Social Question

janbb's avatar

Do you use a roll of stamps from the outside in or the inside out?

Asked by janbb (63391points) October 30th, 2017

I go from the inside out but am trying to decide if this is most efficient. I discard the white paper the stamps come off of as I go.

(Humor happily accepted.)

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47 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m kicking myself for having bought “a roll” of US postage stamps however many years ago it was that I last did that. I barely use the things any more. By the time I get around to finishing the roll (or my heirs do) no one will any longer recall who those people are that are portrayed on them. For all I know, it could be a different country by the time that roll is exhausted. (To say nothing of all the 1¢, 2¢, 5¢ and 8¢ stamps I still have kicking around to go with the 34¢, 36¢, 37¢ and 40¢ stamps I also have.)

janbb's avatar

I guess some of us still use them for stuff.

canidmajor's avatar

I don’t use rolls of stamps, I buy sheets of cute pet stamps, then I tailor the choice of animal to the recipient. The IRS gets snakes, the medical insurance people get rats, the water company gets (predictably) a fish, and so on.
I turn bill-paying into a kindergarten matching game.

And none of this in any way answers your Q.

janbb's avatar

That’s ok. It’s just a question for question’s sake.

zenvelo's avatar

If and when I ever use stamps off a roll, I go from the outside in to the center, just like on a roll of toilet paper.

Using the innermost stamp means pulling it out of the center, and then you have to tuck it all away or else the roll gets all crazy.

ucme's avatar

Groucho Marx answer… Depends which way the queen is facing.

canidmajor's avatar

@zenvelo, I think it’s pretty obvius that the Little Penguin likes “crazy”!

janbb's avatar

Crazy stamps make my day!!

But seriously, if you do it from the outside in, you lose the tape that is holding the roll together and doesn’t that get crazy?

It’s a puzzlement to me.

zenvelo's avatar

^^^^^^^Hold the coil of stamps in place with a rubber band. Or use a dispenser.

janbb's avatar

But that defeats the porpoise, dolphin it?

zenvelo's avatar

@janbb I hope you’re not fishing for compliments using sea mammals. That would be a bit of a fluke.

canidmajor's avatar

I’m floundering around here trying to keep up…

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

They are correctly used by removing the tape and placing the roll in a lovely dispenser such as the silver one my grandmother had. You then pull the tape out to retrieve a stamp at a time to use appropriately or to decorate your grandmother’s desk, until she discovers it and finds another way to distract you.

janbb's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake True, they used to have those dispensers, didn’t they?

Oy, I’m getting a haddock!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Oh! for the halibut!

I forgot to mention these were, of course, stamps that required licking. Never fear! My grandmother had a small porcelain thing with a roller that you could put water in the bottom of. As the roller turned, it brought a bit of water up to the top, and you used it to wet the stamp.

Dutchess_III's avatar

How do you use it from the inside out?

I use it from the outside in, tearing the white paper off after every 3 or 4 stamps…back when I used to use stamps.

zenvelo's avatar

@janbb You sure are doing a lot of sole searching!

I better clam up now.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@zenvelo There’s a lot of carping going on here.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I buy sheets with “Forever” stamps on the front and back. (Twenty total stamps)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Tropical_Willie You’ll flounder on this thread with sheets of stamps. We’re rolling like ocean currents.

janbb's avatar

Mine are forever stamps too which is why I buy a roll. I pay my bills online but there are cards or checks I need to send.

Cod anyone kelp me out here?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Well don’t get all “fish sticks” about it. They have glue already on them.

zenvelo's avatar

@janbb you don’t have to use a stamp if it is sent COD.

janbb's avatar

@zenvelo Very clever, you must be taking fish oil.

And hasn’t anyone seen how fishy it is that the Penguin has turned this OP into a fish pun (fish pund) war? YUM!

canidmajor's avatar

I beta you can figure trout how to deal with the stamps. You’re a pretty shark little penguin!

janbb's avatar

I’ll bet you had a whale of a time composing that. Are you fin-ished yet or do you have the gill to post more? I’ll rest here on my perch until you do.

(And maybe finish my book by Salmon Rushdie.)

canidmajor's avatar

Nah, that was all I got! I ruptured a few things twisting that up… ;-)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

All these clever people are making me jelly.

Muad_Dib's avatar

I got the Jimi Hendrix sheet. He lives on my refrigerator. I’ll go left to right, top to bottom because that makes sense.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Muad_Dib My herring was permanently affected by listening to Hendrix at full volume. Too much bass, too.

janbb's avatar

Because it’s all about the bass, no flounder.

filmfann's avatar

I buy them in sheets.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Oh! These poor lost soles stepping into this question without first reading the thread.

(I fully realize that’s a repeat. I claim poetic license.)

janbb's avatar

Aw – stop crabbing!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

In my School of Fish; there is an Angel fish that keeps staring at me. Do you think she likes ME?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Last night, I smelt something odd when I dreamt of the ocean. What does it mean?

zenvelo's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake In your sleep, you had an “ahi” moment!

janbb's avatar

@zenvelo Don’t mako too much of it.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Ono! They’re on to me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Clam up y’all. Ya making tuna noise!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

They were going to start a rock-n-band but nobody could tuna guitar.

janbb's avatar

Mahi Mahi, this is quite the thread.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Well, that’s humuhumunukunukuapua`a.

janbb's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake I think you talk like that when you want to get lei’d.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Mai tai correct.

(I’m reaching.)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Ya @Hawaii_Jake
That was reel-ly, fishing for a connection to @janbb ‘s answer.

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