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ragingloli's avatar

Pet owners: At what level of desperation would you decide to cook and eat your pet?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) October 29th, 2017

Or would you rather starve to death?
What about your, presumably, human partner?

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13 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Does your species eat its own?

ragingloli's avatar

That is how we procreate.

Soubresaut's avatar

I guess if I was starving, he had already died, and I had reason to believe that the sustenance I get from his body would be enough to get me out of whatever predicament I’m in—and I wouldn’t survive otherwise (whether I need a few more days to be rescued, or that much more energy to make it to a populated area, etc.). Then maybe. Same with human partner. (And if we’re going there, I’d probably ask them to eat me if I die first and they need my meat to survive).

johnpowell's avatar

It is funny you ask this. When I got my fish they were tiny. Now they are at the point where Bear Grylls would consider them a solid meal.

And I will never starve. I will eat your cat and you before I would eat my fish. But I promise something is on the menu if the apocalypse takes out all the Pizza Huts.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yeah. I’d rather eat other people (strangers anyway, )than my pets.

More to the point, I guess it would take some pretty cataclysmic circumstances. But I’d eat my pets, if I had to.

It’s all in the sauce :)

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

My chihuahua would provide little more meat than a medium sized squirrel. They are so plentiful in the area I don’t think it would ever come to that.

Brian1946's avatar

I have a pet salmon named Grilled. I’d have to go at least 3 hours without food before I ate it, I mean him, or whatever sex it is. ;-)

Zaku's avatar

I’d rather starve than kill a pet for food. If the pet happened to be dead already, and I was starving and had no other way to get food, and someone else would prepare it (I have zero skinning/cleaning skills), then maybe.

johnpowell's avatar

Idealism is so cute.

jonsblond's avatar

We’ve discussed this and we know we’ll eat Bear before Spot. You should see Bear’s thighs! This dog is 70+ lbs.

Jeruba's avatar

You surprise me, @ragingloli. Cook it?

tinyfaery's avatar

I’d kill myself if it got that bad. Really. Killing myself is not that big of a deal.

Yellowdog's avatar

Agreed with Tinyfaery— I would kill myself first— actually probably would euthanize my pet and myself. Our relations with our companion animals would not make eating a pet an option.

Mercy killings and euthanasia—yes.
Eating your pet? That’s like eating your child, lover, parents, etc etc.

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