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flutherother's avatar

Can you express how you feel about Trump in verse?

Asked by flutherother (35039points) October 24th, 2017

The New York Times has published a few Trump inspired poems to get you started.

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16 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

How about a rhyming haiku?

Trump is a jerk, yo.
No doubt about it, oh no.
Our president, though.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

The red and blue and any other hue simply could not see the light
in the heat of their fight and with a little sleight of hand
let a little man lead the land without any foresight
Who knows where this mess will go or what it will show
I must confess my own divest and lack of saying no
for history will write that at the end of the night
the fault can be found by looking left and right.

CunningLinguist's avatar

Behold the short-fingered vulgarian
With politics authoritarian
The electorate chose
While holding its nose
To vote for a fucking barbarian

NomoreY_A's avatar

There was a new POTUS named Trump
who really enjoyed a good hump.
Thirty two women lost their virginity.
Not a bad record for the DC vicinity.

CWOTUS's avatar

Quint would be proud, @NomoreY_A.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Why isn’t there some sort of rule
that a man with the brain of a mule
must be locked in his stall
and thus spare us all
from the brays of an ignorant fool

filmfann's avatar

Donald Trump
Would take a dump
And tweet what he was feeling
He’s such a rump
A worthless frump
Why is he found appealing?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Trump the chump likes to hump
all the ladies in the rump,
but someday the public might
wake up and dump the Trump.

ragingloli's avatar

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Trump is a cunt.
And if you voted for him,
So are you.

marinelife's avatar

A haiku:

Trump is president
There is not a precedent
Fuck yourself Donald.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Trump makes me sick.
Trump is ick.
I want to hit him with a stick.
A sick stick.
An exploding stick
And a rick
Of wood.

janbb's avatar

Free verse:

Fuck you
you fucker.

Pandora's avatar

Brains of a sandflea
looks of an Orangutan
World awaits OBIT

Kardamom's avatar

Most of us voted for Hillary, but we got stuck with Trump.
Now I feel sick to my stomach, or like I’ve been kicked in the rump.

The Donald inhabits the house of the President, but an asylum is where he belongs, as a resident!

Mr. Trump is a lying sack of shit. If he is run out of office, I won’t give a wit.

flutherother's avatar

Here is my “Ode to Trump”

I’m a cheat and a bully and I’m always telling lies
I’m an atavistic monster in a presidential guise
The bible that I carry its words don’t apply to me
As I fly from Mar-a-Lago up to Washington DC.

My followers are watching and learning how to hate
They think that I am just the man to make their country great
But America is less and less the country of the free
As I fly from Mar-a-Lago up to Washington DC.

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