Christians (and other monotheists) Which does God consider the greater evil, Atheists or Polytheists?
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rojo (
October 17th, 2017
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29 Answers
And if “God” thinks one of these is such a great evil, why isn’t there a Commandment covering that??
I guess what I am after @kritiper is which is considered the worse sin. Not believing at all or believing in the wrong thing.
@Irukandji Atheism has “no other gods.” None.
@rojo If it was so important, why no Commandment? Nowhere does it say that non-belief of “God” is a sin.
Polytheism would be a sin, in that 1st Commandment context…
God doesn’t consider either of them evil.
Atheists, polytheists, agnostics, satanists, they are all God’s children, part of the cosmic creation.
@kritiper What’s your point? The first commandment is about polytheism, not atheism.
Just to make it perfectly clear, you said: “And if ‘God’ thinks one of these is such a great evil, why isn’t there a Commandment covering that??” And I responded by pointing out that there is a commandment (in fact, the first commandment) covering one of them (polytheism).
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me”
So God is a polytheist.
It might consider christians more evil than either of the two.
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me”
“No one comes to the Father except through me” <- Jesus considering himself a god before god.
You’re asking US to read the mind of God? Considering the likelihood of our success at such arrogance, isn’t your question an invitation for us to stuff the mouth of God with OUR opinions?
@kritiper there is a commandment addressing polytheism.
Well ,I would HOPE God would have the brains to have an opinion @Jeruba. How would he decide which innocent children should die and which should be spared, otherwise?
The first Gods of the bible, the Elohim, are plural.
Genesis 1:26
“Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…”
And then there are Jehovah and Yahweh. Depending upon if you abide by the most commonly known Levitical version of popular Christianity, or the Nazarine version promoted by Rosicrucians which makes a great argument that Yahweh is actually Satan, and not God the Father at all. The Rosicrucians point out big differences between the Elohim, Jehovah and Yaweh, and they don’t think Lucifer (different than Satan) is such a bad guy at all, and should share the role with Asura and Arhiman. The Rosicrucians, I believe, represent the truest form of Christianity, what it actually is, and they give just credit to many Egypian Gods like Horus, isis, Osiris, etc…
Find out more with The Rosicrucian Science of Initiation.
Atheists are of no concern one way or another. It all comes out in the wash and nobody goes to any kind of literal heaven or hell that they haven’t already created for themselves, regardless of belief, or lack thereof. The concept of “evil”, how it comes about, and how we let it infect us, is considered a great teacher.
I worded this badly.
What I meant to ask was:
Christians (and other monotheists), what does your religious text and teachings say is the greater evil, atheism or polytheism.
Well, I don’t know of anyone who worships more than one god, anyway. It was never preached about in church, either.
My religion teaches that neither is evil, and they are still children of God.
@Dutchess_III “Well, I don’t know of anyone who worships more than one god, anyway. It was never preached about in church, either.”
Know any Hindu’s? Some Catholics come close to worshipping Saints, or the Blessed Virgin. Rosicrucians don’t worship at all, as they are non charismatic, it is a self awareness teaching, rather than a preaching from a charismatic style traditional Christian church.
Sorry off topic, since this thread is about monotheistic religions.
I understand that Real Eyes. I am aware that many cultures believe multiple Gods. I said I don’t know anyone, personally, who believes in.more the one magical being. It was never a topic in any sermon in any church I went to.
God, Jesus, saints & Mary are magical beings. So are the devil and demons. And the prophets.
Seems as polytheistic as any other religion.
I was taught, from the bible , that those who mock the holy spirit are never forgiven. Also there is a bit about worshiping false gods. Which means other gods small g exist. I’m hopping for that position. If ‘m not all ready one.
Well I can’t really answer the question is what I guess I’m saying. So I just need to watch.
@kritiper “The question included Atheists.”
But my response to you did not. Your answer implies that neither one is covered by the Ten Commandments. One of them (polytheism) is.
@Irukandji You didn’t ask the question. And I disagree that one of the Ten Commandments addresses Atheism. It’s all moot, actually, since men wrote and translated the Bible.
@Dutchess_III Thanks!
@Dutchess_III So he has said. Yet the content of his responses suggests otherwise.
@kritiper “You didn’t ask the question.”
And this is relevant how? You said something false, so I pointed out that it was false. I don’t have to be the question asker to point out that an answer is wrong.
“And I disagree that one of the Ten Commandments addresses Atheism.”
Are you even trying to pay attention? Because I never said that one of the Ten Commandments addresses atheism. I said that one of the Ten Commandments addresses polytheism.
It’s all moot, actually, since men wrote and translated the Bible.
Also irrelevant. The question, as clarified by @rojo, is “what does your religious text and teachings say is the greater evil, atheism or polytheism?” Just because it’s a work of fiction doesn’t mean that the Bible has nothing to say on the subject. Works of fiction are in fact often used to convey opinions of all kinds, including on matters of morality.
See here, then see Here @Irukandji. He got that a long time ago. At least two of us pointed that out long before you joined this discussion.
Of course the Bible has something to say on the subject. However, we were talking specifically about the 10 Commandments.
I just thought of something. The Commandment in question, regarding polytheism, doesn’t condemn it. It actually condones it. God just says, “I’M NUMBER ONE! I’M NUMBER ONE!”
@Dutchess_III Thanks. I couldn’t have said it better, or made it more plain.
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