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flutherother's avatar

Have you heard about the tunnel collapse at North Korea's nuclear test facility?

Asked by flutherother (35038points) October 31st, 2017

Reporting on events in North Korea is difficult but it seems there has a been a major incident at the Punggye-ri site earlier this month with possibly hundreds of casualties.

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8 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

The reports I saw this morning were attempts to provide further information to what was reported at the time of their last nuclear test in early September. The tunnel collapse was reported at that time. This morning’s report stated that more than 200 people were killed in the collapse.

I take all news from North Korea with a gain of salt.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yeah. Hard to believe what filters all the way here, from NK. If anything, there were probably more casualties than reported.

China is concerned, because their (NK) mountain used for nuclear weapons testing, is dangerously unstable following the detonations of the nukes underground. If the mountain collapses, radioactive material will leak into the air, and possibly affect China. The test mountain is very close to China’s southern boarder.

One thing about North Korea that I do know, is I feel sorry for the civilian population there. I hope that one day, they will rise up and take their country from the oppressive tyrant they currently endure.

janbb's avatar

Yes – it was reported here.

kritiper's avatar

I haven’t heard of it yet but eagerly await news.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@MrGrimm888 “The test mountain is very close to China’s southern boarder.”

Fairly close to Vladivostok, Russia (a significant port city and home to Russia’s Pacific fleet) as well.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Correct. I wish Putin cared. I think he prefers the instability that NK causes, over the safety of any of his people. The more to distract the world from their actions.

Obama started the “Asian pivot” of our Navy. Trump has stomped the gas on a slower, more methodical military build up, that was initially intended to reign in Chinese aggression in the SCS (South China Sea.)
NK’s behavior has also allowed the US to excuse placing weaponry closer to Russia. Something Putin hates. Again, I think he prefers the instability over his country’s interests though. I’m sure he would love a war involving the US on the Korean Peninsula. The bloodier, the better. He enjoys having an appearance of moral high ground. An already war weary America would be even more hesitant to keep him in check.

I’m fairly certain that Putin has his eyes on some real estate in Eastern Europe. He’s just waiting for the right moment. A big conflict between the US, and NK, could provide him a window of opportunity to make a play. He hasn’t been building all those tanks for a war with North Korea…

filmfann's avatar

11 days ago I read this, which says a mountain in North Korea was suffering from “tired mountain syndrome”, meaning repeated nuclear blasts and radiation exposure has weakened the mountain to the brink of collapse, which would result in a large radiation release.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yes. That’s what I was referring to.

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