Health Ranger Store. They sells supplements and overpriced Vitamins.
It’s hard for me to wrap my brain about someone not “believing” something which offers a million links to their various sources, and instead choose to believe some obscure article full of exclamation points, all caps, spelling errors and no references. Why don’t they just do their own research then?
Actually, Natural News does offer references all the time. And if you don’t buy what he’s saying you can youtube it. As for his supplements, I don’t take his but you can look them up on Amazon and see what those buyers have to say. I have always admired him and been very impressed with his references.
I give up. Maybe it’s for the best. Thin the herd.
Youtube is not a valid resource just like Wikipedia is not a source.
I prefer Amazon . I , for one, always tell the total truth on what they’re selling. But I also seriously consider opinions expressed by professionals on youtube. If you think about it and discount youtube plus Natural News plus Amazon why not discount what your own doctor tells you. Wait. I DO feel suspect in what he says also.
^^ If I had done even half of what my (western medicine) doctors have told me to do I’d be a lot worse off than I am now, second opinions included. I go, I listen, I pay my money, I do my own research, and then I do what’s right for me.
The upshot of it is that it age 62 I am not taking any prescription medications other than an occasional albuterol. If I had done even half of what my Western medicine doctor had asked me to do I would be missing multiple organs and be on many prescriptions, just like my mother-in-law. As it is I am happy, healthy and active.
@snowberry we feel exactly the same. My husband would be dead or half dead had he done the things our GP told us to do. You do the first thing or take the first pill. Next you’re given more pills to counteract the side effects from the first pills. Then you find yourself, somehow, on an operating table . Then you have two dozen pills to take after that surgery which make you feel like death and you’‘ll wish you were dead. The human body was not meant to be bombarded with chemicals from morning to night and function properly.
Some cute, wide eyed girl talked him into having a thyroid biopsy . They had to bring in some higher up to even find a “tumor.” Then his sons nagged him to have it removed. He felt great, almost jogged into the hospital and some woman removed half the thyroid. He fell out of bed, broke his hip and our lives haven’t been the same since. For one full year I’ve been worrying about and wondering when he’ll fall down again-for the last time. All joy has left my life.
FWIW I used to take 500 mg Naproxin on a regular basis, prescribed by a doctor for various pain issues. I was supposed to take two, one in the morning and one in the evening. I did this for about a year then decided to just take one a day. I did and functioned just fine. Last year I noticed my blood pressure was higher than I remember it being, not high enough to worry my doc but high enough to concern me. I brought it up and they put me on pills for that. I asked for how long and they said probably the rest of your life.
My daughter pointed out that NSAID’s such as Naproxin can increase your blood pressure so I decided to experiment. I quit taking the Naproxin and the blood pressure meds.
I hurt like a bitch for a couple of weeks and still suffer from time to time but now my BP is down to what I consider more reasonable (but still not as low as I want) and I function just fine without my daily Nappy.
All part of growing older.
Medication and my doctors’ expertise are the only reasons I’m alive.
To each his own.
I took Aleve every night for at least a year and , as I have read could happen, ended up in the hospital with bleeding ulcers. They scare me to death . I had to go to hospital in an ambulance and could barely see anything from losing so much blood. I was in bed for two weeks when I got home because I was too weak to get up.
Did your doctor tell you to take Aleve every night?
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