Meta Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

In your opinion what do you consider a lot of answers for a question on this site?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23632points) October 14th, 2017

Some of you of course are going to say depends on the topics, so let’s throw in a few topics.
Let’s start with driving, then politics, how about sex, and last but not least parenting, that enough for you?

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8 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

After a brief perusal of the response counts on the first page (35 questions) of the social section, I’d say 30 or more is a lot.

janbb's avatar

I’d say 20 or more.

marinelife's avatar

Sometimes it’s 50 or more. Sometimes it’s just one. It totally depends.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

One correct answer is all that’s necessary. This isn’t a competition.

canidmajor's avatar

Depends on the topic.
Couldn’t resist. :-)

Patty_Melt's avatar

Many questions ask for an opinion. In those cases, the more responses the better. It gives the asker a good mix of ideas to choose from.
If someone asks how to bypass the electronic lock on their car, four or five should cover it.
For this question, half a dozen seems just right.

Brian1946's avatar

I’d say that 1 answer would be a lot for these questions. ;-)

Zaku's avatar

More than six, but only counting distinct actual answers to the question, not duplicates, discussion, off-topic, requests for more info, etc.

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