General Question

rockfan's avatar

In your opinion, does the original Halloween hold up after all these years?

Asked by rockfan (14632points) October 13th, 2017 from iPhone

Although the acting is a little amateurish, I think the movie is just as scary as the first time I saw it when I was a kid. Your thoughts?

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7 Answers

ucme's avatar

Absolutely it does, the clunky acting only adds to it’s err…charm?

Zaku's avatar

Well I never bothered/wanted to watch it closer to when it came out (I was young and into war movies but not scary horror), but I did watch it a few years ago. I thought it was well-done and effective, which is high praise from me. I then tried some of the sequels and thought the original was by far the best.

ScottyMcGeester's avatar

the opening scene is always harrowing and disturbing.

AshlynM's avatar

As a kid, I thought it was terrifying but I think it’s boring now honestly. But I love the music.

shrubbery's avatar


Halloween H20 was the first scary movie I ever watched as a kid and it scared the crap out of me. I still get scared of the thought of Michael Myers standing outside my window. I thought by watching the original a few years later that it would be so old and cheesy that it would cure me of my fear. It did not. And I had to snuggle up in my friends bed after we watched it.

jonsblond's avatar

I think so. It was one of the first horror movies I ever watched when I was young. I’m 46 now and it’s a must see for me to watch this time of year.

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

I saw it on DVD, and I hated it. It was more silly than scary in my opinion. It is just a string of gruesome episodes about different ways to murder people. As such, it can continue forever and bore me to tears. There is no explanation for the killer’s vendetta or his indestructability. The plot is just senseless. A good story has conflict and resolution, but that is impossible with such a dumb tale as this one.

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