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How to interpret a dream, and what it means?
In my dream it kind of moved forward fast in the beginning, I was watching my ex wifes kids who I love to death, and someone else’s kids. Now both sets of kids are boy/girl, ex wife’s were around the age they were when I first met them and the other ones were younger but not by much. Then it moves forward and I’m at this house trying to help my ex load up her kids and somehow keep track of the other kids that somehow got seperated. I went in the to get the youngest of the 2 the boy and the girl bolted into the road and was hurt, my ex is telling so something and at that moment blink I’m in the car both kids with me ex in front of the house I stop to talk to her. I get out go up to the house to talk to the lady there, ex yells again lol kid almost got hit I get in the car and go toward her and it happens. I ran over the little boy I was watching, he got out the car somehow idk. I black out from it ex wife takes the lil girl to hospital. And the lady in the house is trying to tell me it’s not my fault, and all I’m thinking about it’s how am I going to tell my mom and my ex wife I was careless enough to run over a baby I was watching. I woke up with my heart in my stomach, felt so real like I really killed a baby, I was crushed.
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